Put your logo here!


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


3270 Client 1
3278 Client 1
5250 Client 1
7-bit fonts, remapping the keyboard 1
8-bit mode, Tek220 sessions 1


add_lat_group_codes 1
alt_printscreen 1
Analog Video Player, downloading and starting 1, 2
Audio Mixer, downloading and starting 1, 2
Audio Player, downloading and starting 1, 2
Audio Server
arguments 1
Audio Server, downloading and starting 1, 2
authorize command 1


backing_store 1
baud_rate_0 1
baud_rate_1 1
bdelay command 1
black_pixel 1
bmethod command 1
command 1
configuration 1
menu 1
xp_boothost 1
Boot Monitor 1
using the boot monitor in diagnostics 1
Boot Monitor Commands
Authorize 1
BAfrom 1
BDelay 1
BMethod 1
Boot 1
BPath 1, 2
Dnode 1
Erase 1
Etherstat 1
Help 1
IAddr 1
IGate 1
IHost 1
IMask 1
Keyid 1
Kfile 1
Lanspeed 1
Mtu 1
NAtion 1
NVfactory 1
NVLoad 1
NVSave 1
Ping 1
Report 1
Reset 1
SELftest 1
Tokenstat 1
Boot ROM version 1, 2
boot_config_type 1
boot_delay 1
boot_host_name 1
boot_method 1
boot_path 1
bpath command 1, 2
broadcast_address 1
Browser parameters
default_file_access 1
default_file_host 1
default_file_path 1
kiosk mode 1


Carroll Touchscreen 1
Characters, special 1
Clear settings 1
clear_table commands 1
Client 1, 2
Client Launcher 1
Client Launcher, starting 1, 2
CLOCK, downloading and starting 1
Command line 1
Comment 1
Compose sequences 1, 2, 3
Configuration summaries menu 1
remote console 1
Console, remote 1
console_pages 1
control_alt_delete 1
core_device_type 1
Command Line Options 1
Configuring the network computer 1
Starting 1
CSLIP Configuration menu 1
cterm_menu_entry 1


Data processing keys 1
data_bits_0 1
data_bits_1 1
data_xp application 1
dec_sme_resetserver 1
default_cterm_host 1
default_domain_suffix 1
default_telnet_host 1
default_visual 1
default_windd_host 1
define_net_port 1
delay_rts_signal_0 1
delay_rts_signal_1 1
delete_lat_group_codes 1
determine_address_from 1
dhcp 1
Diacritical sequences 1
Diagnostics 1
extended self-test 1
kernel self-test 1
Digital Video Player, downloading and starting 1, 2
Direct serial port access 1
disable_lpd_authhost 1
disable_net_to_port 1
Display Access table 1
display_access_table 1
Distributed computing 1
dnode command 1
dns_retries 1
dns_timeout 1
do_flash 1
DP mode 1
dp_mode 1
dual_display_configuration 1


Starting 1
TEK220 1, 2
TEK340 1, 2
enable_access_control 1
enable_bell_speaker 1
enable_boot_interrupt 1
enable_broadcasts 1
enable_ext_plug 1
enable_lat 1
enable_lightpen 1
enable_mouse_2 1
enable_name_service 1
enable_net_to_port 1
enable_print_spooler 1
enable_remote_logging 1
enable_tdenet 1
enable_tftp_daemon 1
enable_trigger_reboot 1
enable_xv 1
erase command 1
etherstat command 1
Extended Self-Test 1, 2


File host configuration 1
file_access_1 1
file_access_2 1
file_host_name_1 1
file_host_name_2 1
file_path_1 1
file_path_2 1
Flash Features 1
flashing the Boot ROM 1
Flash Memory 1
error messages 1
flash_console 1
flash_do_not_compress 1
flash_feature 1
flash_file 1
flow_control_0 1
flow_control_1 1
Font Directory table 1
font_cache_limit 1
French Canadian keyboard 1
Function bar 1


