TRiP98 VOI command

voi | item / import()   list      debug
             export()   delete
             read       display
             write      inspect
             oarset oarclr
             create4dvoi      voistate()         bin
             bininflate       binconvert         binexpand
             bindelete()      binupdatewdw()     binsetname()
             binsetdesc()     binbuildunion()    bincrop()


Handles input and output of Volumes of Interest (VOIs), that is, as a set of contours describing target volume and sensitive structures.


For read:
Specifies a single or a comma-separated list of items, interpreted as stem(s) of file name(s) (without extension .VDX) containing VOI information. Lists of VOI files require the single files to be compatible (same base grid).
VOIs come as text data files (<file>.VDX ) together with a text header file (<file>.HED).
For export(), delete write, inspect:
Specifies a list of single existing VOIs. You use "*" for "all" VOIs.
For import special file naming conventions apply (see there).
isogray imports a bunch of VOI contours in IsoGray format. Only their stem name may be given, and only the files <file>*.str, <file>*.ctr will be considered. Note that CT slices in IsoGray format should be imported first, since some important information is available only in these.
For read only: Specifies a (comma-separated) list of VOIs to be selected when the input file(s) are read. If multiple files are to be read a semicolon may be used to select different VOIs from different files.
Exports current VOIs as specified by item in some other format. At present only gd is foreseen, to be plotted with the gd program. File naming convention:
Read VOIs as specified by item
Writes the current VOIs as specified by item. File naming convention:
where normally <vvv>=000. If a CT exists with the same name stem and version number, <vvv> is incremented until uniqueness can be achieved. Beyond <vvv>=099 the command will fail.
For export(), write: filename prefix.
oarset, oarclr
Marks (unmarks) the specified VOIs as being an organ-at-risk to be accounted for during optimization.
Defines an upper dose limit, as a fraction of the prescribed target dose, for the specified VOI, to be considered during optimization, provided the VOI is an OAR.
A VOI-specific weight factor is applied in addition to the global weight factor. wf<1 increases the virtual error bars and hence de-emphasizes the VOI.
Show some internal info about the currently loaded VOIs.
Deletes the specified VOIs from memory (not from file).
Displays the specified VOIs. Not yet implemented.
Show some internal info about the specified VOIs.
Debug switch. Lots of output!
This parameter is similar in its function to the ct/create4dct command. With the additional parameter VOIstate() the actual state of the VOI must be specified. After that a given transformation builds the VOI's in all other states.
Specifies the state in which the VOI actual is. Needed to create a 4D-VOI from a 3D one (create4dvoi parameter).
Can only be used in combination with the read or write flag. It forces the use of a binary VOI instead of using the classical polygon-based VOIs.
If binary VOIs are in use by TRiP, they are mostly reduced in size to an absolute minimum. So very little memory is needed for the running program. If a binary VOI is saved, it could be useful to save its position in the coordinate system. A cube, in which a binary VOI is saved, can't provide this. Only if you expand the VOI to the original cube size and put it on the right position, you can store its position. (Needs lots of space on the disk, was simple to implement and nothing aditional must be developed.)
With this flag its possible to create a binary VOI from a wdw based VOI. So the advantages of binary VOIs can be used for wdw based VOIs, too.
If the space for a binary VOI is to small and the transformation of it moves the VOI outside, expand the range around the VOI, so that the transformation can be done successfully. The amount of the widening can be specified.
Otherwise 1.0 as default value is used.
Specify a binary VOI or a list of binary VOIs by their names and delete them. Use a comma separated list of bin voi names in the bracket.
Specify a binary VOI by its name and transform it into a wdw (old version of VOI)
With this flag you are able to give a binary VOI a new name.
Give VOI voiname a description voidesc.
Merges the VOIs in list voi1,voi2,... to a single, larger VOI.
Trims unused margins and thus reduces RAM requirements and speeds up some calculations as well.


For 3D configurations the header files (.HED) are often shared between CT and VOI data.


  1. voi OTTOT3000 / read
    Reads VOI (files OTTOT3000.VDX and OTTOT3000.HED) for patient "OTTOT3".
  2. voi target / export(gd) prefix(/tmp/)
    Exports the single VOI target in gd format. Filename is /tmp/<patient>
  3. voi cpd104,cdp401 /read select(boost,hirnstamm;rand)
    Select the structures boost and hirnstamm from the file cpd104.vdx and rand from the file cdp401.vdx
  4.  voi "/u/therapy/CBG135/CBG135000" / read select(boost,brainstem)
     voi brainstem / maxdosefraction(0.5) oarset
     voi * /list
    Selects volumes boost and brainstem from the VOIs found in the specified file. boost is the target volume, brainstem an organ-at-risk with a maximum dose of 50% of the target dose, when optimized with multiple fields.
  5. ct  "ISOGRAY/80325" /import(isogray)
    voi "ISOGRAY/20060" /import(isogray)
    Imports IsoGray CT slices first, then VOI contours from 20060*.str, 20060*.ctr, stored in directory ISOGRAY
  6. voi "binvoi" /read bin
    Forces the read command to read a binary voi instead of a normal voi.
  7. voi "normalVoi" /read
    trafo "transformation" /read
    voi /create4dvoi voistate(4)
    This is an example how to create a 4D VOI from a 3D one (normalVoi.vdx) by means of a transformation prescription (transformation.trf). The Voistate() parameter specifies in which state the original 3D VOI is assumed to be.

Last updated:
$Id: trip98cmdvoi.html,v 1.14 2015/11/03 15:54:03 kraemer Exp $