Color Table

Related topics include:

For an overview and a list of lookup tables, see Lookup Tables.

Use color lookup tables to define how the implementation resolves indirect color references during rendering.

Table Value Mask                               Description  Fallback         PEX
PEXLUTVColorColor                                                            5.0
                                               color type   PEXColorTypeRGB
                                               color value  (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
PEXLUTVColorAll (selects entire table entry)                                 5.0

Color table entries hold a single direct-color value and the color type of that value. The color type need not be the same among color table entries. You can store only direct colors in color lookup tables; it is not possible to store a color of type PEXColorTypeIndexed.

The implementation accesses the color table during rendering whenever it encounters a color of type PEXColorTypeIndexed. The value you specify for the PEXColorTypeIndexed color indicates the entry of the color table.

PEX treats direct color components that are out of range in an implementation-dependent way. If you specify an unsupported color type or a color type of PEXColorTypeIndexed, then the implementation issues a BadPEXColorType error.

Valid color table indices are in the range [0, 65534]. The fallback entry is entry 1.