This appendix describes the use of virtual keysyms and lists all the valid keysyms that may be used to define the function of keys.
The standard X translation tables may be used to redefine the function of most keys on the keyboard. However, certain keys such as Insert and F4 for example cannot be redefined in this way.
To overcome this problem, OSF Motif enables you to use virtual keysyms to change the name of the keysym to be used in the translation table. Programs like xev are not subject to the virtual keysym translation because they are not based on OSF Motif and therefore report the keysym as normal.
The following list provides a cross-reference from actual keysym to the virtual keysym which should be used in the translation table.
Actual Virtual Actual Virtual
Keysym Keysym Keysym Keysym
Escape osfCancel Insert osfInsert
Left osfLeft ShiftF8 osfAddMode
Up osfUp F1 osfHelp
Right osfRight F4 osfMenu
Down osfDown F7 osfEndLine
End osfEndLine F10 osfMenuBar
Home osfBeginLine Select osfSelect
Prior osfPageUp KP_Enter osfActivate
Next osfPageDown Clear osfClear
BackSpace osfBackSpace Undo osfUndo
Delete osfDelete
This section lists all the actual keysyms and their functions. The first column in the following tables provides an example of a legend which may be printed on the cap of a key which relates to the function performed or character displayed as described in the second column.
Note: The legend on a keycap may not necessarily indicate the actual function of that key, hence the need to be able to remap the keyboard as required.
The second column describes a function which may be attributed to a key and the third column shows the keysym for that function.
Back Space
Back space, back character BackSpaceKeysyms
Begin Move cursor to beginning of line, BOL Begin
Select Select, mark Select
Print Print Print
Execute Execute, run, do Execute
Insert Insert, insert here Insert
Undo Undo, oops Undo
Redo Redo, again Redo
Menu Menu Menu
Find Find, search Find
Cancel Cancel, abort, exit, stop Cancel
Help Help, ? Help
Break Break Break
Character set switch, mode switch Mode_switch
Alias for Mode_switch Script_switch
Num Lock Lock keypad in numeric mode Num_Lock
Keypad space KP_Space
Tab Keypad Tab KP_Tab
Enter Keypad Enter KP_Enter
F1 Keypad F1, PF1, a KP_F1
F2 Keypad F2, PF2, b KP_F2
F3 Keypad F3, PF3, c KP_F3
F4 Keypad F4, PF4, d KP_F4
= Keypad equals sign KP_Equal
* Keypad multiplication sign, asterisk KP_Multiply
+ Keypad plus sign KP_Add
, Keypad separator, comma KP_Separator
- Keypad minus sign, hyphen KP_Subtract
. Keypad decimal point, period KP_Decimal
/ Keypad division sign, solidus KP_Divide
0 Keypad 0 KP_0
1 Keypad 1 KP_1
2 Keypad 2 KP_2
3 Keypad 3 KP_3
4 Keypad 4 KP_4
5 Keypad 5 KP_5
6 Keypad 6 KP_6
7 Keypad 7 KP_7
8 Keypad 8 KP_8
9 Keypad 9 KP_9
F1 Function key 1 F1
F2 Function key 2 F2
F3 Function key 3 F3
F4 Function key 4 F4
F5 Function key 5 F5
F6 Function key 6 F6
F7 Function key 7 F7
F8 Function key 8 F8
F9 Function key 9 F9
F10 Function key 10 F10
F11 Function key 11 F11
F12 Function key 12 F12
F13 Function key 13 F13
F14 Function key 14 F14
F15 Function key 15 F15
F16 Function key 16 F16
F17 Function key 17 F17
F18 Function key 18 F18
F19 Function key 19 F19
F20 Function key 20 F20
F21 Function key 21 F21
F22 Function key 22 F22
F23 Function key 23 F23
F24 Function key 24 F24
F25 Function key 25 F25
