TRiP98 SIS table format
| GSI Biophysics | TRiP98 long write-up |

SIS table format

   * ... this is a comment line ... 
   sisfile    <yyyymmdd>
   sistable   <yyyymmdd>
   projectile <projectile-name>
   charge     <charge>
   mass       <mass [amu]>
   energy     0           focus <focus1> <focus2> ... <focusn> intensity  <i1> <i2> ... <in>
   energy     <energy #2> focus <focus1> <focus2> ... <focusn> intensity  <i1> <i2> ... <in>
   energy     <energy #3> focus <focus1> <focus2> ... <focusn> intensity  <i1> <i2> ... <in>
   energy     <energy #m> focus <focus1> <focus2> ... <focusn> intensity  <i1> <i2> ... <in>
   esum       <esum     > fsum  <fsum1 > <fsum2 > ... <fsumn> isum  <isum1> <isum2> ... <isumn>
Energies in MeV/u, focus in mm. The "sisfile" keyword describes the file format version, the "sistable" keyword the table contents version. The "sistable" version is propagated to the CAVE M scanner data files.
The <yyyymmdd>-values must be convertible into double precision floating point numbers thus enabling a sequence order.
The last line represents a primitive checksum in order to verify completeness of the table. The *sum-values just represent the sum of the various items over all energies. The checksum precision is assumed to be 0.01 MeV/u for the energy, 0.1 mm for the focus and 1 for the particle number.
The first line is a dummy entry which must be present because the energies are numbered in sequence internally and energy #1 is reserved by the accelerator.
The number of items in each category (energy, focus, intensity and the respective checksums) must be consistent, i.e. the number of focus values must not change from one energy to the other. The values itself, however, might be different for different energies.
The described format is valid for sisfile>=19970801. Before this date the checksum and the intensity items were not defined.
The usual file name extension is .sis. An example is here
| GSI Biophysics | TRiP98 long write-up |
Last updated:, 8-Feb-1999

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