CADplan file format

CADplan (aka CART) files are used to import CT and VOI information, and to export dose cubes. The CADplan system is used by the Etoile/Lyon group. Presently CADplan exports a couple of ASCII files, one for each slice of the CT/dose cube. The format is
Patient ID,<number>           
Patient Name,<name>                        
File Date,<dd>/<mm>/<yyyy>

Image Size X,Y (pixels),<nx>,<ny>
PixelSizeX (mm*1000),<sizex>
PixelSizeY (mm*1000),<sizey>
Z Position (mm),<zpos>
Image Orientation,1 Transverse

<HU[ny-1][0]>, .., <HU[ny-1][nx-1]>
<HU[ny-2][0]>, .., <HU[ny-2][nx-1]>
<HU[0][0]>, .., <HU[0][nx-1]>

<voi1>,Number of points,<npnt1>
,X,<npnt1 x-values >
,Y,<npnt1 y-values >

<voi2>,Number of points,<npnt2>
,X,<npnt2 x-values >
,Y,<npnt2 y-values >

There are <ny> lines of HUs. Each line is a comma-separated list of <nx> numbers in the range -1000..3000. (The array indices above follow C syntax). Note that older examples of CADplan files may exist with x and y interchanged, so that the order of HU units is as follows:
<HU[ny-1][0]>, .., <HU[0][0]>
<HU[ny-1][1]>, .., <HU[0][1]>
<HU[ny-1][nx-1]>, .., <HU[0][nx-1]>

The VOI data are to be taken as polygon vertices. Each coordinate array is a comma-separated list of Pixel coordinates. The target VOI is identified by the VOI name TARGET
Note that the files might contain a '\r' in addition to the usual '\n'.
The usual file name extensions are .txt.
An example is here
Last updated:
$Id: trip98fmtcadplan.html,v 1.4 2011/03/08 19:02:48 kraemer Exp $