TRiP98 MakeGeometry command
| GSI Biophysics | TRiP98 long write-up |


makegeometry | name / ctdim()           centre() debug
                      ctsteps()         shape() 


Generates an irradiation geometry, comprising a pseudo-CT and a target volume. <file>.ctx, <file>.hed,


(pseudo-) patient name, 6 characters long. The output files are named <name>000.ctx, <name>000.hed and <name>000.vdx, respectively.
Number of CT voxels in all three dimensions.
Size of CT voxels (in mm) in all three dimensions.
Specifies how to fill the CT cube with CT (Hounsfield) numbers. If <hf> can be interpreted as a reasonable Hounsfield number (hf>=-1000) it will be assumed as a constant value for all CT voxels. Otherwise <hf> is assumed to be the name of a user-supplied executable (plug-in) which calculates the Hounsfield numbers.
Specifies how to fill the CT cube with water equivalent path length values. If <len> can be interpreted as a reasonable equivalent path length (len>0) it will be assumed as a constant value for all CT voxels. Otherwise <len> is assumed to be the name of a user-supplied executable (plug-in) which calculates the equivalent path lengths.
For box and sphere shapes: centre of the target volume (mm in CT coordinate system).
Specifies the shape of the target volume. Predefined <shape>s are: Any other <shape> is assumed to be the name of a user-supplied executable (plug-in) which calculates the shape of the target volume slice by slice.
Debug switch. Lots of output !


Note that created CT data cubes based on equivalent path length can only be saved to files when a valid Hounsfield table is loaded !


makegeometry badbox / shape(box(4,4, 4)) ctdim(32,16,8) ctsteps(1,1,1) ctnum(32) centre(16,8,4) 
generates a box volume 4 by 4 by 4 mm in size, centred at (16,8,4) mm within a CT of size 32 by 16 by 8 mm. CT numbers are constant, 32 HUs. Output files are badbox000.ctx, badbox000.hed and badbox000.vdx.
makegeometry sphere / shape(sphere(20)) ctdim(80,80,80) ctsteps(1,1,1) ctnum(32) centre(40,40,40)
Similarly, a spherical target volume with radius 20 mm is created. Output files are sphere000.ctx, sphere000.hed and sphere000.vdx.
makegeometry usrfct / shape(usrfct) ctdim(32,64,128) ctsteps(1,1,1) cteqv(1) centre(16,32,64)
An external executable usrfct is called to create a target volume. Output files are usrfct000.ctx, usrfct000.hed and usrfct000.vdx.
| GSI Biophysics | TRiP98 long write-up |
Last updated:, 6-Jul-2000

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