PEXLoadFont - Load PEX Font (5.0)


   PEXFont PEXLoadFont(
         Display *display,
         char *font_name


A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful XOpenDisplay call.

The font name (null-terminated string).


The resource identifier of the loaded PEX font.


Invoke PEXLoadFont to load the specified PEX font and return a PEXFont which identifies it. The implementation does not load multiple copies of the font, even if multiple requests to load it are received.

The font name should follow the X Logical Font Description (XLFD) naming conventions. For backwards compatibility, the font name can also be any string encoded in ISO Latin-1. Case is not significant in matching names. PEX fonts are not associated with a particular screen, and you can use them with any renderer or PHIGS workstation resource. You may use PEXListFonts or PEXListFontsWithInfo to determine which fonts are available and which support the full stroke precision.

If you specify a font that is not "PEX usable" then the implementation issues a BadPEXFont error.


The implementation failed to allocate the resource.

The specified font name does not name a usable PEX font.

See Also

For a list of PEX Font functions and related topics, see PEX Fonts.