Gateway table 1
gateway_entry 1
gateway_table 1


help command 1
highTekXPTA 1
Host configuration 1
Host File Access menu 1
host_connect_method 1
HostMenu 1, 2
configuration 1
downloading and starting 1, 2
HostMenu, downloading and starting 1, 2
hosts.tbl 1
HTTP, downloading and starting 1, 2
hwmpeg_chunkdelay 1
hwmpeg_chunksize 1
hwmpeg_dbsize 1


iaddr command 1
ibm_menu_entry 1
IEEE command 1
igate command 1
ihost command 1
imask command 1
include command 1
include_host_access 1
Input Configuration client 1
Input Extension menu 1
input_ext_config_file_0 1
input_ext_config_file_1 1
International keyboards 1
Internet Host table 1
ip_host_entry 1
ip_host_table 1


JUS language shift mechanism 1


Katakana 1
Kernel Self-Test 1
key_map_file 1
Keyboard translation settings 1
Keyboard types 1
keyboard_language 1
keyboard_repeat_delay 1
keyboard_repeat_rate 1
keyboard_type 1
101-style 1
102-style 1
3270 keyboard 1, 2
7-bit font mapping 1
compose sequences & diacritical sequences 1
customizing keyboards 1
data processing keys 1
DECWindows keyboard differences 1
default keyboard key maps 1
disabling reboot function 1
international 1
JUS language 1
key codes 1
keyboard LEDs 1
language configuration 1
LED Indicators 1
LK401-style 1
mapping to 7-bit fonts 1
national keyboard support 1
optional keyboards 1
standard 1
Sun V keyboard 1
type 1
Unix-style 1
VT200-style 1
keyid command 1
keymap_file_list_entry 1
keysym_action_entry 1
kfile command 1
kiosk mode 1


Language 1, 2
Lanspeed 1
group codes table 1
menu 1
lat_circuit_timer 1
lat_connect_timer 1
lat_keepalive_timer 1
lat_menu_emulator 1
lat_retransmission_limit 1
lat_retransmit_timer 1
lat_service_entries 1
lat_services_table 1
Launching clients 1, 2
Level, Network computer 1
Lightpen calibration 1
lightpen_Flood 1
lightpen_Max_X 1
lightpen_Max_Y 1
lightpen_Min_X 1
lightpen_Min_Y 1
LK401 keyboard 1, 2
Load previous settings 1
Local clients 1
configuration 1
logfacility 1
loghost 1
Logicals, VMS 1
logpriority 1
Low Memory Indicator 1
Low Memory Indicator, starting 1, 2
lowTekXPTA 1


mouse terminology 1
related documentation 1
typographical conventions 1
Mapping file 1
Memory statistics 1
Memory threshold 1
Menu Bar 1
Menu Input Area 1
mib.txt file 1
Minimum memory threshold 1
Mirror test 1
Model function 1
Motif Window Manager 1
Motif Window Manager, downloading and starting 1, 2
Mouse buttons 1
mtu command 1


name_server_1 1
name_server_2 1
name_server_3 1
nation command 1, 2
Nationality 1
NAVIO, downloading and starting 1, 2
net_to_port_connections 1
net_to_port_protocol 1
NETSCAPE, downloading and starting 1, 2
NETSCAPE_LITE, downloading and starting 1, 2
tables 1
utilities menu 1
Network computer
environment 1
software 1
mount table 1
nfs_entry 1
nfs_table 1
Num Lock
enabling with xmodmap 1
nvfactory command 1
nvload command 1
saving configuration settings in 1
nvsave command 1


