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Making Choices

This chapter helps you collect and organize the information you need to create a centralized system tailored to your environment. A Workbook is provided to assist you in this process.

If used as intended, the Workbook provides a valuable record for future reference. The time you spend gathering information as you plan and set up your network computers may well save you hours later in case it becomes necessary to debug a configuration later in the installation process.

Planning Configurations

We suggest the following procedures to help you use of the content in this chapter profitably:

Configuration Strategies

System configuration is the key to successfully integrate network computers into your environment. With proper configuration, you can ensure your users a smooth transition to network computers with little or no disruption of their work.

Network computers run efficiently in a distributed-computing environment, where processing is shared by a number of networked host computers. This means applications competing for resources at any given time can be distributed across the system to maximize performance. Files can also be stored and transferred among the accessible computers to share mass storage resources.

The network computer typically connects directly to the network, so it can effectively communicate with any host on the network. The network computer receives files and display information over the network and manages communications between processes running on the network computer and on the host.

In a distributed computer environment, host computers perform a variety of functions. The strategy sections refer to three types of hosts, although in reality the functions can be as distributed or consolidated as you choose.

A boot host contains the files necessary to boot the network computers. This includes the model-specific operating system files and xp.cnf file. These files are downloaded to the network computer via the specified boot method.

A file host contains additional configuration files, fonts, and optional host-specific utilities for the network computer. The network computer may frequently access this host during a user session. Files are downloaded to the network computer via the specified file access method.

A login host is the host where the user's login account is found. You can specify a host for each user, or allow the user to select from a list of hosts, depending on your host connection method. The login host supplies a login window to the network computer, using a utility that provides login services.

The strategy sections discuss the basics required to configure and support a centralized system. To simplify this task, all of the network computer features are not covered. Once your initial configuration is working, you can enable additional features as needed.

Note: When you add a feature, perform the necessary host configuration to support the feature. Refer to Chapter 2 of the NCBridge Reference Manual for more information.

These topics are discussed:

Booting Strategies

On a system with many network computers, you might want to install the boot software on more than one host. Then you can either set up different network computers to boot and download files from different hosts, or set up all the network computers to boot from the first available host.

Boot Methods

The network computer uses the boot method to download the X server. Many of the other booting decisions in this section depend on the boot method you select. The boot methods are TFTP, NFS, MOP, and ROM.

Decide which boot method to use. Continue to the next pages to see how to implement the method you selected.

Automatic or Manual First Boot

For a first time boot, the network computers can boot automatically or manually, depending on how you configure your environment. This decision does not relate to ROM-based network computers.

Automatic means that the network computer determines boot parameters from the network and boots without operator intervention. In addition, with automatic booting you can implement a strategy where network computers can boot from the first available host.

Manual means that an operator would have to enter the boot parameters before the network computer could boot.

Implement the manual method if you are installing a single network computer. Use the example in Chapter 2, Getting Acquainted, to enter the boot parameters. Implement your other Workbook selections with the Setup commands. Remember that Setup commands only affect the individual network computer.

Implement the automatic method if you are installing or planning to install more than one network computer, or want the network computers to boot from the first available host. Implement your other Workbook selections with the xp.cnf commands so they apply to each network computer.

For automatic booting:

If you are going to use TFTP or NFS as the boot method:
Check Workbook line 65 to use bootp (BOOTstrap Protocol) or check Workbook line 66 to use DHCP for automatic booting. A host that recognizes the network computer's hardware address responds with the following information: the network computer's Internet address, the boot server's Internet address, the name of the file to download, the subnet mask, and the primary gateway.
If you are going to use MOP as the boot method:
Check Workbook line 71 and Workbook line 72 for automatic booting.
Subsequent Boots

The next boot decision determines how subsequent boots occur. There are three main strategies:

Decide which strategy to use. Continue to the next page to see how to implement the strategy you selected.

Booting from a specific host, using parameters stored in NVRAM. For this method, specify all of the required information, change booting to NVRAM, and save it. You can specify a secondary boot in case the primary boot fails.

The network computer has already booted once. If the current boot parameters are acceptable, do not change the primary boot information. The network computer saves the current method, host, and path as the primary.

To change the primary booting information:

Choose the primary boot method to use, either TFTP, NFS, or MOP:
For TFTP, check Workbook line 33.
For NFS, check Workbook line 34.
For MOP, check Workbook line 35.
Check Workbook line 41 to boot from NVRAM instead of NETWORK.
Check Workbook line 46 to save the new method.

