Renderer State

The renderer state attribute holds the current state of the renderer, either PEXIdle, PEXRendering, PEXPicking or PEXMultipassRendering. The state is set to PEXRendering by a PEXBeginRendering request and is subsequently set to PEXIdle by a PEXEndRendering request or certain error conditions (described in the requests that potentially raise those conditions). It also has the value PEXRendering while a PEXRenderNetwork request is in progress, but cannot be inquired during the traversal or processing of the request. The renderer state is set to PEXPicking by PEXBeginPickOne and PEXBeginPickAll requests, and subsequently to PEXIdle by PEXEndPickOne or PEXEndPickAll requests or certain error conditions. It also has the value PEXPicking during PEXPickOne or PEXPickAll requests. It is set to PEXMultipassRendering by PEXInitMultipass, and subsequently to PEXRendering by the final PEXNextPass or PEXNextPassWithoutReply which completes the multipass rendering. (See also Multipass Rendering.)

You cannot explicitly set this attribute. You can only inquire this attribute.

The following figure illustrates a state transition diagram that shows the possible renderer state transitions. Each state is represented by an ellipse, with the directional lines indicating state transitions caused by various renderer functions. The requests illustrated in italics indicate transitions that generate renderer state errors.

The picking state has two "sub-states", pick one and pick all. Renderer state errors also occur when mismatching these two sub-states, as when entering picking state with a PEXBeginPickOne request and then leaving with an PEXEndPickAll request. These sub-states, transitions, and errors are not shown, for clarity.

The complete list of renderer attributes is listed in the Renderer Attributes Table.

For an overview about Renderers, see General Information. For a list of all Renderer functions and related topics, see Rendering.