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Scripting Language
A scripting language is now available to automate network computer functions that can be started using a Tekterm session. For example, you can create a script that starts PPP, logs you onto a specific host, and opens a session window to a Windows NT or UNIX host.
The scripting language is very similar to functions used in the C language. It uses integer and string variables, flow control statements such as if, loop and goto, and special functions which can send characters on serial port or wait until a certain pattern is received on the port by setting timeouts.
The scripting language has these features:
Creating a Script
- Create a script using the rules in this section.
- Place the script in the /tekxp/boot/config/script directory.
- Add the script's name to the script_files file located in the /tekxp/boot/config/script directory.
Sample Script
There is a sample script in the /tekxp/boot/config/script directory called startup. This sample script provides examples for opening a serial session window and logging you onto a host, opening a Telnet window, and closing the serial session window. It also accesses a second sample script, named conn, which starts a CSLIP session in the open Telnet window, logs you onto a host that has sxprocess, and starts Serial Xpress. These scripts are also listed in the script_files file.
Executing a Script
To execute a script, it must be in the correct script directory. For UNIX, this is /tekxp/boot/config/script. For NT and Windows 2000 hosts, it is \tekxp\boot\config\script . The VMS location for the script is TEK$XP_CONFIG:. The script name must also be included in the script_files file in the same directory.
- Open the TekSetup client and select Configuration Summaries > Session Manager.
- Under Connection Method, select Script.
- Provide the PPP login information for the script:
- In the Script Dialog box, enter the name of the script (Start_PPP).
- Select Connect to establish the PPP connection to the PPP server.
Note: To stop a script that is currently running, click Disconnect. Remote Configuration Command
This command has been added to the remote configuration file (xp.cnf):
script_variable Command
script_variable variable_name value
This command defines variables and values used with scripts. Each network computer can use unique script variables and/or values.
variable_name specifies the name of the variable. This name can be placed in a script and then accessed when the script executes.
value specifies the value used for the variable defined above. One variable can have multiple values on different network computers. This allows you to customize network computer tasks.
In the following example, the variable is Phone, and the value is 9837813. The variable Phone can be added to a script and when encountered, the phone number 9837813 is accessed. The variable Phone can be used in different xp.cnf files on different network computers with different phone numbers as the value. This allows the network computers to use different phone numbers.
script_variable "Phone" "9837813"
Language Specifics
The language supports two types of variables; integers and strings. Internally, integers are stored as 32-bit numbers. There is no built-in limitation on string lengths. It is limited by available RAM. All variables should be declared explicitly at the beginning of the program. The scope of variables is always global. String variables are initialized to represent string of length zero.
To define a variable name, the first character must be a letter, subsequent characters can be letters or digits. No other symbols are valid. Here, a letter means a character from the set [a..z, A..Z, _] Sample valid declarations:
int xyz, abc;
str line [80], temp [20], name[75]
int _count2;Literals
There are two type of literals; string and integer. String Literal is a quoted string.
For Example, "THIS IS QUOTED TEXT" is a string literal, Examples of integer literals are -234, 336, 2, 0. You can specify escape sequences in string literals. Most of the C language sequences like '\n', '\t' are accepted. You can also specify hex values directly by '\x<dig1><dig2>'. This is a list of supported escape sequences:
'\n' : Line Feed
'\r' : Carriage Return
'\t' : Tab
'\\' : '\'
\"' : '"'
'\x<dig1><dig2>': Convert the hex value represented by <dig1><dig2>,
to corresponding byte. For example, "\x3A" converts
to ":". While specifying this sequence, both, upper-case and
lower-case letters, are treated similarly. So, "\x3A" is same
as "\x3a" or "\X3a".Operators
The scripting language supports the following arithmetic / logical / relational operators. The order of precedence is as in C language.
