water-equivalent path length plug-in
| GSI Biophysics | TRiP98 long write-up |

water-equivalent path length plug-in

This plug-in, implemented as a user-supplied C-function, should provide a three-dimensional distribution of water-equivalent path lengths (or simply bulk densities). It is used e.g. in conjunction with the CT command. At run time it is called with the entrypoint cteqvpath. This name must be specified when the plug-in is prepared, e.g. by means of the trpfct tool.
Note that in general a HLUT must exist if this plug-in should be useful.
A template how this plug-in should look like can be found here
| GSI Biophysics | TRiP98 long write-up |
Last updated: M.Kraemer@gsi.de, 3-May-2005

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