To optionally set secondary booting information:

Choose the secondary boot method to use, either TFTP, NFS, or MOP:
For TFTP, check Workbook line 36.
For NFS, check Workbook line 37.
For MOP, check Workbook line 38.

Booting from the first available host, using parameters obtained from the network. Set up automatic booting (from the previous section) on every boot host. Add the information for every network computer to every boot host.

You can explicitly set the boot method but obtain the remainder of the boot parameters from the network. For example, if you want to boot with NFS instead of TFTP. To change the default boot method:

Choose the primary boot method to use, either TFTP, NFS, or MOP:
For TFTP, check Workbook line 33. Ignore boot host and path settings.
For NFS, check Workbook line 34. Ignore boot path setting.
For MOP, check Workbook line 35. Ignore boot path setting.

Check Workbook line 46 to save the new method.

Booting from a specified host, using parameters obtained from the network. Set up automatic booting (from the previous section) on every boot host. Add the information for the specific network computer to the specific boot host.

You can change only the boot method. Follow the preceding check mark paragraphs for the booting from the first available host section.

File Access Strategies

File access determines how the network computer locates and downloads configuration and font files. As discussed in the Configuration Strategies section, you can have one or more file hosts.

The file access path you specify is actually the path to the configuration (.tbl) files. For fonts, the fonts.tbl file contains the actual paths to the files, not the actual fonts. This may be confusing at first, but makes sense if you think about it. Font files take up a lot of disk space. By having the configuration file point to the various locations, you can distribute fonts across disks, partitions, or different hosts, depending on your disk space.

Here are some considerations for a file host:

File Access Methods

The file access method choices are similar to the boot method choices. The file access methods are: TFTP, NFS, and DAP. The method you select is dependent on your network type and how your users connect.

Note: When a file_path is requested, provide the path to the .tbl files. The default path is /tekxp/boot/config.

If you do not enable any file access hosts or methods, the boot host and boot method are used by the network computer.

In addition, a secondary (backup) method can be enabled. The secondary information is only used if the primary method fails.

Select a secondary file access method:
Check Workbook line 20 to use NFS as the secondary method.
Check Workbook line 21 to use TFTP as the secondary method.
Check Workbook line 22 to use DAP as the secondary method.
Note: If the last method tried is NFS, the network computer automatically tries TFTP using the last file path specified. To take advantage of this feature, make sure TFTP is enabled.
Check Workbook line 63 to enable TFTP.

Host Connection Strategies

Host connection specifies how a user connects to their login host. There are several possibilities:

Pick the method that best fits your users and your environment.


HostMenu is the default connection method. Within the HostMenu interface, there are multiple lists of hosts available: XDMCP, VMS (both TDEnet and TCP/IP connections), TELNET, CTERM, LAT, IBM and WinDD. A user can pick the list to view, and then pick a host from that list. You can support as many of the lists as apply to your environment.

Login Window to a Specific Host

This option uses a utility on the specified host to display a login box on the network computer. The method you select for this option is network and host connection dependent.

If your user logs in to a TCP/IP host on a TCP/IP network:

Check Workbook line 23 to specify a direct host connection.
Check Workbook line 68 to enable xdm on the host.

If your user logs in to a DECnet node in a DEC environment:

Check Workbook line 24 to specify a direct host connection.
Check Workbook line 73 to enable DECwindows on the host.

If your user logs in to a TCP/IP host in a DEC environment:

Check Workbook line 25 to specify a direct host connection.
Check Workbook line 68 to enable xdm on the host.

If your user logs in to a Windows NT server:

Check Workbook line 25 to specify a direct WinDD host connection.
Session Window to a Specific Host

This option can be used to display either a TELNET or CTERM session window on a defined host or node. The session you select for this option is host dependent.

If your user logs in to a TCP/IP host, specify the connect method to be TELNET, and define the default Telnet host:

Check Workbook line 26 to specify TELNET.
Check Workbook line 42 to define a default Telnet host.

If your user logs in to a DECnet node, specify the connect method to be CTERM, and define the default CTERM host:

Check Workbook line 27 to specify CTERM.
Check Workbook line 43 to define a default CTERM host.
Session Window with No Specific Host

This option opens a session window. The user would have to open a host connection or service. Several sessions are available: TELNET, CTERM, LAT, SERIAL0, and SERIAL1. The session type you select is network and host connection dependent.

