PEXGetSearchContext5_2 - Get Search Context Attributes (5.0)


     PEXSCAttributes5_2 *PEXGetSearchContext5_2
              Display            *display,
              PEXSearchContext    context,
              unsigned long       value_mask
     PEXSCAttributes *PEXGetSearchContext(
              Display            *display,
              PEXSearchContext    context,
              unsigned long       value_mask


A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful XOpenDisplay call.

The resource identifier of the search context to be queried.

A mask indicating which attributes to return.


A pointer to the requested attribute values; a null pointer if unsuccessful.


Invoke PEXGetSearchContext5_2 to get the requested attribute values of the specified search context resource.

You must use the 5.2 form of the function unless all aspects of the components you wish to get were defined in PEX 5.0 or 5.1. Note that each of the two forms uses a different structure for the values parameter.

The value mask indicates which attributes are to be returned. The value mask is constructed by or'ing together the following constants:

PEXlib allocates memory for the returned search context attribute values. Invoke PEXFreeSCAttributes5_2 to deallocate the memory.

All attributes are supported beginning with PEX 5.0, except PEXSCTextFontTable, which is supported beginning with PEX 5.2.


The specified search context resource identifier is invalid.

An invalid bit is set in the value mask.

See Also

For an overview and a list of Spatial Search functions, see Spatial Searches.