old_decwin_compatible 1
Optional keyboards 1
Options statistics 1


Parallel port pinouts 1
Parameter 1
parity_0 1
parity_1 1
Passwords 1
Peripheral Ports
menu 1
command 1
Ping test 1
parallel port 1
Serial port 1
pointer_control 1
pointerTekXPTA 1
Powersave feature 1
PPP Configuration 1
PPP, downloading and starting 1
ppp_app_hostaddr 1
ppp_asyncmap 1
ppp_connect_method 1
ppp_connect_string 1
ppp_dialup_number 1
ppp_disable_ac 1
ppp_disable_all 1
ppp_disable_chap 1
ppp_disable_pap 1
ppp_disconnect_string 1, 2
ppp_enable_debug 1
ppp_local_ip_addr 1
ppp_nodefaultroute 1
ppp_port 1
ppp_proxyarp 1
ppp_remotename 1
ppp_session_name 1, 2
preload command 1
primary_xdmcp_server 1
Print files and text-only 1, 2
Using the Spooler 1
printer_port_directions 1
Printing 1
Contents of an emulator window 1
data_xp 1
Defining a Print Screen key 1
local printing example 1
remote printing example 1
prtLightPen1 1
ptrAbsXPTA 1
ptrCarroll 1
ptrCustom1 1
ptrCustom2 1
ptrCustom3 1
ptrCustom4 1
ptrTridentCap 1
ptrTridentCapZ 1
ptrTridentRes 1
ptrTridentSAW 1
ptrTridentSAW2 1
Pull-down menus 1