If your user logs in to a TCP/IP host:

Check Workbook line 26 to specify a Telnet session.

If your user logs in to a DECnet node:

Check Workbook line 27 to specify a CTERM session.

If your user logs in to a LAT service:

Check Workbook line 28 to specify a LAT session.

If your user logs in via a serial connection on their network computer serial port 0:

Check Workbook line 29 to specify a Serial0 session.

If your user logs in via a serial connection on their network computer serial port 1:

Check Workbook line 30 to specify a Serial1 session.
No Connection Method

You can have the network computer simply display the root weave and X cursor by disabling host connections. A user would have to start a session from the Client Launcher.

To disable host connections:

Check Workbook line 32.

ROM and Flash Memory Strategies

Reading Host-Based Remote Configuration Files

Network computers with Flash Memory can be set up to read an xp.cnf file on the host. Another strategy if you have space in Flash Memory, is to flash a version of xp.cnf, to free the network computer from trying to find a host during the boot process.

Check Workbook line 39 to read a host-based xp.cnf file with a network computer equipped with Flash Memory.
Saving your Configuration in Flash Memory

As you have worked through this chapter, you have selected the commands to implement in the configuration file. For RAM-based network computers, this configuration can either be saved in NVRAM, or loaded each time the network computer boots and reads the xp.cnf file. To take advantage of the Flash Memory option, you can flash all or part of your configuration.

This section provides the basic flash procedure. Refer to Chapter 2 of the NCBridge Reference Manual for the specific flash commands.

Enabling a Master Network Computer

A network computer equipped with Flash memory can be used as a master network computer to boot other network computers.

Check Workbook line 36 to enable or boot from a master network computer.

Boot Host Check List

Use this check list to verify that each boot host is completely configured:

Note: The _table (ip_host_table) commands store up to four entries in the network computer's NVRAM. Use them for the most frequently accessed hosts. The _entry (ip_host_entry) commands store all subsequent entries into RAM.

File Host Check List

Use this check list to verify that each file host is completely configured:

Network Computer Check List

Gather the following information for each network computer:

This list shows the various host files that need network computer information:

What Next?

Now that your Workbook is complete, continue on to Chapter 4, Building a Centralized System.

When you are done editing the files, continue on to Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System.

Configuration Workbook
xp.cnf File
Setup Menu Paths
8 .  Enter one or more host address/names (NVRAM).
ip_host_table _______________  ________________
ip_host_table _______________  ________________
ip_host_table _______________  ________________
ip_host_table _______________  ________________
If you have additional hosts, fill out Workbook line 12.
Network Tables
and Utilities >
Internet Host

9 .  Enter one or more node address/names (NVRAM).
tde_host_table _______________  _______________
tde_host_table _______________  _______________
tde_host_table _______________  _______________
tde_host_table _______________  _______________
If you have additional nodes, fill out Workbook line 13.
Network Tables
and Utilities >
TDEnet Host

10 .  Enter one or more net address/gateway addresses (NVRAM).
gateway_table _______________  ________________
gateway_table _______________  ________________
gateway_table _______________  ________________
gateway_table _______________  ________________
If you have additional hosts, fill out Workbook line 14.
Network Tables
and Utilities >

11 .   Enter one or more file system name/local directories (NVRAM) along with the file transfer size (128 - 8192).
nfs_table ______________  _______________ _____
nfs_table ______________  _______________ _____
nfs_table ______________  _______________ _____
nfs_table ______________  _______________ _____
Fill out Workbook line 64. Also, if you have additional NFS entries, fill out Workbook line 15.
Network Tables and Utilities >
NFS Mount

12 .  Enter one or more host address/names (RAM).
ip_host_entry _______________  ________________
ip_host_entry _______________  ________________
ip_host_entry _______________  ________________
ip_host_entry _______________  ________________
Continue adding entries as needed.
Not available

13 .  Enter one or more node address/names (RAM).
tde_host_entry _______________  _______________
tde_host_entry _______________  _______________
tde_host_entry _______________  _______________
tde_host_entry _______________  _______________
Continue adding entries as needed.
Not available

14 .  Enter one or more net address/gateway addresses (RAM).
gateway_entry _______________  ________________
gateway_entry _______________  ________________
gateway_entry _______________  ________________
gateway_entry _______________  ________________
Continue adding entries as needed.
Not available

