Data Mapping Attributes

For an overview, see Primitives and Attributes.

The data mapping attributes that affect primitives using vertex and/or facet data are:

Data Mapping Index OC(a)                PEXOCCSetDataMappingIndex
     Data Mapping Method OC (ASF)       PEXOCCSetDataMappingMethod
     Back-face Data Mapping Index OC    PEXOCCSetBFDataMappingIndex
     Back-face Data Mapping Method OC   PEXOCCSetBFDataMappingMethod
Data Mapping Table RA                   Data Mapping Table (LUT) and
                                           Data Mapping Table (Renderer)
Both the data mapping index and back-face data mapping index select from the data mapping bundle table.

The PEXlib primitives affected by the above data mapping attributes are:

Arc Areas               PEXOCCArcAreas
Cones                   PEXOCCCones
Fill Area Set           PEXOCCFillAreaSet
Indexed Fill Area Sets  PEXOCCIndexedFillAreaSets
Indexed Triangles       PEXOCCIndexedTriangles
PolyTriangle            PEXOCCPolyTriangle
Quadrilateral Mesh      PEXOCCQuadrilateralMesh
Spheres                 PEXOCCSpheres
Triangle Fan            PEXOCCTriangleFan
Triangles               PEXOCCTriangles
Triangle Strip          PEXOCCTriangleStrip

See the sections referenced above for information about each of the data primitives and the attributes that affect them.