saving configuration settings in 1
Reboot terminal with Setup 1
Redundent routers 1
Remote client 1
Remote Configuration 1, 2
boot configuration 1
Browser Parameters 1
command syntax 1
command-line 1
comment 1
direct serial port access 1
host 1
including other configuration files 1
keyboard and language 1
parameters 1
Serial Ports 1
TDEnet 1
Touch Screen 1
Remote Configuration Commands
add_lat_group_codes 1
alt_printscreen 1
backing_store 1
baud_rate_0 1
baud_rate_1 1
black_pixel 1
boot_config_type 1
boot_delay 1
boot_host_name 1
boot_method 1
boot_path 1
broadcast_address 1
clear_table 1
compose_sequences 1
console_pages 1
control_alt_delete 1
core_device_type 1
cterm_menu_entry 1
data_bits_0 1
Remote Configuration Commands (continued)
data_bits_1 1
dec_sme_resetserver 1
default_cterm_hosts 1
default_domain_suffix 1
default_host_list 1
default_telnet_host 1
default_visual 1
default_windd_host 1
define_net_port 1
delay_rts_signal_0 1
delay_rts_signal_1 1
delete_lat_group_codes 1
determine_address_from 1
disable_lpd_authhost 1
disable_net_to_port 1
display_access_table 1
dns_retries 1
dns_timeout 1
do_flash 1
dp_mode 1
dual-head 1
enable_access_control 1
enable_bell_speaker 1
enable_boot_interrupt 1
enable_broadcasts 1
enable_ext_hotplug 1
enable_lat 1
enable_lightpen 1
enable_mouse_2 1
enable_name_service 1
enable_net_to_port 1
enable_print_spooler 1
enable_remote_logging 1
enable_tdenet 1
enable_tftp_daemon 1
enable_trigger_reboot 1
enable_xshm 1
enable_xv 1
file_access_1 1
file_access_2 1
file_host_name_1 1
file_host_name_2 1
file_path_1 1
Remote Configuration Commands (continued)
file_path_2 1
flash_console 1
flash_do_not_compress 1
flash_feature 1
flash_file 1
flow_control_0 1
flow_control_1 1
font_cache_limit 1
gateway_entry 1
gateway_table 1
host_connect_method 1
hwmpeg_chunkdelay 1
hwmpeg_chunksize 1
hwmpeg_dbsize 1
ibm_menu_entry 1
include 1
input_ext_config_file_0 1
ip_host_entry 1
ip_host_table 1
key_map_file 1
keyboard_language 1
keyboard_repeat_delay 1
keyboard_repeat_rate 1
keyboard_type 1
keymap_file_list_entry 1
language 1
lat_circuit_timer 1
lat_connect_timer 1
lat_keepalive_timer 1
lat_menu_emulator 1
lat_retransmission_limit 1
lat_retransmit_timer 1
lat_service_entries 1
lat_services_table 1
lightpen_Flood 1
lightpen_Max_X 1
lightpen_Max_Y 1
lightpen_Min_X 1
lightpen_Min_Y 1
logfacility 1
loghost 1
logpriority 1
mtu 1
Remote Configuration Commands (continued)
name_server_1 1
name_server_2 1
name_server_3 1
net_to_port_connections 1
net_to_port_protocol 1
nfs_entry 1
nfs_table 1
old_decwin_compatible 1
parity_0 1
parity_1 1
pointer_control 1
ppp_app_hostaddr 1, 2
ppp_asyncmap 1
ppp_connect_method 1
ppp_connect_string 1
ppp_connect_type 1
ppp_dialup_number 1
ppp_disable_ac 1
ppp_disable_all 1
ppp_disable_chap 1
ppp_disable_pap 1
ppp_disconnect_string 1, 2
ppp_enable_debug 1
ppp_nodefaultroute 1
ppp_port 1
ppp_proxyarp 1
ppp_remotename 1
ppp_session_name 1
preload 1
primary_xdmcp_server 1
printer_port_direction 1
restricted_setup 1
retain_x_settings 1
root_depth 1
rshd_security 1
save_current_settings 1
screen_saver 1
script_variable 1, 2
secondary_xdmcp_server 1
select 1
setup_password 1
show_all_lat_services 1
show_lat_services 1
Remote Configuration Commands (continued)
slip_compression 1
slip_def_route 1
slip_dest_ip 1
slip_mask 1
slip_mtu 1
slip_serial_port 1
slip_src_ip 1
snmp_comm_list 1
snmp_trap_list 1
spooler_auth_host 1
spooler_auth_user 1
spooler_listen_port 1
spooler_local_queue 1
spooler_remote_queue 1
spooler_size 1
start_session 1
stop_bits_0 1
stop_bits_1 1
subnet_mask 1
tablet_Max_X 1
tablet_Max_Y 1
tablet_Min_X 1
tablet_Min_Y 1
tde_host_entry 1
tde_host_table 1
tdenet_connect_timer 1
tdenet_enable 1
tdenet_hello_timer 1
tdenet_inactivity_timer 1
tdenet_mop_id_timer 1
tdenet_retransmit_limit 1
tdenet_terminal_address 1
tdenet_terminal_name 1
Tek Login 1
tek220_answerback 1
tek220_autorepeat 1
tek220_autowrap 1
tek220_blink_cursor 1
tek220_cursor_key_mode 1
tek220_cursor_style 1
tek220_dev_attr_resp 1
tek220_emulation 1
tek220_keypad_mode 1
Remote Configuration Commands (continued)
tek220_newline_mode 1
tek220_num_col 1
tek220_rev_video 1
tek220_reverse_colors 1
tek220_user_features 1
tek340_reverse_colors 1
teklogin_close_on_connect 1
teklogin_default_session 1
teklogin_force_fullscreen_windd 1
teklogin_require_login 1
teklogin_save_passwords 1
teklogin_show_sessions_in_launcher 1
teklogin_timeout 1
tekterm_menubar 1
tekterm_resource_control 1
telnet_exit_on_logout 1
telnet_menu_entry 1
thm_broadcast 1
thm_entrybox 1
touchSc_Down_Threshold 1
touchSc_Jitter 1
touchSc_Max_X 1
touchSc_Max_Y 1
touchSc_Min_X 1
touchSc_Min_Y 1
touchSc_Up_Threshold 1
trigger_reboot_password 1
tty_abort_session_0 1
tty_abort_session_1 1
unsupported_features_warnings 1
update_authkey 1
update_bootrom 1
vendor_string 1
verbose_boot_msg 1
video_attribute_group 1
video_encoding 1
video_field_duplicate 1
video_multicast_entry 1
video_source 1
video_source_label 1
video_switch 1
video_visual_preference 1
video_volume 1
Remote Configuration Commands (continued)
video_window_position 1, 2
video_window_size 1
vms_autologin_tcpip_host 1
vms_autologin_tdenet_host 1
vms_autologin_transport 1
vms_menu_entry 1
windd_app_domain 1
windd_app_login 1
windd_app_name 1
windd_app_pass 1
windd_auto_connect 1
windd_auto_login 1
windd_auto_reconnect 1
windd_entrybox 1
windd_host_entry 1
windd_menu_entry 1
windd_menubar 1
windd_size 1
XDMCP security features 1
xdmcp_connect 1
xdmcp_keepalive 1
xdmcp_menu_entry 1
Remote Setup 1, 2
report command 1
reset command 1
Reset server 1
DEC reset server 1
Reset server, DEC 1
Restricted setup 1
fields allowing access 1, 2
restricted_setup 1
retain_x_settings 1
ROM, Boot ROM version 1
ROM, boot ROM version 1
root_depth 1
Route manager, downloading and starting 1, 2
Routers, using multiple 1
RSHD security parameter 1
starting 1
RSHD, starting 1


