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Installing the Software

The first step is to install the network computer software on one or more hosts. The network computer plugs directly into the network, so you can install the software on one host or distribute it across different hosts on the same network.

You can install the software on a VAX running VMS Version 5.4 or greater, or on an AlphaAXP host running OpenVMS Version 6.1 or greater into any disk-device: [directory]. The AlphaAXP software is available on a TK50 tape only.

To perform the installation procedure, you need system privilege and knowledge, and system responsibility.

Note: The directory names in the examples that follow assume the default directory structure. If you change from the default directory name, specify the new path rather than the default shown in the examples. The structure of the directory, however, is required as shown on the next page.

Media Contents

The directory structure can be created wherever you decide. By default, the directory is SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TEK]. For consistency throughout the manuals, the top-level directory is assumed to be /TEK. The directory hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Directory Hierarchy

The following directories are installed when loading the Installation media.
/TEK is the default install directory. Your install directory may be different.

The installation and implementation of the software under VMS requires a directory structure as shown on the previous page, Media Contents. The logical name, TEK$TOOLS, described later in this chapter in the Required Logical Names section, defines the top directory level where all common files reside.

The Installation media contains files you load on a host computer to support the network computers. It contains the boot files, configuration files, source for font tools, and downloadable fonts.

The media has over 700 downloadable fonts that supplement the resident fonts of the network computer and the host. These font files are in Server Normal Format (SNF) and are tailored specifically for network computers. The following provides a brief description of the font directories under the [TEK.XP.BOOT.FONTS] directory, or logical name:

Note: You need not install any fonts from the Installation media to use DECwindows and DECwindows fonts.

Preparing for Software Installation

The following software versions are required to install the NCBridge software: VMS Version 5.4 or greater, or for AlphaAXP hosts, OpenVMS Version 6.1 or greater. Before actually installing the software, perform the following procedure.

    1. Check the current system version of the intended host with the command:
    2. Check the amount of disk space available on the intended host with the following commands:
      $ SHOW DEVICE  target-installation-disk
      Table 1-1 shows the required disk space for a full installation on specific network computer models:
      Table 1-1 Required Disk Space for Installations
      Network Computer Model
      XP330 series
      XP100/XP200/XP350/XP400 series
      NC200/NC400 Series
      NC900 Series
Note: You should have a backup of the target and system disks before installing any software product. For instructions on backing up the system disk, refer to the VMS System Manager's Manual.
    1. Determine the used global sections and pages with the INSTALL utility.
Note: SYSPRV and CMKRNL privileges are required.
Installing SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$STARTLOGIN.EXE requires one global section and four global pages.
The LIST/GLOBAL command lists the currently used totals. The example below shows global sections and pages found with the LIST/GLOBAL command:
Summary of Local Memory Global Sections
215 Global Sections Used, 12164/17836 Global Pages Used/ Unused
    1. Exit the INSTALL utility:
      install> EXIT
    2. Determine the global sections and pages available with the VMS SYSGEN utility:
      sysgen> SHOW GBLSECTIONS
    Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic
    -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- -------
    GBLSECTIONS 400 250 20 4095 Sections
    1. The "Current" value should be at least one global section greater than the global sections used (listed in step 3). And there should be at least four unused global pages. To increase the GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGES, refer to step 9.
    2. Check that the SCSSYSTEMID parameter is set correctly so that xpsh can determine the host's DECnet address by entering the following:
      sysgen> SHOW SCSSYSTEMID
      In the "Current" column, the number should equal the following (based on the host's DECnet address):
      DECnet area  5  1024 +  DECnet number
      For example, on DECnet host 56.48, the DECnet area is 56, and the DECnet number is 48. The number in the Current column should be 57392
      (56  5  1024  +  48).
      If the correct number is not set, edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file and add the following line:
      where <number> is the host's DECnet area  5  1024  +  DECnet number.
    3. Exit the SYSGEN utility:
      sysgen> EXIT
    4. If sufficient resources are not available, increase the GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGES values using the AUTOGEN utility (step 6). Also, use the AUTOGEN utility if you've edited the MODPARAMS.DAT file (step 7). Refer to the AUTOGEN utility in the VMS System Manager's Manual. After running AUTOGEN, reboot the system so that the new values take effect.

Installing the Software

This section describes how to install the software on the host using the VMSINSTAL command procedure. For more information about this command procedure, refer to the VMS System Manager's Manual.

