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VT220-Compatible and N-108 Keyboard Details

The VT220-compatible keyboard and N-108 keyboard are Digital-style keyboards that may be used with either VMS or ULTRIX keymaps. The default keymap differs depending on whether the server host is running the VMS or ULTRIX operating system. (See Table 17-4 and Table 17-5.)

VT220-Compatible Keyboard

Figure 17-3 illustrates the legends and keycodes on the US type of the VT220-compatible keyboard. The VT220-compatible keyboard has four LEDs. Their default values are:

LED1 Net on all HMX series, X1 on all Explora series
LED2 Caps
LED3 x2
LED4 x4

The Setup key combination for the VT220-compatible keyboard is Compose-F3. To access the Boot Monitor from a VT220-compatible keyboard after booting, use the Ctrl-Compose-F3 key combination.

N-108 Keyboard

Figure 17-4 illustrates the legends and keycodes of the N-108 keyboard.

The 108-key keyboards have four LEDs. Their default values are:

LED1 Net on all HMX series, X1 on all Explora series
LED2 x2
LED3 Caps Lock
LED4 x4

The Setup key combination for an N-108 keyboard is Alt-F3. To access the Boot Monitor from an N-108 keyboard after booting, use the Ctrl-Left Alt-F3 key combination.

Table 17-4 VT220-Compatible/N-108 Default Keysyms for ULTRIX
Keycode Value
Shifted Keysym
8 KP_PF1
9 less greater
10 Escape
11 Backspace
12 Linefeed
13 Tab
14 quoteleft asciitilde
15 F2
16 F1
17 Control_L
18 Shift_L
20 Caps_Lock
21 Q
22 1 exclam
25 Alt_L Meta_L
26 Z
27 S
28 A
29 W
30 2 at
31 F4
33 C
34 X
35 D
36 E
37 4 dollar
38 3 numbersign
39 F5
41 space
42 V
43 F
44 T
45 R
46 5 percent
47 F6
49 N
50 B
51 H
52 G
53 Y
54 6 asciicircum
55 F7
57 Alt_R 1 2 Meta_R 1 2
58 M
59 J
60 U
61 7 ampersand
62 8 asterisk
63 F8
65 comma less
66 K
67 I
68 O
69 0 parenright
70 9 parenleft
71 F9
73 period greater
74 slash question
75 L
76 semicolon colon
77 P
78 minus underscore
79 F10
80 F14
81 Help
82 quoteright quotedbl
83 backslash bar
84 bracketleft braceleft
85 equal plus
87 KP_F4
89 Shift_R 1
90 Return
91 bracketright braceright
95 KP_F3
96 Down
97 Left
98 F3
99 Up
100 Remove
101 Select
102 Delete
103 Insert
105 KP_1
106 Right
107 KP_4
108 KP_7
109 Next
110 Find
111 Prior
112 KP_0
113 KP_Decimal
114 KP_2
115 KP_5
116 KP_6
117 KP_8
118 KP_F2
119 Multi_Key 2
120 Multi_Key 2
121 KP_Enter
122 KP_3
124 KP_Separator
125 KP_9
127 Menu
128 F17
129 F18
130 F19
131 F20
132 KP_Subtract

1 If the pref-compatibility-decwindows-keyboard parameter is set to "true," this right modifier is translated to a left modifier.
2 This keysym exists only for the N-108 keyboard.

Table 17-5 VT220-Compatible/N-108 Keysyms for VMS
Keycode Value
Shifted Keysym
8 KP_PF1
9 less greater
10 F11
11 F12
12 F13
13 Tab
14 quoteleft asciitilde
15 F2
16 F1
17 Control_L
18 Shift_L
20 Caps_Lock
21 Q
22 1 exclam
25 Alt_L Meta_L
26 Z
27 S
28 A
29 W
30 2 at
31 F4
33 C
34 X
35 D
36 E
37 4 dollar
38 3 numbersign
39 F5
41 space
42 V
43 F
44 T
45 R
46 5 percent
47 F6
49 N
50 B
51 H
52 G
53 Y
54 6 asciicircum
55 F7
57 Alt_R 1 2 Meta_R 12
58 M
59 J
60 U
61 7 ampersand
62 8 asterisk
63 F8
65 comma less
66 K
67 I
68 O
69 0 parenright
70 9 parenleft
71 F9
73 period greater
74 slash question
75 L
76 semicolon colon
77 P
78 minus underscore
79 F10
80 F14
81 Help
82 quoteright quotedbl
83 backslash bar
84 bracketleft braceleft
85 equal plus
87 KP_F4
89 Shift_R 1
90 Return
91 bracketright braceright
95 KP_F3
96 Down
97 Left
98 F3
99 Up
100 Remove
101 Select
102 Delete
103 Insert
105 KP_1
106 Right
107 KP_4
108 KP_7
109 Next
110 Find
111 Prior
112 KP_0
113 KP_Decimal
114 KP_2
115 KP_5
116 KP_6
117 KP_8
118 KP_F2
119 Multi_key2
120 Multi_key2
121 KP_Enter
122 KP_3
124 KP_Separator
125 KP_9
127 Menu
128 F17
129 F18
130 F19
131 F20
132 KP_Subtract

1 If the pref-compatibility-decwindows-keyboard parameter is set to "true," this right modifier is translated to a left modifier.
2 This keysym exists only for the N-108 keyboard.

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