TRiP98 efficiency table file format
| GSI Biophysics | TRiP98 long write-up |

Efficiency table file format

!filetype    eff
!fileversion <yyyymmdd>
!filedate    <dow> <mmm> <dd> <hh>:<mm>:<ss> <yyyy> 
!material    <material name>
!eqvpath     <water-equivalent path-length>
!factor      <for signal evaluation>
# comment
!projectile   <projectile 1>
<E/(MeV/u)> <eff>
!projectile   <projectile 2>  
<E/(MeV/u)> <eff>
!projectile   <projectile n>  
The optional !iscrosssection tag specifies that the data are to be interpreted as cross sections rather thane efficiencies relative to Co60.
The usual file name extension is ".eff". An example is here
| GSI Biophysics | TRiP98 long write-up |
Last updated:, 26-Feb-2002

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