PEXInitMultipass - Initialize Multipass Rendering (5.2)


   void PEXInitMultipass(
        Display *display,
        PEXRenderer renderer


A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful XOpenDisplay call.

The resource of the identifier to be put into the PEXMultipassRendering state.




Invoke PEXInitMultipass to initialize multipass rendering.

If the renderer state of the renderer specified by renderer is PEXRendering, then the renderer changes state to PEXMultipassRendering and initializes itself for multipass rendering. The first pass is defined as all functions and OC's targeted to this renderer subsequent to PEXInitMultipass and prior to PEXNextPass or PEXNextPassWithoutReply. Subsequent passes are defined as function invocations between sequential invocations of PEXNextPass or PEXNextPassWithoutReply.

If the renderer state is already PEXMultipassRendering when you invoke this function, then the renderer performs the operations listed above and issues a BadPEXRendererState error.

Support for multipass rendering is implementation-dependent. You can determine the level of support by querying the level of support of facilities that require multipass rendering, such as transparency methods.

If the renderer state is PEXIdle or PEXPicking or if the implementation does not support multipass rendering, then this function has no effect.


The specified renderer resource identifier is invalid.

The renderer state is already PEXMultipassRendering

See Also

For a list of all Renderer functions and related topics, see Rendering.