Presentation of data

Various ways of data representation are possible,
selected by the following letters or letter combinations:

 H histogram
HH histogram, full
 I histogram with vertical lines
II histogram with small hatching
 E histogram with statistical error bars
 A histogram, vertically hatched
 C histogram, horizontally hatched
AC combination of A and C
 J histogram, hatched (45 degr.)
 K histogram, hatched (135 degr.)
JK combination of J and K

Note also the Histogram conventions 
For hatched histograms the hatching density is defined by the display parameter HATCHING.

 U open columns,
UU solid columns,
 V columns with vertical lines,
 W hatched columns.

The column width is defined by the display parameter COLUMN.
For hatched columns the hatching density is defined by the display parameter HATCHING.

  O fine hatched polygon,
 OO solid polygon,
 AO vertically hatched polygon,
 CO horizontally hatched polygon,
ACO combination of AO and CO,
 JO 45 degree hatched polygon,
 KO 135 degree hatched polygon,
JKO combination of JO and KO.

For hatched polygons the hatching density is defined by the display parameter HATCHING.

Histogram conventions

Histograms are drawn with the following convention:
The content Y(i) of the channel X(i) is taken to be valid from the
channel-number limit X(i) to X(i+1). Thus the number X(i+1) defines
simultaneously the end of the bin (i) and the begin of bin (i+1).
This allows the handling of a variable bin size.
If you want to center the histogram bin around its nominal value,
please shift the data by a data modification in the header line:

   H:   X-0.5   Y,H0