PEXBeginStructure - Save Rendering Pipeline State (5.0)


   void PEXBeginStructure(
        Display *display,
        PEXRenderer renderer,
        long structure_id


A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful XOpenDisplay call.

The resource identifier of a renderer.

A value to be used as an application-specified structure identifier.




Invoke PEXBeginStructure to save the current values of the renderer's pipeline state.

If the renderer state of the renderer identified by renderer is PEXRendering, PEXPicking, or PEXMultipassRendering, then this function causes the renderer to save the current values of its pipeline state such that you can subsequently restore the values by a PEXEndStructure function. The renderer increments the offset field of the last entry in the renderer's current path and adds a new entry to the path. The renderer sets the structure field of this new entry to the value specified by structure_id and sets the offset field to zero. After saving the pipeline state, the renderer sets the pipeline state's global transform to the concatenation of the current local transform and the current global transform. The renderer then sets the local transform to the identity transform.

If the renderer state is PEXIdle, then this function has no effect.


The specified renderer resource identifier is invalid.

See Also

For a list of all Renderer functions and related topics, see Rendering.