15 .  Enter one or more file system name/local directories (RAM) along with the file transfer size (128 - 8192).
nfs_entry ______________  _______________ _____
nfs_entry ______________  _______________ _____
nfs_entry ______________  _______________ _____
nfs_entry ______________  _______________ _____
Continue adding entries as needed.
Fill out Workbook line 64.
Not available

16 .   Enter node name/LAT service tables (up to 20 services).
lat_services_table ____________ ______________
lat_services_table ____________ ______________
lat_services_table ____________ ______________
Continue adding services up to 20.
Not available

17 .   Enter the file system name (for file_host_name) and the local directory (for file_path).
file_access_1 NFS
file_host_name_1 _____________________________
file_path_1 __________________________________
Configuration Summaries >
Host File Access

18 .  Enter the host address or name and the file path.
file_access_1 TFTP
file_host_name_1 _____________________________
file_path_1 __________________________________
Configuration Summaries >
Host File Access

19 .  Enter the node address or name and the file path.
file_access_1 DAP
file_host_name_1 ____________________________
file_path_1 _________________________________
Configuration Summaries >
Host File Access

20 . Enter the file system name (for file_host_name) and the local directory (for file_path).
file_access_2 NFS
file_host_name_2 ____________________________
file_path_2 _________________________________
Configuration Summaries >
Host File Access

21 . Enter the host address or name and the file path.
file_access_2 TFTP
file_host_name_2 ____________________________
file_path_2 _________________________________
Configuration Summaries >
Host File Access

22 . Enter the node address or name and the file path.
file_access_2 DAP
file_host_name_2 ____________________________
file_path_2 _________________________________
Configuration Summaries >
Host File Access

23 . Enter the address or name of the XDMCP host.
host_connect_method XDMCP
xdmcp_connect DIRECT
xdmcp_server ___________________________
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

24 . Enter the node address or name.
host_connect_method VMS
vms_autologin_transport TDENET
vms_autologin_tdenet_host _______________::
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

25 . Enter the host address or name.
host_connect_method VMS
vms_autologin_transport TCPIP
vms_autologin_tcpip_host ___________________
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

26 . host_connect_method TELNET
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

27 . host_connect_method CTERM
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

28 . host_connect_method LAT
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

29 . host_connect_method SERIAL0
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

30 . host_connect_method SERIAL1
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

31 . host_connect_method WINDD
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

32 . host_connect_method DISABLED
Configuration Summaries >
X Environment

33 . Enter the host address or name and path to the os file.
boot_method TFTP
boot_host_name ____________________________
boot_path _________________________________
If you have multiple families of network computers, replace the boot_path command with the applicable select commands.
select FAMILY=XP100 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP200 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP330 boot_path ___________os.330
select FAMILY=XP350 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP400 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=NC200 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC400 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC900 boot_path ___________os.900
Configuration Summaries >

34 . Enter the NFS read size and the path to the os file.
boot_method NFS ___________________________
boot_path _________________________________
If you have multiple families of network computers, replace the boot_path command with the applicable select commands.
select FAMILY=XP100 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP200 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP330 boot_path ___________os.330
select FAMILY=XP350 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP400 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=NC200 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC400 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC900 boot_path ___________os.900
Configuration Summaries >

35 . Enter the path to the OS file.
boot_method MOP
boot_path _________________________________
If you have multiple families of network computers, replace the boot_path command with the applicable select commands.
select FAMILY=XP100 boot_path _________XP350_OS
select FAMILY=XP200 boot_path _________XP200_OS
select FAMILY=XP330 boot_path _________XP330_OS
select FAMILY=XP350 boot_path _________XP350_OS
select FAMILY=XP400 boot_path _________XP400_OS
select FAMILY=NC200 boot_path _________XP500_OS
select FAMILY=NC400 boot_path _________XP500_OS
select FAMILY=NC900 boot_path _________NC900_OS
Configuration Summaries >

36 . Enter the host address or name and path to the os file.
boot_method_2 TFTP
boot_host_name_2 __________________________
boot_path_2 _______________________________
If you have multiple families of network computers, replace the boot_path command with the applicable select commands.
select FAMILY=XP100 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP200 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP330 boot_path ___________os.330
select FAMILY=XP350 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP400 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=NC200 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC400 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC900 boot_path ___________os.900
Configuration Summaries >

37 . Enter the NFS read size and the path to the os file.
boot_method_2 NFS _________________________
boot_path_2 _______________________________
If you have multiple families of network computers, replace the boot_path command with the applicable select commands.
select FAMILY=XP100 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP200 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP330 boot_path ___________os.330
select FAMILY=XP350 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP400 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=NC200 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC400 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC900 boot_path ___________os.900
Configuration Summaries >

