Manually Performing a Network Boot of an RS/6000 SP MCA High Node


About this document
     Related documentation
Instructions for manual node conditioning

About this document

This document describes the procedure for manually performing a network boot of an RS/6000 SP MCA High Node. This procedure is also known as manual node conditioning. It may be used when the automatic procedures to network boot a node in Perspectives or the command nodecond has failed. Manual node conditioning also allows more effective monitoring and troubleshooting during the network boot.

The procedure detailed in this document is not AIX specific, so it applies to all versions of AIX.

Related documentation

The product documentation library is also available:

Instructions for manual node conditioning

  1. Configure the System Data Repository (SDR) for the appropriate bootp_response using one of the following procedures.

    Procedure from the command line

    1. From the command line on the control workstation, enter:
              # spbootins -r <bootp_response> -l <node_number,node_number,...> -s yes
    2. Choose one of the following for bootp_response: install, migrate, maintenance, or diag (for diagnostic). node_number is the number(s) of the node(s) separated by commas.

    If the preceding steps are not used, select one of the following procedures according to the appropriate Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) level.

    Procedure using PSSP 3.1.0, 3.1.1, or 3.2.0

    1. From SMIT on the control workstation for PSSP 3.1.0, 3.1.1, or 3.2.0, enter smitty server_dialog. The following screen should display.
                                      Boot/Install Server Information
                      Type or select values in entry fields.
                      Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
                      Start Frame                                     []      #
                      Start Slot                                      []      #
                      Node Count                                      []      #
                      Node List                                       []
                      Response from Server to bootp Request                   +
                      Volume Group Name                               []
                      Run setup_server?                               yes     +
    2. In the preceding screen, fill in the following:

      For Node_List, enter the number(s) of the node(s) separated by commas.
      For Response from Server to bootp Request, enter either install, migrate, maintenance, or diag.
      For Run setup_server?, enter yes.

    Procedure using PSSP 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4

    1. From SMIT on the control workstation for PSSP 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4 enter smitty server_dialog. The following screen should display.
                                      Boot/Install Server Information
                      Type or select values in entry fields.
                      Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
                      Start Frame                                     []      #
                      Start Slot                                      []      #
                      Node Count                                      []      #
                      Node Group                                      []      +
                      Node List                                       []
                      Boot/Install Server Node Identifier                     []
                      Network Install Image Name                      []
                      Destination Hard Disk(s)                                []
                      Response from Server to bootp Request                   +
                      LPP Source Name                                 []
                      PSSP Level                                              +
                      /usr Server's Hostname or IP Address            []
                      Gateway to /usr Server                          []
                      /usr Client Adapter Name                                        +
                      Run setup_server on the Control Workstation?    yes     +
    2. In the preceding screen, fill in the following:

      For Node_List, enter the number(s) of the node(s) separated by commas.
      For Response from Server to bootp Request, enter either install, migrate, maintenance, or diag.
      For Run setup_server on the control workstation?, enter yes.

    For all three of the preceding methods, setup_server should complete with a return code of 0, that is, rc = 0. If you do not see rc = 0, this could indicate possible NIM errors, which requires fixing before the network boot will work. Please contact customer support if you do not see rc = 0.

    NOTE: For the following steps 2-5, you may use either Perspectives or the command line. Examples for both Perspectives and the commmand line are included.

  2. Power off the node.

  3. Open the SP LED Panels.

  4. Put the key in Service mode.

  5. Open a s1term/tty connection to the node.

  6. Press Enter to get a ">" prompt. At this prompt, type >sbb, then press Enter again. The following menu should display. Choose option 1.
                    Stand-By Menu :   rev 17.03
                    0 Display Configuration
                    1 Set Flags
                    2 Set Unit Number
                    3 Set Configuration
                    4 SSbus Maintenance
                    5 I2C Maintenance

  7. At the following menu, ensure that option 2, Autoservice IPL, is set to Disabled and option 6, Fast IPL, is set to Enabled. If necessary, select the option number to toggle the setting.
                    Set Flags
                    0 Remote Authorization                  Disabled
                    1 Bump Console Present                  Enabled
                    2 Autoservice IPL                       Disabled
                    3 Extended Tests                        Disabled
                    4 PowerOn Tests in Trace Mode           Disabled
                    5 PowerOn Tests in Loop Mode            Disabled
                    6 Fast IPL                              Enabled
                    7 Set Electronic Mode Switch to Normal  NRM
    After the settings are in place, press x to exit to the Stand-By Menu, then x again to clear the screen. Lastly, press Ctrl-x to terminate the s1term/tty connection.

