prngd installation and customization Under construction

AIX 3.x/4.x


  1. Unpack the sources e.g.:
    gunzip -c prngd-0.9.29.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    cd prngd-0.9.29
  2. Modify the Makefile according to the OS version:
    CC = cc
    CFLAGS = -O -DAIX32 -qmaxmem=-1   
    CFLAGS = -O -DAIX41 -qmaxmem=-1   
    CFLAGS = -O -DAIX42 -qmaxmem=-1   
    CFLAGS = -O -DAIX43 -qmaxmem=-1   
    make clean
  3. Install into some convenient directory, e.g.:
    mkdir -p /opt/prngd-0.9.29/bin
    cp prngd /opt/prngd-0.9.29/bin
    mkdir -p /opt/prngd-0.9.29/etc
    cp contrib/AIX-4.3/prngd.conf.aix43 /opt/prngd-0.9.29/etc/prngd.conf # entropy gathering commands
  4. For easier version control it is convenient to place links ("stow") like
    ln -s /opt/prngd-0.9.29/bin/prngd      /opt/bin/prngd
    ln -s /opt/prngd-0.9.29/etc/prngd.conf /opt/etc/prngd.conf
    ln -s /opt/prngd-0.9.29/etc/prngd-seed /opt/etc/prngd-seed
    and refer to these links only.


Assume prngd is installed in /opt as above, then
  1. create a subsystem:
    cat /var/adm/syslog /var/adm/syslog.0 /var/adm/syslog.1 > /opt/etc/prngd-seed  # random seed
    mkssys -s prngd -p /opt/bin/prngd -a '-f -c /opt/etc/prngd.conf -s /opt/etc/prngd-seed /dev/egd-pool' -u 0 -S -n 15 -f 9 -R -G local
  2. Add to /etc/rc.local:
    startsrc -s prngd      # start the subsystem on boot
More information in contrib/AIX*.




Install depot via SAM and everything seems to be fine.

Ultrix 4.5


  1. Unpack the sources, e.g.:
    gunzip -c prngd-0.9.29.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    cd prngd-0.9.29
  2. Modify the Makefile according to the OS version:
    CC = cc
    then make
  3. Install into some convenient directory, e.g.:
    mkdir -p /opt/prngd-0.9.29/bin
    cp prngd /opt/prngd-0.9.29/bin
    mkdir -p /opt/prngd-0.9.29/etc
    cp contrib/Ultrix-4.5/prngd.conf.ultrix /opt/prngd-0.9.29/etc/prngd.conf # entropy gathering commands
  4. For easier version control it is convenient to place links ("stow") like
    ln -s /opt/prngd-0.9.29/bin/prngd      /opt/bin/prngd
    ln -s /opt/prngd-0.9.29/etc/prngd.conf /opt/etc/prngd.conf
    ln -s /opt/prngd-0.9.29/etc/prngd-seed /opt/etc/prngd-seed
    and refer to these links only.


Assume prngd is installed in /opt as above, then
  1. cat /var/adm/syslog/mail.log /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log > /opt/etc/prngd-seed 
                                                              # create some random seed
    cat /var/spool/mqueue/syslog /var/spool/mqueue/syslog.0 /var/spool/mqueue/syslog.1 > /opt/etc/prngd-seed                                                          
    /opt/bin/prngd -c /opt/etc/prngd.conf     /dev/egd-pool   # start w/o seed is possible
    /opt/bin/prngd -c /opt/etc/prngd.conf /var/run/egd-pool   # another egd-pool recognized by OpenSSH
  2. For prngd to be available after reboot, put in /etc/rc.local:
    /opt/bin/prngd -c /opt/etc/prngd.conf -s /opt/etc/prngd-seed     /dev/egd-pool
The prngd daemon can be aborted by
/opt/bin/prngd --kill /dev/egd-pool        # specify actually used egd-pool                                          

Last update: 21-Sep-2007, M.Kraemer

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