38 . Enter the path to the OS file.
boot_method_2 MOP
boot_path_2 _______________________________
If you have multiple families of network computers, replace the boot_path command with the applicable select commands.
select FAMILY=XP100 boot_path _________XP350_OS
select FAMILY=XP200 boot_path _________XP200_OS
select FAMILY=XP330 boot_path _________XP330_OS
select FAMILY=XP350 boot_path _________XP350_OS
select FAMILY=XP400 boot_path _________XP400_OS
select FAMILY=NC200 boot_path _________XP500_OS
select FAMILY=NC400 boot_path _________XP500_OS
select FAMILY=NC900 boot_path _________NC900_OS
Configuration Summaries >

39 . If you have a Flash Memory card you can optionally read an xp.cnf file during subsequent boots by specifying a boot method other than ROM (either MOP, TFTP or NFS) and a host address or name and path to the xp.cnf file.
boot_method_2 ____________________________
boot_host_2 _______________________________
boot_path_2 _______________________________
If you have multiple families of network computers, replace the boot_path command with the applicable select commands.
select FAMILY=XP100 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP200 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP330 boot_path ___________os.330
select FAMILY=XP350 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=XP400 boot_path ___________os.350
select FAMILY=NC200 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC400 boot_path ___________os.500
select FAMILY=NC900 boot_path ___________os.900
Configuration Summaries >

40 . Set booting to be from a flash-equipped master network computer. Use the name or address of the master network computer.
boot_method TFTP
boot_host ____________________
boot_path /rom/os.<model>
select TERMINAL NAME=___ enable_tftp_daemon YES
Configuration Summaries >

41 . Set booting to be from values stored in NVRAM, instead of values obtained from the network.
determine_address_from NVRAM
Configuration Summaries >

42 . Enter the address or name of the default Telnet host.
default_telnet_host _________________________
Configuration Summaries >

43 . Enter the address or name of the default CTERM node.
default_cterm_host _________________________
Configuration Summaries >

44 . Enter the parameters for Serial port 0.
data_bits_0 ___________
stop_bits_0 ___________
parity_0  _____________
flow_control_0 ________
baud_rate_0  __________
Configuration Summaries >
Peripheral Ports

45 . Enter the parameters for Serial port 1.
data_bits_1 ___________
stop_bits_1 ___________
parity_1  _____________
flow_control_1 ________
baud_rate_1  __________
Configuration Summaries >
Peripheral Ports

46 . save_current_settings
Not available

47 . Add an address or name for the XDMCP hosts to appear at the top of the HostMenu XDMCP list.
xdmcp_menu_entry ____________________
xdmcp_menu_entry ____________________
xdmcp_menu_entry ____________________
Continue adding entries as needed.
Not available

48 . Add an address or name for all preferred nodes to appear at the top of the HostMenu VMS TDEnet list.
vms_menu_entry TDEnet _______________ PREF
vms_menu_entry TDEnet _______________ PREF
vms_menu_entry TDEnet _______________ PREF
Add an address or name for all other nodes to appear on the HostMenu VMS TDEnet list.
vms_menu_entry TDEnet ___________ NOTPREF
vms_menu_entry TDEnet ___________ NOTPREF
vms_menu_entry TDEnet ___________ NOTPREF
Continue adding entries as needed.
Not available

49 . Add an address or name for all preferred nodes to appear at the top of the HostMenu VMS TCP/IP list.
vms_menu_entry TCPIP ________________ PREF
vms_menu_entry TCPIP ________________ PREF
vms_menu_entry TCPIP ________________ PREF
Add an address or name for all other nodes to appear on the HostMenu VMS TCPIP list.
vms_menu_entry TCPIP ____________ NOTPREF
vms_menu_entry TCPIP ____________ NOTPREF
vms_menu_entry TCPIP ____________ NOTPREF
Continue adding entries as needed.
Not available

50 . Add an address or name for all preferred hosts to appear at the top of the HostMenu TELNET list. Specify the emulator to use for the session (TEK220 or TEK340).
telnet_menu_entry ________________ PREF _______
telnet_menu_entry ________________ PREF _______
telnet_menu_entry ________________ PREF _______
Add an address or name for all other hosts to appear on the HostMenu TELNET list. Specify the emulator to use for the session (TEK220 or TEK340).
telnet_menu_entry ______________ NOTPREF ______
telnet_menu_entry ______________ NOTPREF ______
telnet_menu_entry ______________ NOTPREF ______
Continue adding entries as needed.
Network Tables and Utilities >
Internet Host

