emacs installation & configuration


Needs libXpm, libjpeg, libpng, libgif/libungif, libtiff.


  1. In configure change EGifPutExtensionLast to EGifPutExtension (a long standing, still uncorrected bug ?).
  2. Then run
       make distclean
            # example for AIX 6.1/7.1, C 9.0/12.
       ./configure --prefix=/tmp/emacs-24.3 CC=cc CPPFLAGS="-D_THREAD_SAFE -D_LARGE_FILES -I/bio/local/../61/include/" CFLAGS="-O2 -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_LARGE_FILES -I/bio/local/../61/include/" LDFLAGS="-L/bio/local/../61/lib/" --with-xml2=yes --with-xaw3d=yes --with-x --with-x-toolkit=motif 
       ./configure --prefix=/tmp/emacs-24.3 CC=cc CPPFLAGS="-D_THREAD_SAFE -D_LARGE_FILES -I/nfs/local/71/include/ -I/nfs/local/71/libpng-1.5.14/include/" CFLAGS="-O2 -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_LARGE_FILES -I/nfs/local/71/include/ -I/nfs/local/71/libpng-1.5.14/include/" LDFLAGS="-L/nfs/local/71/lib/ -L/nfs/local/71/libpng-1.5.14/lib/" --with-xml2=yes --with-xaw3d=yes --with-x --with-x-toolkit=motif 
    Strangely, though specified at available, xml2 and xaw3d are seemingly not configured.
  3. src/Makefile may need some manual adaption:
       # if libtiff used jbig:
       LIBIMAGE=... -ljbig -llzma
  4. Then run
       make clean
       make install



Maybe it's sufficient to remember where it lives, for example:
   export EMACS_HOME=/nfs/local/1100/emacs-23.4      # 
   export EMACS_HOME=/bio/local/emacs-23.4           # 


emacs needs some resources directories. Set the corresponding environment variable where appropriate, e.g for version 20.4:
   export EMACS_HOME=/nfs/local/1100/emacs-20.4      # Where emacs is installed on Unix
   cd     $EMACS_HOME/share/emacs
   ln -s  20.4/lisp lisp

   export EMACSDATA=$EMACS_HOME/share/emacs/20.4/etc # Directory for the architecture-independent files 
   export EMACSLOADPATH=$EMACS_HOME/share/emacs/lisp # Emacs load library path (colon-separated list of directories)
   export EMACSPATH=$EMACS_HOME/bin                  # Additional execution path appended to PATH  
   export EMACS_UNIBYTE=1                            # use single-byte buffers
   # export EMACSDOC= # Directory for the documentation string file
It seems, however, that unfortunately some stuff is expected to be in /usr/local/share/emacs/, hard coded.
Last update: 28-June-2013, M.Kraemer

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