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Configuring Port Operating Characteristics

This section describes how to identify terminal ports and the parameters used for configuring them

Identifying Serial Port Numbers

The Auxiliary Serial Port on all terminals is serial port 1.

For terminals with more than one serial port, the ports are identified in NCDware displays and configuration parameters as follows:

Specifying Physical Serial Port Attributes

The serial-interfaces-table controls physical aspects of serial-line communication (Setup -> Change Setup Parameters -> Serial -> Serial Interfaces Table). The table is saved in NVRAM and changes to the table take effect as soon as they are applied.

Table 15-1 serial-interfaces-table Parameter
Table Entries
Possible Values
port-number Range: 1 - 3 (read-only) The identifying number of the serial port.
mode Controls the function of the auxiliary serial port, and takes effect at boot time. (The current-mode field specifies the immediate use of the port.)
default terminal
terminal The X server uses the serial port for a serial VT320 terminal connection, usually for connection to a modem, to a host system as a system console, or to a terminal multiplexer.
printer The X server uses the serial port for an attached printer. This option is the same as "serial-daemon."
serial-daemon The X server uses the serial port for an attached printer. This option is the same as "printer."
slip Configures the port for SLIP.
console The X server sends diagnostic messages to the serial port. This option is for the use of NCD Technical Support only.
input-device Configures the port to support one of the input devices selected in the xserver-input-extension-device parameter.
xremote Configures the port for XRemote. NCD recommends that you do not set the mode choice to "xremote." The X server automatically changes current-mode to "xremote" when the user enters an xinitremote command.
ppp Configures the port for PPP.
current-mode Controls the immediate function of the auxiliary serial port. (The "mode" entry takes precedence at boot time.)
default terminal
terminal The X server uses the serial port for serial, VT320 terminal connection, usually for connection to a modem, directly to a host system, or to a terminal multiplexer.
printer The X server uses the serial port for an attached printer. This option is the same as "serial-daemon."
serial-daemon The X server uses the serial port for an attached printer. This option is the same as "printer."
slip Configures the port for SLIP.
console The X server sends diagnostic messages to the serial port. This mode choice is for the use of NCD Technical Support.
input-device Configures the port for one of the input devices selected in the xserver-input-extension-device parameter.
xremote Configures the port for XRemote.
ppp Configures the port for PPP.
baud-rate default 9600
baud-rate The baud rates for Serial Port 1 are 50, 75, 110, 134.5, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1050, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600. Optional serial ports 2 and 3 can operate at the following additional baud rates: 76800, and 115200.
data-bits default 8
8 The serial port transmits characters with eight data bits.
7 The serial port transmits characters with seven data bits.
stop-bits default 1
1 The serial port uses one stop bit per character.
2 The serial port uses two stop bits per character.
parity default none
none No parity is generated.
odd The serial port requires an odd number of 1s (ones) for each byte.
even The serial port requires an even number of 1s (ones) for each byte.
space The serial port uses a 0 (zero) for each parity bit.
mark The serial port uses a 1 (one) for each parity bit.
handshake default none
none Flow control is disabled.
xon/xoff The terminal sends an XON (^Q) signal when input buffers are available and an XOFF (^S) signal when input buffers are nearly full.
dtr/dsr The terminal raises the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal when input buffers are available and lowers DTR when input buffers are nearly full. In addition, the DCE (Data Communication Equipment, the device with which the terminal communicates), raises the DSR (Data Set Ready) signal when it can receive data from the terminal. The terminal stops sending data when the DCE lowers the DSR signal.
rts/cts The terminal raises the RTS (Ready to Send) signal when input buffers are available and lowers RTS when input buffers are nearly full.
hangup default none
none Neither the Serial daemon nor the NCD Terminal Emulator performs any action when the serial connection is closed by either the host or the X server.
drop-dtr Depending on the value assigned to the mode field, either the Serial daemon or the NCD terminal emulator drops the Data Terminal Ready signal on the specified serial port when either the host system or the X server closes the serial connection.
send-break Depending on the value assigned to the mode field, either the Serial daemon or the NCD Terminal Emulator sends a three-second break from the specified serial port when either the host system or the X server closes the serial connection.

The default serial-interfaces-table is:

serial-interfaces-table = {
    { 1 terminal terminal 9600 8 1 none none none }
    { 2 terminal terminal 9600 8 1 none none none }
    { 3 terminal terminal 9600 8 1 none none none }

Specifying Serial Port Software Characteristics

The serial-daemons-table specifies Serial daemon operating characteristics for each port (Setup -> Change Setup Parameters -> Serial -> Serial Daemons Table).

Table 15-2 serial-daemons-table Parameter
Table Entries
Possible Values
port-number Range: 1- 3 (read-only) The identifying number of the serial port.
use-serial-protocol default false
false A protocol for reporting serial status to host printing software is not used.
true A protocol for reporting serial status to host printing software is used. This does not work unless hostside printing software has been enabled. (For more information about hostside printing software, contact NCD Technical Support.)
tcp-port default Port 1: 87 Port 2: 5962 Port 3: 5963
integer TCP/IP port number used by the hosts connecting to the Serial daemon. Range: 1 to 65535.
ncdnet-object-name default seriald
string The NCDnet object used by hosts connecting to the Serial daemon.
enable-lat-service default false
true LAT service is enabled for the Serial daemon. Supports VMS print service for the terminal.
false LAT service is not enabled for the Serial daemon.
lat-service-name default nil
string The name of the Serial daemon LAT service.
lat-service-rating default 50
integer The X server uses the specified LAT service rating when advertising LAT service for the terminal's Serial daemon.

The default serial-daemons-table is:

serial-daemons-table = {
    { 1 false 87 seriald false nil 50 }  
    { 2 false 87 seriald false nil 50 }
    { 3 false 87 seriald false nil 50 }

Configuring the Parallel Port

The parallel-daemons-table specifies operating characteristics for the parallel port (Setup -> Change Setup Parameters -> Parallel -> Parallel Daemons Table).

Table 15-3 parallel-daemons-table Parameter
Table Entries
Possible Values
port-number Range: 1 - 2 (read-only) The identifying number of the parallel port.
use-parallel-protocol default false
false A protocol for reporting status to host printing software is not used. This is the recommended setting when a printer is attached to the parallel port.
true A protocol for reporting status to host printing software is used. This value does not work unless hostside printing software has been enabled. This is the recommended setting when a floppy drive is attached to the parallel port (For more information about hostside printing software, contact NCD Technical Support.)
tcp-port default 5964
integer TCP/IP port number used by the hosts connecting to the Parallel daemon. Range: 1 - 65535.
ncdnet-object-name default paralleld
string The NCDnet object used by hosts connecting to the Parallel daemon.
enable-lat-service default false
true The terminal enables a LAT service for the Parallel daemon. This LAT service is used to support VMS print service for the terminal.
false The terminal does not enable a LAT service for its Parallel daemon to the LAT network.
lat-service-name default nil
string The name of the Parallel daemon LAT service.
lat-service-rating default 50
integer The X server uses the specified LAT service rating when advertising LAT service for the terminal's Parallel daemon.

The default parallel-daemons-table is:

parallel-daemons-table = {{ 1 false 5964 paralleld false nil 50 }}

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