PEXOCCSetIndividualASF - Set Individual Aspect Source Flags (5.0)


   void PEXOCCSetIndividualASF(
        PEXOCC context,
        unsigned long attribute,
        int asf

   void PEXSetIndividualASF(
        Display *display,
        XID resource_id,
        PEXOCRequestType req_type,
        unsigned long attribute,
        int asf


An OC context returned by a successful PEXCreateOCC call.

display (OCC)
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful XOpenDisplay call.

resource_id (OCC)
The resource identifier of the renderer or structure.

req_type (OCC)
The request type for the output command (PEXOCRender, PEXOCStore, PEXOCRenderSingle or PEXOCStoreSingle).

The ASF attribute name (see the table below).

The aspect source flag value (PEXIndividual or PEXBundled).




Invoke PEXOCCSetIndividualASF to create an attribute output command which sets the aspect source flag for a single, individual attribute in the renderer's pipeline state.

ASF Attributes and their corresponding tables and functions
ASF attribute Name             Bundle Table                     Individual Attribute                 PEX
PEXASFBFDataMappingMethod      Data Mapping Table      PEXOCCSetBFDataMappingMethod             (5.2)
PEXASFBFInteriorStyle          Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetBFInteriorStyle                  (5.0)
PEXASFBFInteriorStyleIndex     Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetBFInteriorStyleIndex            (5.0)
PEXASFBFReflectionAttr         Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetBFReflectionAttributes           (5.0)
PEXASFBFReflectionModel        Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetBFReflectionMode                 (5.0)
PEXASFBFSurfaceColor           Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetBFSurfaceColor                    (5.0)
                                                                                     (also: PEXOCCSetBFSurfaceColorIndex)
PEXASFBFSurfaceInterp          Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetBFSurfaceInterpMethod           (5.0)
PEXASFCharExpansion            Text Bundle Table       "PEXOCCSetCharExpansion            (5.0)
PEXASFCharSpacing              Text Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetCharSpacing                       (5.0)
PEXASFCurveApprox              Line Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetCurveApprox                       (5.0)
PEXASFDataMappingMethod        Data Mapping Table      PEXOCCSetDataMappingMethod                (5.2)
PEXASFInteriorStyle            Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetInteriorStyle                     (5.0)
PEXASFInteriorStyleIndex       Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetInteriorStyleIndex               (5.0)
PEXASFLineCapStyle             Line Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetLineCapStyle                     (5.2)
PEXASFLineColor                Line Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetLineColor                         (5.0)
                                                                                     (also: PEXOCCSetLineColorIndex)
PEXASFLineJoinStyle            Line Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetLineJoinStyle                    (5.2)
PEXASFLineType                 Line Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetLineType                          (5.0)
PEXASFLineWidth                Line Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetLineWidth                         (5.0)
PEXASFMarkerColor              Marker Bundle Table     PEXOCCSetMarkerColor                       (5.0)
                                                                                     (also: PEXOCCSetMarkerColorIndex)
PEXASFMarkerScale              Marker Bundle Table     PEXOCCSetMarkerScale                       (5.0)
PEXASFMarkerType               Marker Bundle Table     PEXOCCSetMarkerType                        (5.0)
PEXASFParaSurfCharacteristics  Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetParaSurfCharacteristics          (5.2)
PEXASFPolylineInterp           Line Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetPolylineInterpMethod             (5.0)
PEXASFReflectionAttr           Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetReflectionAttributes              (5.0)
PEXASFReflectionModel          Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetReflectionModel                   (5.0)
PEXASFSurfaceApprox            Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetSurfaceApprox                     (5.0)
PEXASFSurfaceColor             Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetSurfaceColor                      (5.0)
                                                                                     (also: PEXOCCSetSurfaceColorIndex)
PEXASFSurfaceEdgeColor         Edge Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetSurfaceEdgeColor                 (5.0)
PEXASFSurfaceEdgeType          Edge Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetSurfaceEdgeType                  (5.0)
PEXASFSurfaceEdgeWidth         Edge Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetSurfaceEdgeWidth                 (5.0)
PEXASFSurfaceEdges             Edge Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetSurfaceEdgeFlag                  (5.0)
PEXASFSurfaceInterp            Interior Bundle Table   PEXOCCSetSurfaceInterpMethod              (5.0)
PEXASFTextColor                Text Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetTextColor                         (5.0)
                                                                                     (also: PEXOCCSetTextColorIndex)
PEXASFTextFontIndex            Text Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetTextFontIndex                    (5.0)
PEXASFTextPrec                 Text Bundle Table       PEXOCCSetTextPrecision                    (5.0)

Use the aspect source flag (asf argument) to specify the source of the corresponding attribute's value. PEXlib defines the following aspect source flag values:

PEXIndividual -
obtains the attribute's value directly from the pipeline state. (5.0)

PEXBundled -
uses the attribute's value from its corresponding bundle table. Set the bundle table indices in the pipeline state to specify which entry of the bundle table to use. The bundle table indices include:

and additionally if the renderer's PHIGS interior bundle mode is set to True:


If you do not set the aspect source flag to PEXBundled or PEXIndividual, or if you specify an undefined value for the attribute argument, then the implementation issues a BadPEXOutputCommand error.

The aspect source flags attribute is a member of the global attribute set.


The output command contains an invalid value.

The specified renderer resource identifier is invalid.

The specified structure resource identifier is invalid.

See Also

For an overview and for a list of output attribute functions, see Output Attribute Functions.