
   int PEXMapXCToNPC2D(
       int point_count,
       unsigned int window_height,
       PEXDeviceCoord2D *viewport,
       PEXNPCSubVolume *npc_sub_volume,
       int view_count,
       PEXViewEntry *views,
       int *view_return,
       int *count_return,
       PEXCoord2D *points_return


The number of points to transform.

A pointer to an array of drawable-coordinate (XC) points to transform.

The height of the drawable.

An array of two device coordinate points defining a viewport, typically that of a renderer resource. The first point in the array is the lower-left corner of the viewport; the second point is the upper-right.

A pointer to an NPC subvolume, typically that of a renderer resource.

The number of views to search.

The view entries to search for inclusion of the transformed points.

The view found to contain the most points.

Returns the number of points contained in the returned view, or the number of points transformed if no views are specified.

A pointer to an array in which to store the transformed points.


Zero if successful; otherwise, one of the following:

xmin >= xmax, or ymin >= ymax
xmin >= xmax, or ymin >= ymax, or zmin > zmax


Invoke PEXMapXCToNPC2D to map a list of drawable coordinates (XC) to NPC and search a specified list of view entries to determine the view containing the computed NPC points.

The XC points are first transformed to two-dimensional DC, using the specified window height, then transformed to two-dimensional NPC by the viewport-to-subvolume transform implied by the specified viewport and NPC subvolume. The specified list of views is then searched, in order from 0 to the number of views minus 1, and the index of the first view containing all the NPC points is returned. If no view contains all the points, then the lowest-index view containing the most points is returned. In this case, only the points within the view are returned.

When determining the containing view, only the x-y clipping limits of the view are considered, with no consideration given to the front and back clipping limits, the clipping flags, or the viewing transforms.

If no views are specified, then the XC points are simply transformed to NPC points and returned. The value of the returned view is undefined in this case.

The viewport-to-subvolume transformation maps to NPC the largest region of the specified viewport that has the same aspect ratio as the NPC subvolume and is anchored at the back lower-left of the viewport (the corner of the viewport with the minimum x, y and z coordinates). Points that lie outside this region of the viewport are not transformed.

When specifying NPC and DC, the x, y and z limits must be as follows:

  xmin < xmax, ymin < ymax, zmin <= zmax



See Also

For a list of miscellaneous transformation utilities, see Miscellaneous Transformation Utilities. For a list of related topics, see PEXlib Utilities.