General Information

For an overview, see Output Command Functions.

This section describes the functions you use to generate output commands for PEX graphics primitives.

Primitive functions defined in PEXlib 5.1 have two forms in PEXlib 5.2; the original PEXlib 5.1 format and a corresponding function using the OC Context format. Some primitives, like the Cell Array primitives, have OCC and non-OCC forms that are very much alike. Others, such as the Fill Area primitive, have one OCC function that serves the role of several non-OCC functions.

PEXlib 5.2 defines primitive functions for new PEX 5.2 primitives only in the OCC form.

You should avoid using the older non-OCC forms and migrate towards using the OCC forms because the OCC provides a more convenient interface and because you can only use the new 5.2 primitives with the OCC format functions. You will always be able to achieve the same functionality using one of the newer functions. For example, if you are using PEXPolyline2D, you should consider migrating to PEXOCCPolyline, specifying the PEXGA2D flag to inform PEXlib that you have 2D vertex data.

For PEXlib 5.2, some primitives are reorganized into new OCC functions as described in Simplified OCC functions for primitive OC's while others are simply augmented with an OCC version of the function. In cases where there is no simple relationship between the new and old forms, the functions are listed separately (see Deprecated Primitive Output Command Functions). This relationship is specified in Simplified OCC functions for primitive OC's. The functions that were simply augmented have both of their forms documented in the same function.

Some primitives that existed prior to PEX 5.2 have new General Attribute flags (GA flags) that are used to indicate what facet and vertex data is present. For these primitives, the lists of supported facet and vertex attribute bits are annotated with the PEX version at which they were first supported. This annotation helps you select facet or vertex data types that are supported in the PEX version that your application is intending to use.