Text Font Table

Related topics include:

For an overview and a list of lookup tables, see Lookup Tables.

Each entry of a text font table defines a font group.

Table Value                                       Description                     Fallback      PEX
PEXLUTVTextFontGroup                                                                             5.0
                                                  number of font identifiers (n)  (imp-dep)(a)
                                                  font identifiers                (imp-dep)(a)
PEXLUTVTextFontAll (selects entire table entry)                                                  5.0

The fallback must select some font capable of representing character set ISO-8859/1 (Latin1).

A font group is a numbered list, starting at one, of resource IDs of fonts. These fonts must be in the list of fonts supported by your PEX implementation. To determine the list of fonts supported, invoke the requests PEXListFonts PEXListFontsWithInfo. If one of the fonts is also supported by the X server, then it does not matter whether you created the font assigned to a font group by invoking the request PEXLoadFont or the X11 request OpenFont. The same font resource ID may appear any number of times in a font table and within a font group. Use the null resource ID None to "skip" font group entries or to indicate missing fonts.

The implementation accesses the text font bundle table whenever a text or annotation text primitive is rendered. The value of the pipeline state's text font index selects the desired entry of the table. The char_set value of each mono-encoding of the primitive then selects the desired member of the font group.

If a font resource referred to in a font table is closed, then the value AlreadyFreed is returned for the font ID in response to PEXGetTableValues and PEXGetTableEntries.

If a text font identifier doesn't name a supported X11 or PEX font resource or the null resource None, then then the implementation issues a BadValue error.

Valid text font table indices are in the range [1, 65535]. The fallback entry is entry 1.