- : Unimary minus
! : not
* / : Multiply & divide (integer)
+ - : Plus & minus
> = < <= : Comparison operators
== != : is equal, is not equal
&& : Logical AND
|| : Logical OR
= : AssignmentProgram Definition
A program written in this scripting language consists of a list of variable declarations, followed by a list of statements. The list of declarations is optional. Variable declarations consist of string and integer declarations. A statement list, is a list of valid statements. Statements can optionally have labels.
The statements in the scripting language can be any of these:
- These are always evaluated from left to right. Expressions are combinations of literals, variables and function calls created using operators and parenthesis.
- Examples
x = 2;
x = x * 2 + (3 + y) * 5;
(x > 5 && x < 10 || y != 0)
(NvGetVar("login", login) != -1)
exit ();
strcmp ("QWERTY", "QWE");
a = atoi ("1234");
- The statements in an if block should be in curly braces. '{' and '}' and the expression associated with the condition must be in parentheses '(' and ')'. The language supports an elseif clause and an else clause. The syntax is as follows:
- if (exprn)
{ /* Brackets are compulsory */
statement list
elseif (exprn2) /* This is optional */
statement list
else /* This is optional */
statement list
}- goto ERROR; /* ERROR is a label */
- {
count = a * 3;
if ( count > 10 )
echo("count is more than ten\n");
}- loop (expression)
<statement list>
}- The statements in a loop block should be in curly braces for example, '{' and '}' and the expression associated with the condition must be in parentheses '(' and ')'. The scripting language first evaluates the expression specified. Result of the expression defines the number of iterations of the loop block. It should be noted that the expression is evaluated only once, for example, before executing any statement in the loop block. For example:
- loop (count)
{ /* Brackets are compulsory */
statement list
}- The program comes out of the current block and continues in the outer block. For example:
- loop (5)
a = a - 1;
if (a == 1)
CONTINUE: a = 4;
/* when the break statement is executed the program
* continues execution from CONTINUE: a = 4;
* statement.
*/Built-in Functions
The scripting language supports a number of built-in functions:
- strncmp, strcat, strncat, strcmp, strcpy, strncpy, strcspn, strspn, stricpy, strincpy, strlen, strstr, strtok, sprintf.
- isalpha, isupper, islower, isdigit, isspace, ispunct, isalnum, isascii, toupper, tolower, toascii, atoi, itoa.
- These functions make it possible to carry out string manipulation with ease.
- echo, echochars, sendchars, recv, await, getkeyboard, setechomode, flush, setnoechomode, getTipPort.
- These functions are used communicate with host systems and with users. Communication with host systems is through TIP, Telnet etc. Communication with user is via Tekterm window. It is possible to send/receive data to host and user using these functions.
- NvSetVar, NvGetVar, NvUpdateVars, GetTagInt, GetTagStr, SetTagStr.
- These functions are mainly useful for parameterizing scripts. Script parameters can be stored in NVRAM.
- sleep, killparent, settimeout.
Function Parameters
For most functions (e.g., NvGetVar) all parameters are mandatory. For functions await and sprintf, you can specify a variable number of parameters. In a function call, parameters can be either variables or literals. However, for some functions, certain parameters are expected to be variables (e.g., parameter s1 in strcpy(s1, s2) ). Passing a literal in such cases results in a run-time error.
Script Parameters
The previous section listed some functions which operate on NVRAM. This facility makes it possible to parameterize scripts. For example, consider the case of automating log-in operations through Telnet. Each person has a different log-in name and possibly a different host. The script accepts host name and log-in name as parameters. Setup provides a facility to define and save script parameters (under Network Tables and Utilities Menu). NvGetVar() assigns a value to a parameter. NvSetVar() sets a parameter. A subsequent call to NvUpdateVars() stores the parameter in NVRAM.
The script parameters can also be set using remote configuration commands. The syntax in the xp.cnf file is: script_variable "<variable name>" "<value>" For example, to set the parameter login to be guest:
script_variable "login" "guest"
Usage of Various Language Constructs
- str str1[22], stringvar[20];
int count;- int b, c, d;
b = c = 3;
d = -3456;- str s[15];
strcpy(s, "Hello World\n");- c == 3 // Result is zero or 1
- c * 3 + d // Evaluated with same precedence rules as 'C'
- c * (3 + d) // Explicitly specifying order of evaluation
- c < 3 && c > 12 // Use of comparison and logical operators.
