PEXListFontsWithInfo - List PEX Fonts With Information (5.0)


   char **PEXListFontsWithInfo(
        Display *display,
        char *pattern,
        unsigned int max_names,
        unsigned long *count_return,
        PEXFontInfo **font_info


A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful XOpenDisplay call.

A null-terminated string pattern.

The maximum number of names to be returned.

Returns the actual number of font names.

Returns an array of font info structures (one for each name).


An array of font names (null-terminated strings); a null pointer if unsuccessful or if no PEX fonts are supported.


Invoke PEXListFontsWithInfo which is similar to X11 XListFontsWithInfo except that this function only returns information about fonts that can support the full range of PEX text attributes (i.e., those fonts that are "PEX usable").

The returned list may or may not contain some of the same fonts returned the X11 XListFontsWithInfo function.

This function returns a list of entries, each of which contains information about a font matching the pattern. The pattern is a string that uses the ISO Latin-1 encoding. Case is not significant in matching names. The '?' character (octal value 077) matches any single character, and the character '*' (octal value 052) matches any number of characters. The returned names are null-terminated, in lower case and are also ISO Latin-1 encoded strings.

The information returned for each font is identical to that which PEXQueryFont returns.

PEXlib allocates memory for the returned list of font names and font info. Invoke PEXFreeFontNames to deallocate the memory for the font names, as pointed to by the function's return value. Invoke PEXFreeFontInfo to deallocate the memory for the font information located by the pointer returned in font_info.



See Also

For a list of PEX Font functions and related topics, see PEX Fonts.