The HLHSR mode indicates the hidden line/hidden surface method to use during rendering. PEXlib defines the following HLHSR modes:

Draws all output primitives in the order they are processed. No attempt is made to remove hidden surfaces. The Z-buffer is not modified even if present. (5.0)

Resolves visibility at each pixel using a depth or Z-buffering technique. The Z-buffering method and the number of bits of precision in the z values is drawable-dependent. (5.0)

PEXHLHSRPainters -
Buffers output primitives as they are processed. When an "end rendering" occurs with flush set to True, the primitives in the buffer are sorted based on the average depth and rendered back-to-front. (5.0)

PEXHLHSRScanline -
Buffers output primitives as they are received. When an "end rendering" occurs with flush set to True, the primitives in the buffer are sorted and visibility is computed in scan line order. (5.0)

PEXHLHSRHiddenLineOnly -
Draws only visible lines. Output primitives may be buffered as they are received. When an "end rendering" occurs with flush set to True, the primitives in the buffer are sorted and hidden line computation is performed. (5.0)

PEXHLHSRZBufferId - The same method as for Z-Buffer, but the pipeline state's HLHSR identifier determines which primitives HLHSR applies to. (5.1)

The complete list of renderer attributes is listed in the Renderer Attributes Table.

For an overview about Renderers, see General Information. For a list of all Renderer functions and related topics, see Rendering.