General Information about Output Attribute Functions

Output Attribute Functions Enumerated Types

For an overview and for a list of output attribute functions, see Output Attribute Functions.

This section describes all the functions that generate attribute output commands. Functions that use enumerated types for arguments include all the possible values in their descriptions. Use PEXGetEnumTypeInfo to determine which enumerated types are supported by the implementation.

Attribute Functions and the OC Context

The use of an OC Context with attribute OC functions is much simpler than with primitive OC functions. Only the first three arguments of the PEXlib 5.1 attribute OC functions are in the OC Context, resulting in a fairly straightforward transform from the non-OCC form to the OCC form:

The non-OCC form:

   void PEXfooAttr(
           Display *display,
           XID resource_id,
           PEXOCRequestType req_type,
           int arg1,
           int arg2
   void PEXOCCfooAttr(
           PEXOCC context,
           int arg1,
           int arg2

For functions that exist in both PEXlib 5.1 and PEXlib 5.2, both forms appear in the section describing the function. For attributes that are new to PEXlib 5.2, only the OCC forms are present.

There are a few exceptions to this rule. Beware of the four transform functions: the OCC form contains a new argument for matrix hints.