Citrix WinView Application Notes Eicon Technology's ACCESS 3270 for Windows This application note is for informational use only and Citrix makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this document or of any third-party products discussed within. March 11, 1994 Citrix Systems 210 University Drive Suite 700 Coral Springs, FL 33071 (305)755-0559 FAX: (305)341-6880 Overview -------- This application note discusses the use of the Eicon Tech ACCESS 3270 connectivity for Windows product (referred to as A3270) with the Citrix WinView Application Server (referred to as WinView) product. A3270 is a Windows-based 3270-type terminal emulator that allows access to an 3270 from a Windows workstation. Using A3270 on a WinView application server rather than on a DOS station provides all the benefits of application servers to A3270 users: high-speed remote access, enhanced WAN access, and access for underpowered LAN stations. The intended audience for this document is a engineer who has had hands on experience with WinView. The scenarios described in this document have been tested by Citrix and Citrix believes that you should be able to get A3270 to work with WinView without any problems if you follow carefully the information and steps in this document. Other variations to the scenarios described in this document may in fact work fine, however they have not specifically been tested by Citrix. In order to maximize your chance for success, you should use the specified revision levels of all software products described in this document and stay within the bounds of the features and functions described in this document. Please note that this application note document is a living document and will be modified as new information and new versions of the software described herein become available. Make sure you have the latest version of this document before you begin. The latest version is always available in the Citrix Forum on CompuServe. Requirements ------------ To use A3270 on a WinView application server you will need the following: Software Requirements - Citrix WinView 2.2 or 2.21 - Eicon Tech's ACCESS 3270 Connectivity for Windows 3.14 rev 1 Hardware Requirements - Async connection with Modem - WinView server > 486DX-25 CPU or larger > 12 meg memory or more Configuration Notes ------------------- You should have at least version 3.20 of A3270. Because A3270 runs in a DOS session under Windows, only COM1 and COM2 are avaliable for use. This means that a maximum of two users can be using A3270 to dial out at a time. Limitations of Access 3270 under WinView ---------------------------------------- Not all features and functions of A3270 are supported under WinView. Limitations under WinView are itemized below: 1. Using A3270 to connect to Netware for SAA will not work due to a bug in A3270 that will not allow it to run in standard mode. 2. Any connection type that needs to use NetBIOS will not work due to NetBIOS not being supported in WinView. 3. Using A3270 to dial out with modems to a 3270 will only work on COM1 and COM2. COM3 and COM4 are not supported under WinView. Multiport adapters can not be used for this purpose either, because DOS sessions can not use or access these devices. Installation Notes ------------------ 1. Set up all users that will be using A3270 for Windows. (See WinView manuals) 2. Log in as one of the Windows users and start Windows. Follow the Access 3270 Installation instructions to install A3270. Make sure that you install for "Multi User" setup and not "Single User". Uncheck the VxD that A3270 tries to install. The VxD will not work in WinView's standard mode Windows. 3. At the end of the install, the program will ask for user directories. Type in the users home\WINDOWS directory: D:\USR\JAYL\WINDOWS and select the OK button. This will cause the install program to copy all its INI files into that user's directory. When its done you may type in the next user's home\WINDOWS directory and press OK. When you have done this for each user that will use A3270, Press the DONE button to continue with the installation. 4. At the end of the installation, the program will ask you for your connection type. Make all connection types inactive execpt for the ASYNC connection. You may then use the SETUP button to setup the COM port parameters to be used. Press OK when done. 5. Connect a modem of the type you to your COM1 and/or COM2 port on your WinView server with a modem cable. Performance Tuning ------------------ If you notice that the connection is slow, or goes bad often you can try the following: 1. Try using 16550 UART COM1 and COM2 ports. These have larger buffers and will reduce these problems. 2. Set the DOS property "IDLE SENSITIVITY" to 100%. Only do this for the sessions that are running A3270 and only do it if you must. Doing this could possibly slow down the rest of the system. Software Compatibility Notes ---------------------------- Known incompatibilities are: 1. Using A3270 in the Netware for SAA connection mode. This causes a GP fault in the application. This is due to a bug in A3270 that will not allow it to run in Windows standard mode. 2. Using any connection type that requires or tries to use NetBIOS. NetBIOS is not supported with WinView's NetWare support. However, if you are using WinView with MS Lanman in a workstaion configuration, this may work.