Extent Size Table

Related topics include:

For an overview and a list of lookup tables, see Lookup Tables.

Extent size lookup tables hold the extent sizes used with PEXTestExtent and PEXTestExtent2D OC's. These output commands compare the length of the diagonal of an extent volume or rectangle with an extent size obtained from the table. The results of this comparison determine modifications to the pipeline state's condition flags which are used to control the behavior of subsequent PEXConditionalExecuteStructure, PEXConditionalIncludeStructure, and PEXConditionalReturn.

Table Value                                            Description         Fallback  PEX
PEXLUTVExtentSizeSize                                                                5.2
                                                       extent size (DC's)  0
PEXLUTVExtentSizeAll5_2 (selects entire table entry)                                 5.2

The superseded functions PEXSetTableEntries, PEXGetTableEntries, PEXGetTableEntry, and PEXGetPredefinedEntries do not operate on extent size lookup tables.

The implementation accesses the extent size table during rendering whenever it encounters a PEXTestExtent or PEXTestExtent2D output command. The value of the output command's index argument selects the desired entry of the table.

Valid extent size table indices are in the range [1, 65535]. The fallback entry is entry 1.