General Information about OC Context Functions

For an overview, see OC Context Functions.

Bitmask/Value Interface

Several of the functions described in this chapter utilize a bitmask/value approach to specifying the value of individual fields in the OC Context. The approach is very similar to the one used to manipulate the Pipeline Context. There is an array of unsigned long for holding a bitmask and a "values" structure that holds data for the fields to be modified or queried. Use the PEXSetOCCValueMask function to set bits in the bitmask that correspond to the fields in the OCC that you wish to modify or query. If modifying fields, set the actual value for each field you are changing in the appropriate member of the PEXOCCValues data structure. If querying OCC values, read the values from the structure after invoking the query function.

The value mask bits are named:   PEXOCCValues member names:
 PEXOCCMDisplay                   display
 PEXOCCMRenderer                  renderer
 PEXOCCMStructure                 structure
 PEXOCCMReqType                   req_type
 PEXOCCMShapeHint                 shape_hint
 PEXOCCMIgnoreEdges               ignore_edges
 PEXOCCMContourHint               contour_hint
 PEXOCCMContoursAllOne            contours_all_one
 PEXOCCMFacetAttributes           facet_attributes
 PEXOCCMLineVertexAttributes      line_vertex_attributes
 PEXOCCMMarkerVertexAttributes    marker_vertex_attributes
 PEXOCCMSurfaceVertexAttributes   surface_vertex_attribute
 PEXOCCMEdgeAttributes            edge_attributes
 PEXOCCMFacetFPDataCount          facet_fp_data_count
 PEXOCCMLineVertexFPDataCount     line_vertex_fp_data_count
 PEXOCCMMarkerVertexFPDataCount   marker_vertex_fp_data_count
 PEXOCCMSurfaceVertexFPDataCount  surface_vertex_fp_data_count
 PEXOCCMColorType                 color_type
 PEXOCCMEncodingState             encoding_state
 PEXOCCMDataModel                 data_model
 PEXOCCMDataModelSpecs            data_model_specs
 PEXOCCMAll5_2                    all members defined for PEXlib 5.2