
Because only visible data are fitted it is assumed in the following examples
that the calling environment has already displayed some data.

Fit of Legendre polynomials to an angular distribution



A Legendre polynomial of second order is defined, with only even terms
and the x-values interpreted as angles in degrees. The fit is executed.
A fourth order term is added and again fitted. Then the results, 
including parameter correlations, and finally the experimental and fit data
are listed 

Fit of a single gaussian

FWIN                 mark a fit window
FPE * / G            define a Gaussian peak as fit function referring to the fit window
F                    execute fit
FR                   list results
FSUM / T             compute sum and moments of raw data for comparison

Fit of Gaussian peaks plus background

FERR / S             define experimental errors to be statistical
FXCAL 0 0.01         decrease x-values in order to avoid overflow
FWIN / LOOP          define a set of windows for background fit by cursor loop
FPOL 8               define background function: polynomial of eighth order
F                    execute fit
FPAR / F             fix all background parameters
FLAST / K            keep last defined function as background
FWIN / ALL           the whole data region is considered by the fit
FPE 10               search for the ten most significant peaks
F                    execute fit
FR 2                 list results of peaks only
FDISP / F(1)         draw background singly
FDISP / P            draw peaks singly

Fit of two correlated peaks with relatively fixed parameters

FPE 2 / P              enter two peak regions by cursor prompting loop
FPOS 1/ D(2)G(-14.6) R fix the difference of both peak positions;
                       assign a guess value  to peak position 1 less
                       than that of peak 2 by 14.6
FWIDTH 1 / Q(2) G(1) R equate both peak widths and fix the ratio
F / LI                 execute fit giving a  comprehensive output of
                       all iterations, results and correlations
FDI / P                display peaks singly

Fit with a user defined function

FMY poly               define the user's fit function poly
FPAR 1 / F G(0)        set parameter 1 to zero and fix it
FLAST / K              keep user's function as background
FPE / L                add a Lorentzian function
F                      execute fit
FR                     list results
FDISP / F(1)           draw the user defined function singly