Save settings to NVRAM 1
Save Setup Settings to File 1, 2
save_current_settings 1
Screen Saver
SSADVT argument 1
powersave feature 1
screen_saver 1
Screensaver function 1
Script Variable Configuration 1
script_variable 1, 2
Scripting Language
Setup menu 1
Scripting language 1
command reference 1
creating a script 1
executing a script 1
language specifics 1
secondary_xdmcp_server 1
select command 1
selftest command 1
Serial port pinouts 1
Serial Ports
configuration 1
Server 1
Session Clients 1
automatically starting 1
TEK220 emulator 1
TEK3270 emulator 1
TEK3287 emulator 1
TEK340 emulator 1
Xterm 1
Setup 1, 2
clear settings function 1
compose sequences 1
display a pull-down menu 1
DP mode function 1
editing in text fields 1
key 1
keyboard type function 1
Setup 1
language function 1
level function 1
load previous settings 1
Mapping file 1
Menu Bar 1
menu bar 1
Menu Input Area 1
model function 1
moving and sizing Setup 1
nationality function 1
perform a function 1
reboot terminal 1
remote 1
Remote Setup 1
reset server 1
restricted setup function 1
save settings to a file 1
save settings to file 1
save settings to NVRAM function 1
screensaver function 1
Setup menus 1
setup password function 1
starting with the Setup key 1
starting with xpsh 1
text fields 1
toggle a setting 1
version function 1
Setup key sequences 1
Setup, downloading and starting 1, 2
setup_password 1
show_all_lat_services 1
show_lat_services 1
slip_compression 1
slip_def_route 1
slip_dest_ip 1
slip_mask 1
slip_mtu 1
slip_serial_port 1
slip_src_ip 1
SME reset server 1
host setup 1
MIB-II file 1
supported traps 1
system object identifier 1
Tektronix objects 1
SNMP configuration 1
snmp_comm_list 1
snmp_trap_list 1
local printing example 1
remote printing example 1
Spooler, printing with 1
spooler_auth_host 1
spooler_auth_user 1
spooler_listen_port 1
spooler_local_queue 1
spooler_remote_queue 1
spooler_size 1
SSADVT, downloading and starting 1, 2
start command 1
starting a user-defined client 1
start_session command 1
Statistics menu 1
stop_bits_0 1
stop_bits_1 1
subnet_mask 1
Sun V keyboard 1, 2


