General Information about Pipeline Contexts

For an overview and for a list of pipeline context functions, see Pipeline Contexts.

Topics include:

A pipeline context is a PEX resource containing an instance of the set of attributes which describe a rendering pipeline state. Although many pipeline context resources may exist, at any particular time at most one is associated with a particular renderer. A pipeline context is associated with a renderer by setting the renderer's pipeline context attribute to the resource ID of the pipeline context. The attributes in the pipeline context associated with a renderer are used to initialize the renderer's pipeline state whenever one of the following functions are invoked:

If no pipeline context is associated with a renderer, the renderer uses the default values listed below to initialize the pipeline state. The PEXCopyPCToPipelineState function differs slightly in that it modifies a renderer's pipeline state according to the contents of a pipeline context that is not necessarily the one associated with the renderer.

This pipeline context section describes pipeline context attributes and the operations that you can perform on pipeline context resources.

Some of the attributes in a pipeline context are references to other resources. If you create a resource and put its identifier in a pipeline context attribute, and then free that resource, then the implementation returns the value PEXAlreadyFreed as the resource identifier of the freed resource as the result of a query of that pipeline context attribute. The freed resource continues to exist as long as it continues to be referenced, either by the pipeline context or another resource.

If you wish to modify a reference to a resource to indicate that no resource is to be referenced, use the special resource identifier None.

Since each pipeline context attribute has a corresponding Output Command that modifies the same pipeline state attribute, look for the detailed description of the OC and pipeline context attribute in Output Attribute Functions. In many cases, the data format used in the output command is very similar to the data format used in the pipeline context.

The following table contains the bitmask values you use with the PEXSetPCAttributeMask function, the member names of the corresponding values in the PEXPCAttributes5_2 structure, and the default values that the pipeline context contains when you create one. Note that functions that use the PEXPCAttributes structure have two forms, one for PEXlib 5.1 and another for PEXlib 5.2. This is required because of changes in size of several data types used in the PEXPCAttributes structure. You must use the 5.2 form of the functions along with the 5.2 form of the data structure (PEXPCAttributes5_2) unless you are working entirely with data defined in PEX 5.0 or 5.1.