    1. Login to the SYSTEM account.
    2. Start the VMSINSTAL command procedure:
      VMSINSTAL identifies itself, informs you if any other processes are active on the system, and allows you to continue.
      VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-3
      It is 15-MAY-1995 at 07:41.
      Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help.
      %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active:
      * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]?
      The installation does not affect any currently executing processes, so enter YES. If you prefer to install when no processes are active, press the Return key; this terminates VMSINSTAL.
    3. The procedure asks if the backup of your system disk is satisfactory:
      * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]?
      If you completed the steps in the Preparing for Software Installation section, you should have a satisfactory backup. Enter YES.
      If you are not satisfied, enter NO (or Return) to terminate VMSINSTAL. You can back up the system disk as described in the VMS System Manager's Manual and begin the installation again.
    4. When prompted for the device where the distribution media is mounted, provide the appropriate device name; in this session we are using MUA0:
      * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: MUA0:
    5. When prompted for the product to be processed, enter the product number, NCB40TS. Or, for patch tapes or updates, check the tape label for the most recent version's product number.
      Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set.
      * Products: NCB40TS
    6. You are prompted for installation options:
      * Enter installation options you wish to use (none):
      This installation requires a maximum of 309,600 blocks of working disk space on the system disk to unload the installation savesets. If you have enough disk space, press the Return key. If you do not have the blocks available on the system disk, enter:
      where device is the name of a disk device that has at least 32,000 free blocks of working space.
Note: This is only for working space.
    1. When prompted, load the Installation media into the specified device and enter Y:
      Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:
      * Are you ready? Y
    2. VMSINSTAL begins the installation by printing some informational messages:
      %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TEKXP mounted on _MUA0:
      The following products will be processed:
      TEKNC V4.0
      Beginning installation of TEKNC V4.0 at 07:43
      %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A...
      Product saveset A contains the product-specific command procedure that controls the installation.
      The VMS version on the installation host is checked during the installation. For VAX processors, VMS version 5.4 is required; for AlphaAXP hosts, OpenVMS version 6.1 is required. If an appropriate version is not present, an error message displays and VMSINSTAL terminates. If this happens, upgrade the system to an appropriate version and begin the installation again.
    3. If installing in a VAX cluster environment, you can install the software on a single node only, or into a homogeneous VAX cluster environment.
      Do you wish to install the NCBridge support software on this VAX cluster (YES/NO)?
      Answer NO to specify a single node, or YES to select a VAX cluster. If you select YES, you have the option to have SYSMAN execute TEK_STARTUP.COM on all the nodes in a cluster, or on specific nodes in a homogeneous VAX cluster environment.
      Do you wish to have TEK_STARTUP.COM executed by SYSMAN on all nodes (YES/NO)?
      Answer YES to select all nodes, or NO and select specific nodes with the following prompt.
      Enter the VAX cluster node list for SYSMAN (comma- separated)
      You must specify at least one member node of the VAX cluster.
    4. If this is a first time installation, the device and directory for the root directory of the installation must be specified, for example [TEK]:
      You are asked where to store the NCD NC files. The files are stored in a directory tree called [Tek...] by default, on the device and directory you specify. System-wide logical names TEK$TOOLS and TEK$TOOLS_ROOT are created to refer to this directory tree.
      Enter the device and directory where [TEK] should be created [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TEK]]:
      %VMSINSTAL-ISYSDIR, This product creates directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TEK].
    5. The system checks to see if XP100, XP200, XP330, XP350, XP400, NC200, or NC400 software currently exists. You are then asked to select which software to install. The install script prompts you to select the same type of software that currently exists.
      Tek XP330 series software is installed on this system.
      Do you want to install the XP100-product software?
      Do you want to install the XP200-product software?
      Do you want to install the XP330-product software?
      Do you want to install the XP350-product software?
      Do you want to install the XP400-product software?
      Do you want to install the NC200-product software?
      Do you want to install the NC400-product software?
      Do you want to install the NC900-product software?
      Depending on the type of software being installed, system logicals are defined.