// Precedence same as that in 'C'.- (NvGetVar("login", login) == 1) && (strlen(login) > 0)) // Use of function calls within expressions.
- if (c == 3)
elseif ((c == 2) || (c - c/6*6) == 0)
echochars("2 or divisible by 6");
elseif (c == 1)
} else { echochars("Some other value\n"); }- loop (count * 2 + 3)
if (count > 100)
// Changing value for count within the loop block does not
// change number of iterations.- int a;
str z[50];
a = 35;
sprintf(z,"%s : %d base is %d\n", "value for a ", a, 10);- str pass[25];
echochars("Password :");
getkeyboard(pass, 24);
echochars("\nOK\n");- str name_var[25], login[25];
// set timeout to 15 seconds.
echochars("Enter your name :");
// Get user input (through keyboard) for "name"
getkeyboard(name_var, 24);
// Set variable "name"
if (NvSetVar ("name", name_var) == -1)
echochars("Error setting variable\n");
// Set variable "host"
if (NvSetVar ("host", "falcon") == -1);
echochars("Error setting variable\n");
// Save the updated values in NVRAM.
// Get value for variable login.
if (NvGetVar ("login", login) == -1)
echo("Error reading variable"); }- strincpy :
// copy 3 characters to str1 from displacement 2 in
// string "abcdefghijk"
strincpy (str1, "abcdefghijk", 2, 3);
// str1 will now contain "cde"
strtok :
// The following script results in display :
// abc
// def
// ghijk
strtok ("abc def ghijk", " ", str1);
echochars (str1); echochars("\n");
strtok ("", " ", str1);
echochars (str1); echochars("\n");
strtok ("", " ", str1);
echochars (str1); echochars("\n");- // Assume that host sends following string:
// " Set address to :"
// It is required to extract address from this string.
// Following script achieves this.
int a;
str addr[20];
a = await("Set address to : ", 1);
if (a == 1)
// The script assumes that within next 3 seconds all the
// required data will come.
recv(addr, 15);
// In case 15 characters are not received within the timeout
// period, then 'recv' will put available characters in 'addr'
// and return.
echochars("Address is :");
echochars("Did not receive address from host\n");
}Starting CSLIP Using a Script
Note: See also the sample script named startup in the /tftpboot/tekxp/boot/config/script directory. // This script performs following functions:
// a. Login for cslip account on host
// b. Start local cslip
// c. Invoke a Telnet session// Get login name for cslip from NVRAM
if (NvGetVar("login", login) == -1)
// Could not get the variable from NVRAMechochars("variable login not defined in NVRAM\n");
// Could get the variable from NVRAM// Set timeout to 15 seconds.
settimeout (15);// Flush buffer for data from host.
flush();// Send a '\n' so that host will respond with login prompt
sendchars ("\n");// Wait to receive login string from host
c = await ("login", 1);if (c == 1)
// Received login prompt// Send login name for cslip
strcat(login, "\n");
sendchars(login);// In our setup, starting host-cslip does not require password.
// A login immediately results in startup of cslip on host// Await for a startup message
c = await ("starting", 1, "willing to manage", 2, "Willing to Manage", 3,
"cslip started", 4); if (!(c == 1 || c == 2 || c == 3 || c == 4) )
echo ("\n Could not start cslip on the host....\n");
// Did not get login prompt from host
echochars ("\n No Response, ...CSLIP is probably already started on
}// Download Telnet so that login over cslip can be done
exec ("tek340 -e telnet");// Download local cslip
exec ("cslip");// Kill the Tekterm(TIP) session to allow local cslip to
// take control of serial port
killparent();Command Reference
These commands are available with the scripting language.
Table D-2 NVRAM Access Commands
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