Pipeline Context Member Names and Default Values
Bitmask Value                  Member Name                         Default Value                  PEX
PEXPCActiveTextures            active textures                       {}                           (5.2)
PEXPCAll                       all bits for items prior to PEX     imp-dep                        (5.2)
PEXPCAll5_2                    all bits for items defined up to    imp-dep                        (5.2)
                               and including PEX 5.2 
PEXPCAlphaBlendFunction        alpha_blend_function                PEXAlphaBlendNone              (5.2)
PEXPCATextAlignment            atext_alignment                    {PEXVAlignNormal,               (5.0)
PEXPCATextHeight               atext_height                        0.01                           (5.0)
PEXPCATextPath                 atext_path                          PEXPathRight                   (5.0)
PEXPCATextStyle                atext_style                         PEXATextNotConnected           (5.0)
PEXPCATextUpVector             atext_up_vector                     <0.0, 1.0>                     (5.0)
PEXPCASFValues                 asf_enables, asf_values(a) {all selected, all PEXIndividual}     (5.0)
PEXPCBFActiveTextures          bf_active_textures                  {}                             (5.2)
PEXPCBFDataMappingIndex        bf_data_mapping_index               1                              (5.2)
PEXPCBFDataMappingMethod       bf_data_mapping_method              {PEXDMMNone, n/a}              (5.2)
PEXPCBFInteriorBundleIndex     bf_interior_bundle_index            1                              (5.2)
PEXPCBFInteriorStyle           bf_interior_style                   PEXInteriorStyleHollow         (5.0)
PEXPCBFInteriorStyleIndex      bf_interior_style_index             1                              (5.0)
PEXPCBFReflectanceBundleIndex  bf_reflectance_bundle_index         1                              (5.2)
PEXPCBFReflectionAttributes    bf_reflection_attr                  {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,      (5.0)
                                                                   {PEXColorTypeIndexed, 1}}
PEXPCBFRelectionModel          bf_reflection_model                 PEXRMNone                      (5.0)
PEXPCBFSurfaceColor            bf_surface_color                    {PEXColorTypeIndexed, 1}       (5.0)
PEXPCBFSurfaceInterp           bf_surface_interp                   PEXSurfaceInterpNone           (5.0)
PEXPCCharExpansion             char_expansion                      1.0                            (5.0)
PEXPCCharHeight                char_height                         0.01                           (5.0)
PEXPCCharSpacing               char_spacing                        0.0                            (5.0)
PEXPCCharUpVector              char_up_vector                      <0.0, 1.0>                     (5.0)
PEXPCColorApproxIndex          color_approx_index                  0                              (5.0)
PEXPCConditionFlags            condition_flags                     none set                       (5.2)
PEXPCCullingMode               culling_mode                        PEXNone                        (5.0)
PEXPCCurveApprox               curve_approx                        {1, n/a}                       (5.0)
PEXPCDataMappingIndex          data_mapping_index                  1                              (5.2)
PEXPCDataMappingMethod         data_mapping_method                 {PEXDMMNone, n/a}              (5.2)
PEXPCDepthCueIndex             depth_cue_index                     0                              (5.0)
PEXPCDistinguishFlag           distinguish                         False                          (5.0)
PEXPCDrawingFunction           drawing_function                    GXcopy                         (5.2)
PEXPCEdgeBundleIndex           edge_bundle_index                   1                              (5.0)
PEXPCGlobalTransform           global_transform                    Identity                       (5.0)
PEXPCGlobalTransformHints      global_transform_hints              PEXNone                        (5.2)
PEXPCHighlightIndex            highlight_index                     1                              (5.2)
PEXPCHLHSRIdentifier           hlhsr_id                            PEXHLHSRIDDisable              (5.0)
PEXPCInteriorBundleIndex       interior_bundle_index               1                              (5.0)
PEXPCInteriorStyle             interior_style                      PEXInteriorStyleHollow         (5.0)
PEXPCInteriorStyleIndex        interior_style_index                1                              (5.0)
PEXPCLightState                light_state                         {}                             (5.0)
PEXPCLineBundleIndex           line_bundle_index                   1                              (5.0)
PEXPCLineCapStyle              line_cap_style                      PEXLineCapButt                 (5.2)
PEXPCLineColor                 line_color                          {PEXColorTypeIndexed, 1}       (5.0)
PEXPCLineJoinStyle             line_join_style                     0 (imp-dep)                    (5.2)
PEXPCLineMiterLimit            line_miter_limit                    10.0                           (5.2)
PEXPCLineType                  line_type                           PEXLineTypeSolid               (5.0)
PEXPCLineWidth                 line_width                          1.0                            (5.0)
PEXPCLocalTransform            local_transform                     Identity                       (5.0)
PEXPCLocalTransformHints       local_transform_hints               None                           (5.2)
PEXPCMarkerBundleIndex         marker_bundle_index                 1                              (5.0)
PEXPCMarkerColor               marker_color                        {PEXColorTypeIndexed, 1}       (5.0)
PEXPCMarkerScale               marker_scale                        1.0                            (5.0)