F26 Function key 26 F26
F27 Function key 27 F27
F28 Function key 28 F28
F29 Function key 29 F29
F30 Function key 30 F30
F31 Function key 31 F31
F32 Function key 32 F32
F33 Function key 33 F33
F34 Function key 34 F34
F35 Function key 35 F35
Left function key 1 (F11 equivalent) L1
Left function key 2 (F12 equivalent) L2
Left function key 3 (F13 equivalent) L3
Left function key 4 (F14 equivalent) L4
Left function key 5 (F15 equivalent) L5
Left function key 6 (F16 equivalent) L6
Left function key 7 (F17 equivalent) L7
Left function key 8 (F18 equivalent) L8
Left function key 9 (F19 equivalent) L9
Left function key 10 (F20 equivalent) L10
Right function key 1 (F21 equivalent) R1
Right function key 2 (F22 equivalent) R2
Right function key 3 (F23 equivalent) R3
Right function key 4 (F24 equivalent) R4
Right function key 5 (F25 equivalent) R5
Right function key 6 (F26 equivalent) R6
Right function key 7 (F27 equivalent) R7
Right function key 8 (F28 equivalent) R8
Right function key 9 (F29 equivalent) R9
Right function key 10 (F30 equivalent) R10
Right function key 11 (F31 equivalent) R11
Right function key 12 (F32 equivalent) R12
Right function key 13 (F33 equivalent) R13
Right function key 14 (F34 equivalent) R14
Right function key 15 (F35 equivalent) R15
Shift Left Shift Shift_L
Shift Right Shift Shift_R
Ctrl Left Control Control_L
Ctrl Right Control Control_R
Caps Lock Caps Lock Caps_Lock
Shift Lock Shift Lock Shift_Lock
Meta Left Meta Meta_L
Meta Right Meta Meta_R
Alt Left Alt Alt_L
Alt Right Alt Alt_R
Left Super Super_L
Right Super Super_R
Left Hyper Hyper_L
Right Hyper Hyper_R
Space space
! Exclamation mark exclam
" Double quotation mark quotedbl
# Number sign numbersign
$ Dollar sign dollar
% Percent sign percent
& Ampersand ampersand
' Apostrophe qouteright
( Left parenthesis parenleft
) Right parenthesis parenright
* Asterisk asterisk
+ Plus sign plus
, Comma comma
- Hyphen, minus sign minus
. Full stop period
/ Solidus slash
0 Zero 0
1 One 1
2 Two 2
3 Three 3
4 Four 4
5 Five 5
6 Six 6
7 Seven 7
8 Eight 8
9 Nine 9
: Colon colon
; Semicolon semicolon
< Less than sign less
= Equals sign equal
> Greater than sign greater
? Question mark question
@ Commercial at at
A Uppercase A A
B Uppercase B B
C Uppercase C C
D Uppercase D D
E Uppercase E E
F Uppercase F F
G Uppercase G G
H Uppercase H H
I Uppercase I I
J Uppercase J J
K Uppercase K K
L Uppercase L L
M Uppercase M M
N Uppercase N N
O Uppercase O O
P Uppercase P P
Q Uppercase Q Q
R Uppercase R R
S Uppercase S S
T Uppercase T T
U Uppercase U U
V Uppercase V V
W Uppercase W W
X Uppercase X X
Y Uppercase Y Y
Z Uppercase Z Z
[ Left square bracket bracketleft
\ Back slash backslash
] Right square bracket bracketright
^ Circumflex accent asciicircum
_ Low line underscore
` Grave accent quoteleft
a Lowercase a a
b Lowercase b b
c Lowercase c c
d Lowercase d d
e Lowercase e e
f Lowercase f f
g Lowercase g g
h Lowercase h h
i Lowercase i i
j Lowercase j j
k Lowercase k k
l Lowercase l l
m Lowercase m m
n Lowercase n n
o Lowercase o o
p Lowercase p p
q Lowercase q q
r Lowercase r r
s Lowercase s s
t Lowercase t t
u Lowercase u u
v Lowercase v v
w Lowercase w w
x Lowercase x x
y Lowercase y y
z Lowercase z z
{ Left brace braceleft
| Vertical line bar
} Right brace braceright
~ Tilde asciitilde
No-break space nobreakspace
¡ Inverted exclamation mark exclamdown
