This document describes how to increase the size of the random access memory filesystem (RAMFS) with the chramfs command. The following method is used when the restore fails with an out of space error message. This method only applies to situations where the system is booted from a Sysback bootable image (tape or network) for a rootvg installation from a Sysback full system backup. Once booted from the bootable image, only a certain amount of the system's RAM is allocated to the newly created virtual filesystem (or RAMFS) that the AIX installation image (basically a mini-kernel) uses. Although methods exist to alter the default amount of RAM used by the RAMFS prior to the bootable image being created, there is no way to increase the size of the RAMFS after bootup except by employing the /usr/lib/boot/chramfs AIX command. This document discusses how to use this command with a system booted from a Sysback boot image.
This document applies to all in-service versions of Sysback on any supported AIX /usr/lib/boot chmod 775 chramfs backup -ivqf /dev/fd0 ./chramfs
cd /usr/lib/boot
For all earlier versions of Sysback, enter the following commands:
cd /tmp restore -xqf /dev/fd0
chramfs 4096
[ Doc Ref: 9278380038546 Publish Date: Aug. 14, 2000 4FAX Ref: 4392 ]