Additional graphics elements
Special graphic elements are specified in the dataset by lines starting with an E: at the beginning.
Here's a list sorted by functionality:
Basic elements
E: ARC (xc,yc, phimin,phimax, rmin,rmax, attr, lw); circular arc (two radii)
E: CIRCLE(xc,yc, phimin,phimax, r, attr, lw); circular arc
E: ELL (xc,yc, phimin,phimax, r, b/a, angle, attr, lw); elliptical arc
xc,yc are the coordinates of the figure centre,
phimin,phimax denote the angular range,
rmin,rmax are the minimum and maximum radius,
b/a the ratio of small to large axis,
angle the angle of the major axis with respect to the x-axis,
attr graphics attributes,
lw optional linewidth (mm).
E: FRAME (xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax, attr, lw); rectangular frame
E: RECT (xc,yc, xlen,b/a, angle, attr, lw); rectangle
E: SQUARE(xc,yc, xlen angle, attr, lw); square
xmin,ymin lower left edge,
xmax,ymax upper right edge,
xc,yc centre coordinates,
xlen length in x-units,
b/a the ratio of small to large axis,
angle the angle of the major axis with respect to the x-axis,
attr graphics attributes.
lw optional linewidth (mm)
E: CROSS (xc,yc, xsize, angle, attr, lw); a cross
E: LINE (xf,yf, xl,yl, attr, lw); a line
E: PLOT (xc,yc, attr, lw); move pen to this point
E: POINT (xc,yc); a single point
xc,yc centre coordinates,
xf,yf start coordinates,
xl,yl end coordinates,
xsize size in x-units,
angle the angle of the major axis with respect to the x-axis,
attr graphics attributes.
lw optional linewidth (mm)
E: ARLINE(xf,yf, xl,yl, xsize, oangle, attr, lw); arrow
E: ARROW (xf,yf, xlen, xsize, oangle, angle, attr, lw); arrow
E: DECAY (xf,yf, xl,yl, width, attr, lw); radioactive decay symbol
xf,yf start coordinates (tip),
xl,yl end coordinates,
xsize arrow tip size in x-units,
xlen line length in x-units,
oangle opening angle of arrow tip,
angle the angle of the major axis with respect to the x-axis,
width width of decay figure,
attr graphics attributes.
lw optional linewidth (mm)
E: FINGER(xf,yf, xl,yl, fac, attr, lw); a finger symbol
E: SCHERE(xf,yf, xl,yl, fac, attr, lw); a scissors symbol
xf,yf start coordinates (tip),
xl,yl end coordinates (bottom),
fac factor for size in transversal direction,
attr graphics attributes.
lw optional linewidth (mm)
E: CLIP clip at coordinate axes
E: NOCLIP don't clip at coordinate axes
E: ROTATE(angle); rotate all following elements around (0,0)
E: ROTATE(angle,xaxis,yaxis); rotate all following elements around axis
E: SHIFT(xshift,yshift); shift all following elements
angle rotation angle
xaxis,yaxis rotation axis
xshift,yshift shift coordinates
Note that rotation and shift are not accumulative.
Functions as graphics elements
E: EXP( xc, ymin, ymax, tau, attr, lw);
y = (ymax - ymin) * exp( (x-xc)/tau ) + ymin
E: EXPLG( ymin, ymax, tau, attr, lw);
y = ymin + (ymax - ymin) * exp(1) * eta * exp(-eta);
eta = x / tau;
E: GAUSS( xc, ymin, ymax, sigma, attr, lw);
Gaussian curve (standard)
E: GAUSS( xc, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax, sigma, attr, lw);
Gaussian curve with limited range
E: GAUSSINT( xc, ymin, ymax, sigma, attr, lw);
Probability integral (not the error function!)
E: GAUSSCUT( xc, ymin, ymax, sigma, cut/sigma, attr, lw);
Probability integral cut (not the error function!)
E: GRID( xdist, ydist, attr, lw);
E: GRID( xdist, ydist, xshift, yshift, attr, lw)
Grid over the picture.
In logarithmic mode the distance is interpreted as 10 ** distance parameter!
E: KASTEN( xmin-sigma, xmax+sigma, integral, sigma, attr, lw);
Rectangular distribution folded with a Gaussian
E: POLYNOMIAL( xmin, xmax, p0,p1,p2, ..., attr );
Polynomial function. Unfortunately no line thickness values are allowed
because they can't be distinguished from polynomial coefficients.
xmin,xmax x-range
ymin,ymax y-range
xc,yc centre coordinates,
tau decay constant
sigma variance (not FWHM !)
attr graphics attributes.
lw optional linewidth (mm)
Some electronic circuitry symbols:
E: CAPACITY (xf,yf, xl,yl, size, attr, lw );
E: DIODE (xf,yf, xl,yl, size, attr, lw );
E: RESISTOR (xf,yf, xl,yl, size, attr, lw );
E: TRANSISTOR(xc,yc, dx,dy, radius, type, attr, lw );
xf,yf start coordinates,
xl,yl end coordinates,
size size in x-units,
xc,yc centre coordinates,
type 1 or 2 for different transistor type,
radius radius (size) of the symbol,
attr graphics attributes.
lw optional linewidth (mm)
Some elements may have coordinates in centimeters:
Modifications of the basic elements
The basic elements may be modified to be clipped at the axes, filled, hatched or inverted, if meaningful,
by specifying additional letters I, F, H or V, respectively.
E: GAUSSI(...);
E: RECTF(...);
E: RECTH(...);
Attributes for graphic elements
Most graphic elements allow to specify colour, line mode and hatch mode.
E: arc( 50,40, 0,90, 10, 20, drbac )
plots a quarter arc centred at (x,y) = (50,40) with inner and outer radii
of 10 and 20, respectively. The arc is in violet colour, outlined with a
dashed line and the interior is hatched vertically and horizontally.