PEXRenderElements - Render Elements (5.1)


   void PEXRenderElements(
         Display *display,
         PEXRenderer renderer,
         PEXStructure structure,
         int whence1,
         long offset1,
         int whence2,
         long offset2


A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful XOpenDisplay call.

The resource identifier of a renderer resource.

The resource identifier of a structure resource.

A value specifying, with offset1, the first limit of the element range (PEXBeginning, PEXCurrent or PEXEnd).

An offset from whence1 specifying the first limit of the element range.

A value specifying, with offset2, the second limit of the element range (PEXBeginning, PEXCurrent or PEXEnd).

An offset from whence2 specifying the second limit of the element range.




Invoke PEXRenderElements to process all output commands in the specified element range of the specified structure.

The output primitives in the specified range of structure are rendered using the specified renderer. If the renderer state is PEXIdle, then the implementation ignores this request. Structures referenced through output commands are also processed.

The first limit of the range is defined by whence1 and offset1 and the second limit of the range is defined by whence2 and offset2. The whence values describe how to interpret the corresponding offset. PEXlib defines the following whence values:

PEXBeginning -
the element position is the value of offset (i.e., the offset from the beginning of the structure).

PEXCurrent -
the element position is the value of the current element pointer position plus the value of offset (i.e., the offset from the current element pointer).

PEXEnd -
the element position is the value of the last element position in the structure plus the value of offset (i.e., the offset from the end of the structure).

Offsets can be negative values. If after computing an element position, the offset is less than zero, then the position is set to zero. If after computing an element position, the offset is greater than the number of elements in the structure, then the position is set to the last structure element in the structure.

For locked structures, the whence/offset pairs must specify the element position 0 or the offset of a structure referencing output command.


The specified renderer resource identifier is invalid.

The specified structure resource identifier is invalid.

The beginning or end of the specified element range denote an invalid position in a locked structure.

The specified value for whence was invalid.

See Also

For a list of all Renderer functions and related topics, see Rendering.