PEXPCMarkerType                marker_type                         PEXMarkerAsterisk              (5.0)
PEXPCModelClip                 model_clip                          PEXNoClip                      (5.0)
PEXPCModelClipVolume           model_clip_volume                   {}                             (5.0)
                               (and model_clip_volume 2D)
PEXPCMoreASFValues             more_asf_enables,         {all selected, all PEXIndividual}        (5.2)
PEXPCNameSet                   name_set name_set,                  None                           (5.0)
                               (and name_set)(b)
PEXPCParaSurfBundleIndex       para_surf_bundle_index              1                              (5.2)
PEXPCParaSurfChar              para_surf_char                      {PEXPSCNone, n/a}              (5.0)
PEXPCPatternRefPoint           pattern_ref_point                   {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}                (5.0)
                               (and pattern_ref_point 2D)
PEXPCPatternRefVec1            pattern_ref_vec1                    <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>                (5.0)
                               (and pattern_ref_vec1 2D)
PEXPCPatternRefVec2            pattern_ref_vec2                    <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>                (5.0)
                               (and pattern_ref_vec2 2D)
PEXPCPatternSize               pattern_size                        <1.0, 1.0>                     (5.0)
PEXPCPickID                    pick_id                             0                              (5.0)
PEXPCPlaneMask                 plane_mask                          AllPlanes                      (5.2)
PEXPCPolylineInterp            polyline_interp                     PEXPolylineInterpNone          (5.0)
PEXPCPrimAntialiasing          primitive_antialiasing              {imp-dep, 0 (imp-dep)}         (5.2)
PEXPCReflectanceBundleIndex    reflectance_bundle_index            1                              (5.2)
PEXPCReflectionAttr            reflection_attr                     {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0,0,      (5.0)
                                                                   {PEXColorTypeIndexed, 1}}
PEXPCReflectionModel           reflection_model                    PEXRMNone                      (5.0)
PEXPCRenderingColorModel       rendering_color_model               0 (imp-dep)                    (5.0)
PEXPCSequentialProcessing      sequential_processing               PEXOn                          (5.2)
PEXPCSurfaceApprox             surface_approx                      {1 (imp-dep), 1.0, 1.0}        (5.0)
PEXPCSurfaceColor              surface_color                       {PEXColorTypeIndexed, 1}       (5.0)
PEXPCSurfaceEdgeColor          surface_edge_color                  {PEXColorTypeIndexed, 1}       (5.0)
PEXPCSurfaceEdgeFlag           surface_edges                       PEXOff                         (5.0)
PEXPCSurfaceEdgeType           surface_edge_type                   PEXSurfaceEdgeSolid            (5.0)
PEXPCSurfaceEdgeWidth          surface_edge_width                  1.0                            (5.0)
PEXPCSurfaceInterp             surface_interp                      PEXSurfaceInterpNone           (5.0)
PEXPCTextAlignment             text_alignment                      {PEXVAlignNormal,              (5.0)
PEXPCTextBundleIndex           text_bundle_index                   1                              (5.0)
PEXPCTextColor                 text_color                          {PEXIndexed, 1}                (5.0)
PEXPCTextFont                  text_font                           1                              (5.0)
PEXPCTextPath                  text_path                           PEXPathRight                   (5.0)
PEXPCTextPrecision             text_precision                      PEXStringPrecision             (5.0)
PEXPCTMPerspectiveCorrection   tm_perspective_correction           imp-dep                        (5.2)
PEXPCTMResourceHints           tm_resource_hints                   {PEXTMResourceHintNone,        (5.2)
                                                                    {} }
PEXPCTMSampleFrequency         tm_sample_frequency                 PEXTMSampleFrequencyPixel      (5.2)
PEXPCVertexOrder               vertex_order                        PEXRighthand                   (5.2)
PEXPCViewIndex                 view_index                          0                              (5.0)
PEXPCZBufferTest               z_buffer_test                       imp-dep                        (5.2)

In a pipeline state, all aspect source flags are always enabled. Therefore the function PEXGetPipelineContext returns all of the aspect source flags via the asf_values and more_asf_values members of the PC attribute data structure.

When a pipeline state is initialized from a pipeline context, the contents of the name set are copied, not the resource identifier of the name set. In a pipeline state, the name set is stored as a list of names.

ASF Handling in the Pipeline Context for PEXlib 5.2

For an overview, see Pipeline Contexts.

With the increased number of ASF's in PEX 5.2, two full words are required to store the value flags and two full words are required to store the enable flags in the pipeline context. Therefore, the bitmasks defined for PEXlib 5.1 in PEXOCCSetIndividualASF are no longer adequate for setting ASF enable or value bits in PEXlib 5.2. There are two new ASF data members in the PC attributes data structure that you should use for PEXlib 5.2 applications:

   PEXBitmask      more_asf_enables[2];
   PEXBitmask      more_asf_values[2];

PEXlib 5.2 provides a new set of defined constants that represent the shift value for these bitmasks for each ASF. The algorithm for setting a bit for a given ASF is as follows:

   pcattrs.more_asf_enables[X/32] |= 1L << X % 32;

where pcattrs is an instance of a PEXPCAttributes data structure and X is one of the constants defined below.