      Defining system logical TEK$XP_BOOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$XP100_BOOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$XP200_BOOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$XP400_BOOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$XP330_BOOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$XP350_BOOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$NC200_BOOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$NC400_BOOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$NC900_BOOT.
      Defining system logicals TEK$XP_CONFIG.
      Defining system logical TEK$XP_BOOT_CONFIG_ROOT.
      Defining system logical TEK$XP_FONTS.
      %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates directory TEK$TOOLS_ROOT:[SCRATCH].
      %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates directory TEK$TOOLS_ROOT:[XP.BOOT.CONFIG_SITE].
    6. If this is an upgrade or re-installation, you are prompted to purge replaced files to conserve disk space:
      * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]?
      Enter YES to automatically purge files at the end of the installation.
      If you answer YES, this message appears:
      *.com, *.TBL, DEVICE.CONFIG, and TEK$TOOLS_ROOT:[XP.BOOT.CONFIG_SITE] will not be purged.
    7. An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) verifies the installation and checks whether the host system can support the network computers. Answer Yes at the following prompt to run the IVP after the installation, or No if you do not want to run this procedure.
      This kit contains an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) which is used to check the installation and determine if DECnet will support the NCD NC-products.
      After the installation is complete, you can invoke the IVP at any time to check if the host system can support the NC-products by executing the command:
      $ @tek$tools_root:[install]tekxp$ipv.com
      Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]?
    8. You can tailor the installation by selecting parts of the distribution:
      You will be asked if you want a full, partial, or minimum installation for NCBridge software. When you finish, installation will proceed without your intervention.
      Reply FULL for a full installation which contains:
      o VMS utilities to manage the network computer
      o 9 additional fonts directories (mit100dpi, mit75dpi,
       mitmisc, tek, oldx11, openlook, japanese, speedo, type1)
      o source code for building the data_xp utility
      o local mwm and related configuration files
      <#> disk blocks are required for the selected product mix
      Reply MINIMUM for a minimum installation consisting of:
      o files needed to boot and configure the network computer
      o VMS utilities to manage the network computer
      Select this to use minimum diskspace.
      <#> disk blocks are required for the selected product mix
      Reply PART and you will be allowed to selectively choose parts of the full installation. At the least, a MINIMUM configuration is pre-selected.
      * Do you want the FULL, PARTIAL, or MINIMUM installation [FULL]:
      If you want to install only selected parts of the distribution, enter PART. When prompted, enter Y for each section you want installed:
      Do you want the NC configuration files (Yes/No) [Y] ?
      Do you want the NC boot files (Yes/No) [Y] ?
      Do you want all NC font files (Yes/No for individual font selections) [Y] ?
    9. If you indicated that you do not want to install all fonts, you can select the fonts you want to install by responding Y to each font module you want:
      Do you want the NC mit 100dpi font files (Y/N)?[Y]
      Do you want the NC mit 75 dpi font files (Y/N)? [Y]
      Do you want the NC mit miscellaneous font files (Y/N)[Y]
      Do you want the NC tek font files (Y/N)? [Y]
      Do you want the NC oldx11 font files (Y/N)? [Y]
      Do you want the NC openlook font files (Y/N)? [Y]
      Do you want the NC japanese font files (Y/N)? [Y]
      Do you want the NC scalable Speedo font files (Y/N)? [Y]
    10. Specify whether to install the following files:
      Do you want the NC source files (Y/N)? [Y]
      Do you want the NC demo files (Y/N) [Y]
    11. You are asked if you want to add network node information now. This command procedure prompts you for the DECnet name, DECnet address, ethernet address, and boot file name for your network computers. This information is used to set the DECnet NCP database enabling each network computer to obtain its initial booting parameters over the network without intervention. If installing a VAX cluster member, you are also asked if the volatile NCP database should be updated on all members of the cluster.
      Do you want to enter new DECnet nodes now (Y/N)? [Y]
      This command procedure will prompt you for the name, DECnet address, ethernet address and boot file name for your family of network computers. This information will be used to set the DECnet NCP database enabling you to use the TDEnet option of your NC.
      Entering a ^Y at any time will safely exit this command procedure.
      Enter DECnet name of the NC (1-6 characters) [ ] :
      Enter the DECnet address; or ? to list current node entries [ ] :
      Enter the NC hardware ethernet address [ ] :
      Enter the NC boot filename [ NC900_OS ] :
Note: You may see a warning that the file is not found. Ignore the warning; the file will be installed later in the installation process.
Is this correct? [yes] :
Enter information for another NC [yes]:

