PEXOCCComputeFillAreaShapeHint Utility


   int PEXOCCComputeFillAreaShapeHint(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int count,
       PEXPointer vertex_data


An OC context returned by a successful PEXCreateOCC call.

vertex_attributes (OCC)
A mask indicating the vertex attributes provided.

color_type (OCC)
The type of color data provided.

surface_vertex_fp_data_count (OCC)
The number of optional floating-point numbers for each vertex.

The number of vertices.

A pointer to the vertex data defining the fill area. Facet / Vertex Data Formats.

data_model (OCC)
Specifies the data model used to represent the geometric data.

data_model_specs (OCC)
Offset and size data for the PEXDataStride or PEXDataUnpacked data models.


Shape hint; one of the following: PEXShapeComplex, PEXShapeNonConvex, PEXShapeConvex, PEXShapeUnknown.


Invoke PEXOCCComputeFillAreaShapeHint to compute the shape hint of a fill area and return it as the function return value.

If this function cannot determine a shape hint because of invalid or degenerate vertex data, the function will return the least optimistic hint, PEXShapeUnknown. This function does not perform a planarity check, so it returns a hint that may be invalid for non-planar fill areas.



See Also

For a list of utilities that compute shape hints, see Computing Shape Hints. For a list of related topics, see PEXlib Utilities.