Command AOPER
| GSI | Biophysics |


aout = ain1 op ain2


Perform analyzer arithmetic operations



Target analyzer; specified as analyzer name or number, optionally followed by an event type name or number.


First operand analyzer; specified as analyzer name or number, optionally followed by an event type name or number.


Operator. May be one of the symbols +, -, *, :, for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, respectively.
You may use / for division too, but then you have to put the whole operation string (including analyzer operands) into double quotes (").


Second operand analyzer; specified as analyzer name or number, optionally followed by an event type name or number.


Debug switch. Lots of output !


For each corresponding bin of analyzers ain1 and ain2 the specified arithmetic operation is performed; the result is stored in analyzer aout.


If an event type identifier is omitted, uniqueness or reference to the last display is assumed.

If operator and second operand are omitted, the contents of analyzer ain1 are stored in analyzer aout.

The numbers of dimensions of ain1 and aout must be equal.

The bin size of aout must be an integer multiple of the bin sizes of both ain1 and ain2. Only the region of spectrum overlap of ain1 with ain2 is affected in the spectrum of analyzer aout.

If the analyzer aout does not exist, it is created as floating point (type=24) analyzer with suitable bin size (least common multiple of ain1 and ain2) and channel limits corresponding to the overlap of ain1 and ain2.

In case of arithmetic errors (overflow, size, zerodivide) the respective target spectrum bins remain unchanged.


AOP  C = A * B EFF 
Multiplies analyzers A and B (with event type EFF) and store result in analyzer C.
Store the contents of analyzer C in analyzer A.
| GSI | Biophysics |
Last updated:, 27-Jan-2003

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