51 . Add an address or name for all preferred nodes to appear at the top of the HostMenu CTERM list. Specify the emulator to use for the session (TEK220 or TEK340).
cterm_menu_entry __________________ PREF ______
cterm_menu_entry __________________ PREF ______
cterm_menu_entry __________________ PREF ______
Add an address or name for all other nodes to appear on the HostMenu CTERM list. Specify the emulator to use for the session (TEK220 or TEK340).
cterm_menu_entry _______________ NOTPREF ______
cterm_menu_entry _______________ NOTPREF ______
cterm_menu_entry _______________ NOTPREF ______
Continue adding entries as needed.
Network Tables and Utilities >
TDEnet Host

52 . Add an address or name for all preferred IBM hosts to appear at the top of the HostMenu IBM list. Specify the emulator to use for the session (TEK3270), the model (2, 3, 4, 5), and the protocol (TN or OCS). Note, the Teemx emulators are not yet supported in the HostMenu.
ibm_menu_entry ____________ PREF ______ __ ____
ibm_menu_entry ____________ PREF ______ __ ____
ibm_menu_entry ____________ PREF ______ __ ____
Add an address or name for all other IBM hosts to appear on the HostMenu IBM list.
cterm_menu_entry ________ NOTPREF _____ __ ____
cterm_menu_entry ________ NOTPREF _____ __ ____
cterm_menu_entry ________ NOTPREF _____ __ ____
Continue adding entries as needed.
Not available

53 . Add an address or name for all preferred Windows NT servers to appear at the top of the HostMenu WinDD list. Specify the window size to use for the session (640, 800, 1024, 1280), whether to reconnect after a session log off (NORECONNECT, RECONNECT), and whether to display the menubar (MENUBAR, NOMENUBAR).
windd_menu_entry ________ PREF __ _______ _____
windd_menu_entry ________ PREF __ _______ _____
windd_menu_entry ________ PREF __ _______ _____
Add an address or name for all other Windows NT servers to appear on the HostMenu WinDD list.
windd_menu_entry _______ NOTPREF __ ______ ____
windd_menu_entry _______ NOTPREF __ ______ ____
windd_menu_entry _______ NOTPREF __ ______ ____
Continue adding entries as needed.
Not available

54 . Add the name or address and configuration information for the Windows NT server when the host_connect_method is set to WINDD. windd_size can be 640, 800, 1024, 1280). windd_auto_connect, windd_auto_reconnect, and windd_entrybox can be set as ENABLED or DISABLED. windd_menubar can be set as YES or NO.
windd_host_name _____________________
windd_size ___________________________
windd_auto_connect ___________________
windd_auto_reconnect _________________
windd_menubar ________________________
windd_entrybox _______________________
Not available

55 . Add these commands to the xp.cnf file to prevent local browsers from loading at boot time:
preload NAVIO NO
Not applicable

56 . Edit the gateway.tbl file and enter as many additional gateways as needed.
Network Tables and Utilities >Gateway

57 . Edit the hosts.tbl file and enter as many additional hosts as needed.
Network Tables and Utilities >
Internet Host

58 . Edit the file nodes.tbl and enter as many additional nodes as needed.
Network Tables
and Utilities >
TDEnet Host

59 . Edit the hosts.tbl file and enter as many additional hosts as needed.
Network Tables and Utilities >
Internet Host

60 . Edit the file nodes.tbl and enter as many additional nodes as needed.
Network Tables
and Utilities >
TDEnet Host

61 . Edit the nfs.tbl file and enter as many additional NFS mounts as needed.
Network Tables
and Utilities >
NFS Mount

62 . Edit the fonts.tbl file and enter the directory paths (Example: /tekxp/boot/fonts/misc).
Network Tables
and Utilities >
Font Directory
To Do
Host Configuration Procedures
63 . Enable tftp on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

64 . Enable NFS on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

65 . Enable bootp on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

66 . Enable DHCP on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

67 . Enable rarp on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

68 . Enable XDM on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

69 . Add network computer entries to /etc/host file

70 . Enable MOP on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

71 . Add the nodes to the NCP database (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

72 . Create Proxy accounts on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)

73 . Enable DECwindows on the host (see Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System)