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Using Compose Key Sequences
Compose sequences, available on all keyboards, allow you to type more characters than appear on the keyboard by using a sequence of keystrokes to compose a single special character. You can use compose sequences in the NCD Terminal Emulator (ncdterm or ncdrunterm).
Support for Dead Keys
Special characters called dead keys create automatic compose sequences. When a dead key is pressed, the next key you press determines the composed character. The N-102 French and Swiss keyboards provide dead-key support for the following accent marks:
When using these keyboards, you must first set the keyboard type to French or Swiss by using the Boot Monitor keyboard menu before booting. For information about the Boot Monitor keyboard menu, see Chapter 11, Boot Monitor and NVRAM.
Typing Compose Sequences
To quickly test compose sequences, display the Terminal Host Chooser (Console -> Terminals -> New Terminal). Type the compose sequences in the Service:
To type compose sequences in an NCD Terminal Emulator window (ncdterm or ncdrunterm):
- Make sure the eightBitInput resource is set to "true." For example:
NCDrunterm*eightBitInput: true
- Start the NCD Terminal Emulator and type:
% stty -istrip cs8
- If you are using the vi text editor to enter the compose sequences, set the environment variable LC_CTYPE to "iso_8859_1."
- Find the character you want in the Character column in Table 12-20.
Note that the notation (sp) in the Keystrokes column in Table 12-20 indicates that you must press the space bar.
Compose Sequence Table
Table 12-20 lists the characters you can compose and the keystrokes to use.
- Note:
- The compose sequences for the currency sign and the registered
trademark symbol do not work.
Table 12-20 Compose Sequences

Table 12-20 Compose Sequences (Continued)

Table 12-20 Compose Sequences (Continued)

Table 12-20 Compose Sequences (Continued)

Table 12-20 Compose Sequences (Continued)

- 1 The compose sequences for the currency sign and registered trademark symbol do not work.
- 2 You must type these characters in the order shown.
- 3 This character is available only when you use the Digital multinational character set.
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