PEXSetOCC* - Convenience Functions for Setting the OCC


  void PEXSetOCCDisplay(
       PEXOCC context,
       Display *display
  void PEXSetOCCRenderer(
       PEXOCC context,
       PEXRenderer renderer
  void PEXSetOCCStructure(
       PEXOCC context,
       PEXStructure structure
  void PEXSetOCCReqType(
       PEXOCC context,
       PEXOCRequestType req_type
  void PEXSetOCCShapeHint(
       PEXOCC context,
       int shape_hint
  void PEXSetOCCIgnoreEdges(
       PEXOCC context,
       int ignore_edges
  void PEXSetOCCContourHint(
       PEXOCC context,
       int contour_hint
  void PEXSetOCCContoursAllOne(
       PEXOCC context,
       int contours_all_one
  void PEXSetOCCFacetAttributes(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int facet_attributes
  void PEXSetOCCLineVertexAttributes(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int line_vertex_attributes
  void PEXSetOCCMarkerVertexAttributes(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int marker_vertex_attributes
  void PEXSetOCCSurfaceVertexAttributes(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int surface_vertex_attributes
  void PEXSetOCCEdgeAttributes(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int edge_attributes
  void PEXSetOCCFacetFPDataCount(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int facet_fp_data_count
  void PEXSetOCCLineVertexFPDataCount(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int line_vertex_fp_data_count
  void PEXSetOCCMarkerVertexFPDataCount(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int marker_vertex_fp_data_count
  void PEXSetOCCSurfaceVertexFPDataCount(
       PEXOCC context,
       unsigned int surface_vertex_fp_data_count
  void PEXSetOCCColorType(
       PEXOCC context,
       int color_type
  void PEXSetOCCEncodingState(
       PEXOCC context,
       char *encoding_state
  void PEXSetOCCDataModel(
       PEXOCC context,
       int data_model
  void PEXSetOCCDataModelSpecsStride(
       PEXOCC context,
       PEXOCCStrideData *stride
  void PEXSetOCCDataModelSpecsUnpacked(
       PEXOCC context,
       PEXOCCUnpackedData *unpacked
  void PEXSetOCCAll5_2(
       PEXOCC context,
       PEXOCCValues *all5_2
  void PEXSetOCCRequestTarget(
       PEXOCC context,
       XID id,
       PEXOCRequestType req_type


A PEXOCC returned by a successful PEXCreateOCC call.

2nd Parameter
See the synopsis and the PEXOCCValues data structure.




Invoke one of these PEXSetOCC functions to set a single PEX OC Context value.

PEXlib defines a function for each OCC value. Invoke the appropriate function to set the corresponding OCC value. The second argument always contains the data to copy into the OCC value.

Invoke the PEXSetOCCAll5_2 function to set every member in the OCC. In this case, the second parameter is the address of an entire PEXOCCValues structure.

Invoke the PEXSetOCCRequestTarget function to change the req_type member in the OCC and either the renderer member (if the req_type is PEXOCRender or PEXOCRenderSingle) or the structure member (if the req_type is PEXOCStore or PEXOCStoreSingle).


Errors in setting the OC Context will not be apparent until the application actually uses the OCC as an argument in an OC function invocation.

See Also

For an overview, see Bitmask/Value Interface.