VIRTUOS HED file format

These files (extension .hed or .HED) are used within the context of DKFZ's VIRTUOS therapy planning software. They contain general steering information for VDX-, CTX-, DOS- and oxy-files.
Disclaimer: this is not an authoritative format description, which can only be given by the original creators. Since such a documentation is/was not yet available, source code and sample files were used to "re-engineer" the information.
In the following, optional items are in square brackets ( [] ).
selection lists are in curly brackets ( {} ).

The basic format (for versions up to and including 1.2) is as follows:

version { 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | ... } modality { ct | CT | mr | MR | pet | PET | us | US } created_by <creator> creation_info <comment> primary_view { transversal | sagittal | frontal } data_type { integer | float | vaxfloat } num_bytes { 2 | 4 [ 1 | 8 ] } byte_order { aix | AIX | decunix | DECUNIX | linux | LINUX | msdos | MSDOS | sun | SUN | ultrix | ULTRIX | unix | UNIX | vms | VMS } patient_name <name> slice_dimension <slicedim> pixel_size <pixslice> slice_distance <slicedist> slice_number <slicenum> xoffset <xmin> dimx <nx> yoffset <ymin> dimy <ny> zoffset <zmin> dimz <nz>
In version 1.3 a "position list" follows:

slice_no <slnum_1> position <slpos_1> thickness <slthick_1> ... slice_no <slnum_n> position <slpos_n> thickness <slthick_n>
In version 1.4 the "position list" is optional:

z_table { yes | no } slice_no position thickness gantry_tilt <slnum_1> <slpos_1> <slthick_1> <slgtilt_1> ... <slnum_n> <slpos_n> <slthick_n> <slgtilt_n>

GSI Extensions

The additional modality pO2 denotes oxygenation distributions with direct pO2 values.
Last updated:
$Id: trip98fmthed.html,v 1.2 2018/08/10 20:48:52 kraemer Exp $