PEXDestroyStructures - Destroy Structures (5.0)


   void PEXDestroyStructures(
        Display *display,
        unsigned long count,
        PEXStructure *structures


A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful XOpenDisplay call.

The number of structure resource identifiers.

An array of resource identifiers of the structures to be destroyed.




Invoke PEXDestroyStructures to delete each structure in the list of structure identifiers, remove all references to each from the other structures maintained by the implementation, and free all memory associated with each structure in the list.

This function also removes any structure elements of type Execute Structure, Include Structure, Conditional Execute Structure, and Conditional Include Structure that reference a structure in the list and unposts any structure in the list from a PHIGS workstation resource to which it is posted. If a structure has any structure elements removed from it as a result of this function call, then its element pointer continues to point at the same structure element. However, if the structure element being pointed at is removed, then the element pointer is positioned at the previous structure element.

You still can inquire any paths in search contexts or pick measures that contain references to a deleted structure. However, if a path in a search context or pick measure resource which contains a destroyed structure resource identifier is later used in a PEXSearchNetwork or PEXUpdatePickMeasure function, then the implementation issues a a path error.


A specified structure resource identifier is invalid.

See Also

For a list of all Structure functions and related topics, see Structures.