Manually Supporting VAX Clusters

To add additional nodes to an existing VAX cluster, you must select a
<disk-device>:[<directory>] that is common to them. Files for the added nodes should be moved from system-specific directories to system-common directories.

    3. For Series 100, 200, 330, 350, 400, 500 (for NC200 and NC400 units) and 900 network computers, move XPxxx_OS.SYS from SYS$SPECIFIC:[MOM$SYSTEM] to SYS$COMMON:[MOM$SYSTEM].
      (Where xxx is 100, 200, 330, 350, 400, 500, or 900.)

When booting the network computer, the first system that responds to the MOP request services the network computer. To boot a specific group of network computers from a particular VAX cluster member, copy the XP*_OS.SYS or NC*_OS.SYS file to SYS$SPECIFIC:[MOM$SYSTEM] of each member and assign them a unique name. For example, to boot NC900 network computers on a VAX cluster member named IDAHO, you would do the following:


For information about automatic booting, see the Adding Nodes to the NCP Database section in Chapter 5, Supporting a Centralized System.

Site-Specific System Startup

During installation, the TEK_STARTUP.COM and TEKXP<nnn>_STARTUP.COM files are added to the SYS$MANAGER: directory (where <nnn> is 200, 330, 350, 400, 500, or 900). This command procedure should be executed at system startup time.

If this is a first time network computer installation, add this command to the site-specific system startup file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM.


This command procedure:

At installation time, the SYSGEN and queue configuring commands are commented out. If you add an optional printer, enter the appropriate CSR and VECTOR information for the SYSGEN connect command. Uncomment the SYSGEN command, and the device and queue configuring commands, as appropriate. In this example procedure, the device and printer name is "lca0". You can change this name as required. "tcpr" is the queue name used for the color printer. If you change this name, also change it in the TEK$TOOLS:TEK_SYLOGIN.COM file.

The SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$STARTLOGIN.EXE file is installed with CMKRNL privilege. This allows any user to start the DECwindows login process on the network computer.

The TEKXP_DECWFONT_FIXUP.COM command procedure is executed to examine any installed DECwindows font directories. It also creates FONTS.DIR and FONTS.ALIAS files used by the network computer to create a font-name to font-filename mapping. This provides the network computer with filename information for locating a particular font.

The detached process, XP_SERVER, starts. This process exists until the host is rebooted or manually stopped by a privileged user. The process receives requests to start a DECwindows login on the network computer. The requests are either automatically generated by the network computer, or manually by the user with the XPSTARTREQ command.

User Login Information

The TEK$TOOLS:TEK_SYLOGIN.COM command procedure defines the commands used to run Tek-supplied utilities.

The logical name HLP$LIBRARY is used within this command procedure. A search is made for unused HLP$LIBRARY_number where number is the next consecutive number starting at 1.

You should add the command:


to either the system login command procedure (the default is SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM) or each user's private login command procedure (default LOGIN.COM).

Executable Image Installation

Installing any image as a known image is at the discretion of the local system manager. The software needs no special user privileges to execute and is not required to be installed with privilege. If you expect high usage, install any executable image as a known, shareable image to decrease hard paging by competing processes.

Required Logical Names

The following logical names refer to the location where the software is installed. They are defined in the system logical name table so that they are defined for all users by default. Table 1-2 describes the logical names.
Table 1-2 Logical Names for Network Computer Software
Logical Name


Refers to the top of the installation directory tree.


A rooted directory logical name to refer to subdirectories in TEK$TOOLS.


A rooted directory logical name to refer to font subdirectories.


A logical name to refer to the boot directory.



A logical name to refer to the directory

containing the configuration table files


Table 1-3
Note: The logical names in this table refer to the directory containing the configuration table files (*.TBL) .
For NC900 Series

For NC400 Series

For NC200 Series

For XP400 Series

For XP350 Series
For XP330 Series
For XP200 Series
For XP100 Series
Logical Names for Directories Containing Configuration Table Files
Table 1-4
Logical Name


This is an example of a rooted logical meant to refer to default configuration files.

Default Configuration File Directory

Two logical names allow use of DECwindows font files and are defined in the TEK$TOOLS_ROOT:[XP.BIN.COMS]TEKXP_DECWFONT_FIXUP.COM command procedure.

This command procedure is automatically executed by the command procedure, SYS$MANAGER:TEK_STARTUP.COM. Table 1-5 describes the logical names.
Table 1-5 Logical Names for DECwindows Fonts
Logical Name


A rooted directory logical name; refers to the directory where the FONTS.DIR and FONTS.ALIAS files are created in a directory structure that mimics DECwindows font directories.


A search list that is equivalent to the rooted directories of the DECwindows font and TEK$DECW_ROOT.