Renderer Attributes

For an overview about Renderers, see General Information. For a list of all Renderer functions and related topics, see Renderers.

The renderer attributes are listed in the Renderer Attributes Table. They are set with the PEXChangeRendererExtAttributes function, and also can be specified when a renderer is created with a PEXCreateRendererWithExtAttributes function. The data structures associated with the renderer attributes are in Data Structures for Renderer Attributes.

You must use the "bitmask/value" interface to specify renderer attributes when using the PEXChangeRendererExtAttributes, PEXCreateRendererWithExtAttributes, or PEXGetRendererExtAttributes functions. You specify a bitmask that indicates which attributes you wish to set, change, or get. The size of the bitmask accepted by these functions is two words, as opposed to the single word masks used in older PEXlib functions. This change means that you can no longer pass the bitmask itself in these functions; you must pass a pointer to a multi-word bitmask. Note also, that the definition of the bitmask constants (the PEXRXA* symbols below) are no longer bitmasks, but are shift values. You should now use the PEXSetRendererExtAttributeMask function to set up bitmasks. You complete the "value" portion of the interface by putting the values you want to change in the PEXRendererAttributes data structure.

If a renderer attempts to read a value from a lookup table which has a resource ID of None(0), then the fallback attributes for the lookup table are used, except as noted in the individual descriptions of the lookup tables below. If a renderer attempts to read a value from a name set which has a resource ID of None, then the result is as if the name set exists but is empty. If the renderer's pipeline context attribute contains the resource ID of None, then the default values for the pipeline context are copied to the renderer's pipeline state during renderer initialization. If you wish to modify a reference to a resource to indicate that no resource is to be referenced, use the special resource identifier None.

Renderer Attributes Table (Continued)
Bitmask Value                 Member Name                  Default Value                PEX
PEXRXABackgroundColor         background_color        {PEXColorTypeIndexed, 0}        (5.1)
PEXRXAClearAlpha              clear_alpha             False                           (5.2)
PEXRXAClearImage              clear_image             False                           (5.1)
PEXRXAClearZ                  clear_z                 True                            (5.1)
PEXRXAClearZValue             clear_z_value           0.0                             (5.2)
PEXRXAClipList                clip_list               Null                            (5.0)
PEXRXAColorApproxTable        color_approx_table      None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAColorTable              color_table             None                            (5.0)
PEXRXACurrentPath             current_path            Null                            (5.0)
PEXRXADataMappingTable        data_mapping_table      None                            (5.2)
PEXRXADepthCueTable           depth_cue_table         None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAEchoColor               echo_color              implementation-dependent        (5.2)
PEXRXAEchoMethod              echo_method             implementation-dependent        (5.2)
PEXRXAEchoMode                echo_mode               PEXNoEcho                       (5.1)
PEXRXAEdgeBundle              edge_bundle             None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAExtentSizeTable         extent_size_table       None                            (5.2)
PEXRXAHighlightExcl           highlight_excl          None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAHighlightIncl           highlight_incl          None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAHighlightTable          highlight_table         None                            (5.2)
PEXRXAHLHSRMode               hlhsr_mode              PEXOff                          (5.0)
PEXRXAInteriorBundle          interior_bundle         None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAInvisibilityExcl        invisibility_excl       None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAInvisibilityIncl        invisibility_incl       None                            (5.0)
PEXRXALightTable              light_table             None                            (5.0)
PEXRXALineBundle              line_bundle             None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAMarkerBundle            marker_bundle           None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAMarkerGlyphTable        marker_glyph_table      None                            (5.2)
PEXRXANPCSubVolume            npc_subvolume           {(0.0,0.0,0.0),(1.0,1.0,1.0)}   (5.0)
PEXRXAPatternTable            pattern_table           None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAPHIGSInteriorBundle     phigs_interior_bundle_mode   False                      (5.2)
PEXRXAPickExcl                pick_excl               None                            (5.1)
PEXRXAPickIncl                pick_incl               None                            (5.1)
PEXRXAPickStartPath           pick_start_path         Null                            (5.1)
PEXRXAPipelineContext         pipeline_context        None                            (5.0)
PEXRXAPixelColorMode          pixel_color_mode        PEXOff                          (5.2)
PEXRXARendererState           renderer_state          PEXIdle                         (5.0)
PEXRXATextBundle              text_bundle             None                            (5.0)
PEXRXATextFontTable           text_font_table         None                            (5.0)
PEXRXATextureMappingTable     texture_mapping_table   None                            (5.2)
PEXRXATransparencyMethod      transparency_method     implementation-dependent        (5.2)
PEXRXATransparencyThresholds  transparency_thresholds {1, 1.0}                        (5.2)
PEXRXAViewport                viewport                {imp. dep., imp. dep., True}    (5.0)
PEXRXAViewTable               view_table              None                            (5.0)

Renderer Attribute Descriptions

The complete list of renderer attributes is listed in the Renderer Attributes Table.