tablet_Max_X 1
tablet_Max_Y 1
tablet_Min_X 1
tablet_Min_Y 1
.tbl files 1
hosts.tbl 1, 2
configuration 1
menu 1
statistics 1
tde_host_entry 1
tde_host_table 1
configuration 1
host table 1
menu 1, 2
statistics 1
tdenet_connect_timer 1
tdenet_hello_timer 1
tdenet_inactivity_timer 1
tdenet_mop_id_timer 1
tdenet_retransmit_limit 1
tdenet_terminal_address 1
tdenet_terminal_name 1
TEK220 emulator 1, 2
Tek220 emulator
character attributes 1
client resources 1
setting ttys 1
starting 1
translation settings 1
tek220_answerback 1
tek220_autorepeat 1
tek220_autowrap 1
tek220_blink_cursor 1
tek220_cursor_key_mode 1
tek220_cursor_style 1
tek220_dev_attr_resp 1
tek220_emulation 1
tek220_keypad_mode 1
tek220_newline_mode 1
tek220_num_col 1
tek220_rev_video 1
tek220_reverse_colors 1
tek220_user_features 1
TEK340 emulator 1, 2
Tek340 emulator
character attributes 1
Client resources 1
starting 1
translation settings 1
tek340_answerback 1
tek340_autorepeat 1
tek340_autowrap 1
tek340_blink_cursor 1
tek340_cursor_key_mode 1
tek340_cursor_style 1
tek340_dev_attr_resp 1
tek340_emulation 1
tek340_keypad_mode 1
tek340_newline_mode 1
tek340_num_col 1
tek340_rev_video 1
tek340_reverse_ANSI_colors 1
tek340_user_features 1
TekHostMenu (HostMenu) 1
TEKLOGIN, downloading and starting 1, 2
teklogin_close_on_connect 1
teklogin_default_session 1
teklogin_force_fullscreen_windd 1
teklogin_require_login 1
teklogin_save_passwords 1
teklogin_show_sessions_in_launcher 1
teklogin_timeout 1
tekterm_menubar 1
telnet_exit_on_logout 1
telnet_menu_entry 1
terminal_name 1
terterm_resource_control 1
Text fields, editing 1
thm_broadcast 1
thm_entrybox 1
Token-Ring interface 1
tokenstat 1
Touch Screen configuration 1
touchSc_Down_Threshold 1
touchSc_Jitter 1
touchSc_Max_X 1
touchSc_Max_Y 1
touchSc_Min_X 1
touchSc_Min_Y 1
touchSc_Up_Threshold 1
Touchscreen calibration client, starting 1
keyboard modifiers 1
print screen function 1
securing the keyboard 1
string action 1
Trident Touchscreen 1
trigger_reboot_password 1
tty_abort_session_0 1
tty_abort_session_1 1


UIS, using 1
Unix integration services 1
Unix-style keyboard 1
unsupported_features_warnings 1
update_authkey 1
update_bootrom 1


vendor_string 1
verbose_boot_msg 1
Version, Network computer 1
video_attribute_group 1
video_encoding 1
video_field_duplicate 1
video_multicast_entry 1
video_source 1
video_source_label 1
video_switch 1
video_visual_preference 1
video_volume 1
video_window_position 1, 2
video_window_size 1
VMS Logicals 1
vms_autologin_tcpip_host 1
vms_autologin_tdenet_host 1
vms_autologin_transport 1
vms_menu_entry 1


WinDD, downloading and starting 1, 2
windd_app_domain 1
windd_app_login 1
windd_app_name 1
windd_app_pass 1
windd_auto_connect 1
windd_auto_login 1
windd_auto_reconnect 1
windd_entrybox 1
windd_host_entry 1
windd_menu_entry 1
windd_menubar 1
windd_size 1


X Display Manager (xdm)
HostMenu 1
X Environment
configuration 1
menu 1
X Environment configuration 1
X server 1
X System Model 1
X Window System 1
XDMCP security features 1
xdmcp_connect 1
xdmcp_keepalive 1
xdmcp_menu_entry 1
Xlock client 1
Xlock client, downloading and starting 1, 2
XMODMAP, using to remap key codes 1
XP Window Manager 1
xp_boothost 1, 2
XpressWare Window Manager, downloading and starting 1, 2
XPT/A Graphics Tablet 1