¢ Cent sign cent
£ Pound sign sterling
¤ Currency sign currency
¥ Yen sign yen
¦ Broken vertical bar brokenbar
§ Paragraph sign, section sign section
¨ Diaeresis diaeresis
© Copyright sign copyright
ª Feminine ordinal indicator ordfeminine
« Left angle quotation mark guillemotleft
¬ Not sign notsign
Short horizontal hyphen hyphen
® Registered trademark sign registered
¯ Macron macron
° Degree sign, ring above degree
± Plus/minus sign plusminus
² Superscript 2 twosuperior
³ Superscript 3 threesuperior
´ Acute accent acute
µ Micro sign mu
¶ Pilcrow sign paragraph
· Middle dot periodcentered
¸ Cedilla cedilla
¹ Superscript 1 onesuperior
º Masculine ordinal indicator masculine
» Right angle quotation mark guillemotright
¼ Vulgar fraction one quarter onequarter
½ Vulgar fraction one half onehalf
¾ Vulgar fraction three quarters threequarters
¿ Inverted question mark questiondown
À Uppercase A with grave accent Agrave
Á Uppercase A with acute accent Aacute
 Uppercase A with circumflex accent Acircumflex
à Uppercase A with tilde Atilde
Ä Uppercase A with diaeresis Adiaeresis
Å Uppercase A with ring above Aring
Æ Uppercase diphthong AE AE
Ç Uppercase C with cedilla Ccedilla
È Uppercase E with grave accent Egrave
É Uppercase E with acute accent Eacute
Ê Uppercase E with circumflex accent Ecircumflex
Ë Uppercase E with diaeresis Ediaeresis
Ì Uppercase I with grave accent Igrave
Í Uppercase I with acute accent Iacute
Î Uppercase I with circumflex accent Icircumflex
Ï Uppercase I with diaeresis Idiaeresis
Ð Uppercase Icelandic eth Eth
Ñ Uppercase N with tilde Ntilde
Ò Uppercase O with grave accent Ograve
Ó Uppercase O with acute accent Oacute
Ô Uppercase O with circumflex accent Ocircumflex
Õ Uppercase O with tilde Otilde
Ö Uppercase O with diaeresis Odiaeresis × Multiplication sign multiply
Ø Uppercase O with oblique stroke Ooblique
Ù Uppercase U with grave accent Ugrave
Ú Uppercase U with acute accent Uacute
Û Uppercase U with circumflex accent Ucircumflex
Ü Uppercase U with diaeresis Udiaeresis
Ý Uppercase Y with acute accent Yacute
Þ Uppercase Icelandic thorn Thorn
ß German small sharp s ssharp
à Lowercase a with grave accent agrave
á Lowercase a with acute accent aacute
â Lowercase a with circumflex accent acircumflex
ã Lowercase a with tilde atilde
ä Lowercase a with diaeresis adiaeresis
å Lowercase a with ring above aring
æ Lowercase diphthong ae ae
ç Lowercase c with cedilla ccedilla
è Lowercase e with grave accent egrave
é Lowercase e with acute accent eacute
ê Lowercase e with circumflex accent ecircumflex
ë Lowercase e with diaeresis ediaeresis
ì Lowercase i with grave accent igrave
í Lowercase i with acute accent iacute
î Lowercase i with circumflex accent icircumflex
ï Lowercase i with diaeresis idiaeresis
ð Lowercase Icelandic eth eth
ñ Lowercase n with tilde ntilde
ò Lowercase o with grave accent ograve
ó Lowercase o with acute accent oacute
ô Lowercase o with circumflex accent ocircumflex
õ Lowercase o with tilde otilde
ö Lowercase o with diaeresis odiaeresis
÷ Division sign division
ø Lowercase o with oblique stroke oslash
ù Lowercase u with grave accent ugrave
ú Lowercase u with acute accent uacute
û Lowercase u with circumflex accent ucircumflex
ü Lowercase u with diaeresis udiaeresis
ý Lowercase y with acute accent yacute
þ Lowercase Icelandic thorn thorn
ÿ Lowercase y with diaeresis ydiaeresis