Geometry file format

!filetype    trxgeo
!fileversion <yyyymmdd>
!filedate    <dow> <mmm> <dd> <hh>:<mm>:<ss> <yyyy>
# Comment

!cylinder <name> <material> <cx> <cy> <cz> [ record ]
!height   <height> 
!radius   [ <rmin> ] <rmax>
!phi      <min> <max>
!rotate   <axis> <angle>
!efieldhomo <Ex> <Ey> <Ez>
!cutoff  <particle>  <Ecut>
!density  <density>
!diffusion  <FWHM>


!sphere   <name> <material> <cx> <cy> <cz> [ record ]
!radius   [ <rmin> ] <rmax>
!theta    <min> <max>
!phi      <min> <max>
!efieldhomo <Ex> <Ey> <Ez>
!cutoff  <particle>  <Ecut>
!density  <density>
!diffusion  <FWHM>


!box      <name> <material> <cx> <cy> <cz> [ record ]
!size     <dx> <dy> <dz> 
!rotate   <axis> <angle>
!efieldhomo <Ex> <Ey> <Ez>
!cutoff  <particle>  <Ecut>
!density  <density>
!diffusion  <FWHM>
!pO2  <pO2>


<cx> <cy> <cz> specifies the position of the centre of the volume. The optional record keyword specifies that deposition events occuring within the respective volume will be recorded on the listmode trackfile.
!efieldhomo specifies a homogeneous electrical field in a volume, with the components in V/cm.
!cutoff sets the lower energy cutoff limit for trajectory termination, with
<particle> = { n | x | e- | e+ | ion }
specifying the particle type. <Ecut> specifies the energy: MeV/u for ions, keV for the other particles.

<density> allows to specify a material density (g/cm**3) differing from the material definition. This is useful e.g. for gases at various pressures, where the material properties are the same, except the density.

<diffusion> specifies the FWHM (in cm) of a Gaussian distribution by which inelastic events are smeared out in order to mimick the diffusion of radicals. Note that this very crude approximation is unrelated to the radical evaluation.

   FWHM = sigma * sqrt( 8 ln(2) ).

<pO2> specifies the partial oxygen pressure (0..1). Affects only the radical evaluation, and only if pO2 > 0.

!rotate specifies a volume rotated around the <axis> (x,y,z) by <angle>.

All lengths are in cm, angles in degree.
The usual file name extension is .geo. Examples for a radial dose calculation and a line track simulation and a simulation involving an electric field .

Last updated: M.Kraemer,
$Id: traxfmtgeo.html,v 1.9 2019/03/17 22:57:52 kraemer Exp $