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N-107 Sun Type 4-Compatible Keyboard Details

Figure 17-5 illustrates the N-107 keyboard legends and keycodes.

Table 17-6 lists the N-107 keysyms when the default mapping is in use.

An N-107 keyboard has four LEDs built into keycaps. Their default values are:

LED1 Net on HMX series, X1 on all Explora series
LED2 Num Lock
LED3 Caps Lock
LED4 x4

To access the Boot Monitor from the N-107 keyboard after booting, use the Stop-A (L1-A) key combination.

The Setup key combination for the N-107 keyboard is Alt Graph Help/Setup.

Table 17-6 N-107 Default Keymapping
Keycode Value
Shifted Keysym
Alt Keysym
Shifted Alt Keysym
8 1 F12 F12 Redo
9 F20 F20 SunCut
13 Tab
14 Escape
15 F2
16 Help
17 Caps_Lock
18 Shift_L
19 Shift_R
20 Control_L
21 Q
22 1 exclam
23 F3
25 Meta_L
26 Z
27 X
28 A
29 W
30 2 at
31 F4
32 Multi_key
33 C
34 X
35 D
36 E
37 4 dollar
38 3 numbersign
39 F5
40 F14 F14 Undo
41 Space
42 V
43 F
44 T
45 R
46 5 percent
47 F6
48 Mode_switch
49 N
50 B
51 H
52 G
53 Y
54 6 asciicircum
55 F7
57 Meta_R
58 M
59 J
60 U
61 7 ampersand
62 8 asterisk
63 F8
65 comma less
66 K
67 I
68 O
69 0 parenright
70 9 parenleft
71 F9
72 F16 F16 SunCopy
73 period greater
74 slash question
75 L
76 semicolon colon
77 P
78 minus underscore
79 F10
81 backslash bar
82 quoteleft quotedbl
84 bracketleft braceleft
85 equal plus
86 1 SunF36
87 F21 F21 Pause
88 Alt_L
89 Line Feed
90 Return
91 bracketright braceright
92 Delete
93 F23 F23 Scroll_Lock Break
94 1 SunF37
95 F22 F22 Print
102 quoteright asciitilde
103 F24 F24 KP_Equal
104 F18 F18 SunPaste
105 F33 F33 KP_1 End
107 Left F30 KP_4
108 F27 F27 KP_7 Home
112 Insert Insert KP_0
113 Delete Delete KP_Decimal
114 Down F34 KP_2
115 F31 F31 KP_5
116 Right F32 KP_6
117 Up F28 KP_8
118 Num_Lock
119 F25 F25 KP_Divide
121 KP_Enter
122 F35 F35 KP_3 Next
123 Back Space
124 KP_Add
125 F29 F29 KP_9 Prior
126 F26 F26 KP_Multiply
129 F15 F15 SunFront
130 1 F11 F11 Cancel
131 F13 F13 SunProp
132 KP_Subtract
133 F17 F17 SunOpen
134 F19 F19 Find
135 Help

1 OpenWindows compatibility necessitates that these keycodes do not match the key legends: F12 for keycode 8, SunF36 for keycode 86, SunF37 for keycode 94, and F11 for keycode 130.

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