TRAX FAQ: trouble shooting

In general, output messages starting with <E> identify problems related to TRAX itself.
Messages beginning with <SYS>, however, point to some problem related to the underlying operating system.

<SYS> ...: Not enough space

Often followed by additional <E> messages. The meaning of this message should be obvious, i.e. the trax process has not enough heap space.
Reduce RAM requirements, e.g. reduce number of primary events or the size of cross section tables.
Use an executable providing more heap space.
As of version 1102, the 64-bit version, trax-64, supports as much RAM as the hardware and/or process limits allow.
For older versions, the traxlarge and traxvlarge executables provide 2GB and 3.25GB heap space, respectively (AIX only).

<SYS> ...: No such file or directory

You specified file(s) for input which do not exist or output file path(s) where the directories do not exist.
Check existence of input files, in particular the correct expansion of file names which contain environment variables such as $TRAX. For output file paths verify that all specified directories exist and create them where appropriate.

<E> cmditem.c(ListFindName): item not found

or similar, possibly followed by
  <E> ... : too few required command parameters specified
For historical reasons the TRAX command subsystem has the peculiarity to sometimes mistake slashes ('/') in file paths for command parameter delimiters.
In such cases, enclose the file path in apostrophes (') or double quotes (""), use:
   chemistry '/tmp/xxx' /read
rather than:
   chemistry  /tmp/xxx  /read   

Last updated: M.Kraemer,
$Id: traxtrouble.html,v 1.7 2019/03/17 22:57:54 kraemer Exp $