  8. Power on the node.

  9. Open another s1term/tty connection to the node.

  10. After displaying information, the screen should display the following menu. Select option 6, System Boot, from the Maintenance Menu.
                    Maintenance Menu (Rev.  06.04)
                    0> Display Configuration
                    1> Display BUMP Error Log
                    2> Enable Service Console
                    3> Disable Service Console
                    4> Reset
                    5> Power Off
                    6> System Boot
                    7> Off-Line Tests
                    8> Set Parameters
                    9> Set National Language

  11. Select option 1, Boot From Network, from the System Boot Menu displayed below.
                    System Boot
                    0> Boot From List
                    1> Boot From Network
                    2> Boot From SCSI Device
                    Select [x:exit]:

  12. Select option 1, Select BOOT (Startup) Device, from the Main Menu.
                    Main Menu
                    1. Select BOOT (Startup) Device
                    2. Select Language for these Menus
                    3. Send Test Transmission (PING)
                    4. Exit Main Menu and Start System (BOOT)
                    Type the number for your selection, and press "ENTER"
                    (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

  13. Select the correct boot device from the menu choices given. On the high nodes, it is usually the BNC Ethernet.
                    Select Boot (Startup) Device
                    Select the device to BOOT (Startup) this machine.
                    WARNING: If you are using Token-Ring, selection of an 
                    incorrect data rate can result in total disruption of the
                    Token-Ring network.
                    "==>" Shows the selected BOOT (Startup) device
                    ==>     1. Use Default Boot (Startup) Device
                            2. Ethernet: Slot 1/1, 15-pin connector
                            3. Ethernet: Slot 1/1, BNC / modular Jacks
                    Page 1 of 1
                    99. Return to Main Menu
                    Type the number for your selection, then press "ENTER"
                    (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

  14. Setting addresses.
                    Set or Change Network Addresses
                    Select an address to change
                    Currently selected BOOT (startup) device is:
                    Ethernet: Slot 1/1, BNC / modular Jacks
                    Hardware address...................................08005A75A45B
                    1. Client address                     
                            (address of this machine)
                    2. Bootp Server address               
                            (address of the remote machine you boot from)
                    3. Gateway address                    
                            (Optional, required if gateway used)
                    97. Return to Select BOOT(Startup) Device Menu (SAVES addresses)
                    99. Return to Main Menu (SAVES addresses)
                    Type the number for your selection, then press "ENTER"
                    (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

  15. Select option 3 from the Main Menu, displayed below.
                    Main Menu
                    1. Select BOOT (Startup) Device
                    2. Select Language for these Menus
                    3. Send Test Transmission (PING)
                    4. Exit Main Menu and Start System (BOOT)
                    Type the number for your selection, and press "ENTER"
                    (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

  16. Select option 4 from the Send Test Transmission (PING) Menu, displayed below.
                    Send Test Transmission (PING)
                    A test to see if the machine at the origin 
                    address can communicate, thru the network, with the
                    machine at the destination address.
                    Currently selected BOOT (startup) devices is:
                    Ethernet: Slot 1/1, BNC / modular Jacks
                    Hardware address ...................................08005A75A45B
                    Select an address to change or select "4" to begin the test.
                    1. Origin address                     
                    2. Destination address                
                    3. Gateway address                    
                    4. START PING TEST
                    99. Return to Main Menu
                    Type the number for your selection, and press "ENTER"
                    (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

  17. At the following screen, choose 99 to return to the Main Menu. If the following screen does not display, the ping test failed. This may indicate a networking or hardware problem. Please contact customer support.
                    SUCCESSFUL TEST.   Transmission sent and received.
                    97. Return to Send Test Transmission Screen.
                    99. Return to Main Menu
                    Type the number for your selection, and press "ENTER"
                    (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

  18. Select option 4 from the Main Menu.
                    Main Menu
                    1. Select BOOT (Startup) Device
                    2. Select Language for these Menus
                    3. Send Test Transmission (PING)
                    4. Exit Main Menu and Start System (BOOT)
                    Type the number for your selection, and press "ENTER"
                    (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

    The following information should display:

                    STARTING SYSTEM (BOOT)
                    To get a NORMAL boot, turn the key on your system unit
                    to "NORMAL" and press "ENTER" to continue booting.
                    99. Return to Main Menu
                    Type the number for your selection, and press "ENTER"
                    (Use the "Backspace" key to correct errors)

  19. Put the key in Normal mode.

  20. Press Enter. The following should display.
                    STARTING SYSTEM (BOOT)
                    Booting ........ Please Wait
                    Ethernet: Slot 1/1, BNC / modular Jacks
                    Hardware address ...................................08005A75A45B
                                    Packets sent    Packets received
                    Bootp             00003             00003
    The value for packets sent and received should increment at a similar rate as will the value for TFTP packets. Once this portion is complete, the node will come up in the mode selected in the bootp_response in the SDR. If you do not begin receiving the requested output from the bootp_response, contact Customer Support.

    [ Doc Ref: 96395380917810     Publish Date: Oct. 19, 2000     4FAX Ref: 8654 ]