dcm2trip utility

At the time of this writing (Sept 2010) TRiP98 not yet supports native import/export of DICOM data. As a work around a tool is offered (contributed by Filippo Ammazzalorso from Uni Marburg) to convert DICOM structure sets and CT data into their VIRTUOS counterparts (CTX,VDX,HED).


dcm2trip uses the DCMTK DICOM Toolkit, which must be installed and its bin directory must be in the command path. In addition its dictionary location must be defined. Example:
export        PATH=~/dcmtk-3.5.4-linux-i686/bin:$PATH
export DCMDICTPATH=~/dcmtk-3.5.4-linux-i686/lib/dicom.dic


dcm2trip <RTStruct_file> <CT_Images_Directory>
where <RTStruct_file> is a single file containing structure sets and <CT_Images_Directory> is a directory containing CT slices. The UIDs found in the structure set must be consistent with those in the CT slices, otherwise the tool will complain. Therefore it is strongly advised that the <CT_Images_Directory> contains nothing but the CT slices corresponding to <RTStruct_file>.

If successful, files cube.hed, cube.ctx and cube.vdx will be created in the current directory.
It might be necessary in some cases to manually post-edit the cube.vdx file to be compatible. e.g. remove "dead sections" such as

voi xxx type 1 #subvoi 1
subvoi xxx_subvoi1
#TransversalObjects 0
#SagittalObjects 0
#FrontalObjects 0

For further information and disclaimer, consult the original author's README.
Last updated: M.Kraemer@gsi.de,
$Id: dcm2trip.html,v 1.2 2011/03/08 19:02:39 kraemer Exp $

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